Thursday, November 23, 2006

I'm Alive and Well

Those are the results of the race. My first 5k race time ever comes in at 46:48. My goal was to beat an hour, and I did it. Now that I'm looking at everyone else's results, I've got mixed feelings. The 'egotist' in me sees that out of 70 people in my age bracket (25-29), I placed 67th. That part of me thinks that I could have done much better.

The other part of me is proud as hell. I finished. And, I learned a ton. Here's what I learned:

- Stretch out. And not just for 2 minutes.
- Wear REAL running shoes. I was rocking my K-Swiss, and each and every step after about 3/4 of a mile felt like a lightning bolt of pain running through my legs and into my hips.
- I can do this.

I thought I was going to die. I have to be honest and say that this was much more physically demanding that I thought. I figured "oh, go run and walk.. alternate, and see what you can do". I went into the 5k with literally NO training, NO preparation.. and crappy shoes.

And I survived to tell about it.

And with dinner, I did pretty well. I barely touched the gravy (although, it's law here in Michigan that you MUST have some gravy on your food), and I was light on everything. I had a lot of dry turkey, and I avoided two of my favorite desserts.. pumpkin pie, and my wife's AMAKING "poke cake".. it's a white cake with jello infused into it, and then a layer of whip cream. It's amazing. And not one bite.

So, keep up the comments to me. Ask me questions, give opinions.. tell me what else I can do. The reason that I did this race was because of a friend on He told me to do a race, and he even told me that he didn't think I would do it.

I proved some things today. I have to say, I feel pretty good about myself.

Again though.. this is what scares me. I'm always good at the beginning. Can I keep it up 6 months from now?

That's where I'm counting on you guys. Hang in there with me. Also, I'll post a few pictures soon of the race. I carried the camera with me.


Nancy said...

Rob, you ROCK! The fact that you got down there, and like you said - no training, no prep and crappy shoes! - you DID THIS! You finished it, and you survived, and you deserve to feel like you conquered this goal. And you did great at dinner it sounds! Way to go on that, too! I didn't do quite as well as you. ;) But keep it up...set another goal, and go after it. One step at a time and you'll have great success in this! You're great inspiration, buddy!

Erin said...

I am proud of you for getting up at 5:00am on Thanksgiving Day!
A word of caution though, don't start this out thinking that you need to work out every single day. That's what I've seen you do in the past and that's probably part of the reason why previous diets failed. Set a goal of going to the gym and working out like 3 times a week and eating healthy and I bet you will be more likely to stick to it.
I'm proud of what you ate (or lack thereof) for dinner tonight even though we were at different tables and I couldn't see you! :)

Steve said...

Now what you should do is plan another race in March. Probably like a St. Patrick's day race or something (I only say this cuz its the next race I do. I take off the winters.).

Planning for another race will help you have a small goal within your larger one. Setting the smaller goals will help with breaking the big one down into more manageable steps. See what you can do after the winter, and notice any changes in ease of the run as well as any improvement in your time.

Steve said...
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Rob Tucker said...

stephen, that's great advice. In fact, I've been looking at a race that is on New Year's Eve. I'm debating though, becuase this is a 1 mile or 4 mile race. 3.11 miles almost killed me, and I'm not sure how much 'training' I can do in 5 weeks, especially since my personal life is SWAMPED in December (my wife and I are moving to our first house on the 15th).

I'm also looking for people who may want to run, walk, or do whatever in this race. If you want to do something like this, let me know.

Kevin A. said...

Man, you did better than I did. On Thanksgiving, there's no point in me trying - though I did try. I had minimal junk, and had just enough of the regular stuff to keep me full. Not a rousing success, but not a total failure.

My wife and I will be running in a 5k in September to raise funds for the Alzheimer's Association. I'm working up to that one.

Brian said...

EXCELLENT job, bro! For not having any training, and just deciding to get up and make it happen, you set a goal and made it happen. That's really impressive. Hell, my goal for Thanksgiving was to not burn my apartment down when I cooked my first turkey, and you did even better than that, by not over indulging! You're off to a great start....KEEP IT UP! (not that my fat ass has any room to be encouraging...)

Anonymous said...

Nice job, Tuck. Don't think of it as coming 67th of 70, think of it more like the other half. That you did it and your damn proud (as you should be).

I'm still thinking you should invest in that bike that powers your TV ;)

Keep up the good work, Tuck.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tuck...I had no idea that you did the Turkey trot, but I am super proud of you. And to be honest there is no way in hell I would have made it a quater of a mile let alone the whole thing so give yourself props on that. Maybe now you can do another run in a few months and try to beat your time. And I agree with Erin, 3 times a week max at the gym. Just make sure you are getting your cardio in cos that's what helps the most. I start Pilates again on Monday...wish me luck!
Nikki O