Wednesday, November 22, 2006

It's Fourth Down, and it's 100 to go.

I'm laying it right out on the table. This is embarassing, this is bold, this is desperate, you name it. I've been debating this for a long time, but when I noticed a friend put his neck out on the chopping block, it motivated me.

S0, here we go.

I'm a big dude. For those of you who know me in person, this is no secret. For those of you who know me only through online relationships, it's one of my 'on-going jokes'. But this is real. This is damn real. Want drama? Here it is.

This is my life we're talking about here. Life or death.

Let's cut to the chase. I played high school tennis. I was in the marching band. I ran 5k a day, every day, running cross-country. I played basketball, football, hockey, and anything else you can think of in the streets. I was never Michael Jordan, Joe Montana or Steve Yzerman, but I could hold my own.

My interests today?

Fantasy football. Fantasy basketball. Fantasy GOLF. I couldn't make that up if I tried. What do they all have in common?

I'm sitting on my fat ass.

There's no pity-party here. It is what it is, and I'm not going to blame anyone but myself. I'm just going to put it out there. I'm lazy. I like food. I like being lazy while eating food.

But I don't like groaning when I drop the remote control. I'm not a big fan of backaches. I can't stand migrane headaches. And you know what's the worst?

I hate myself. I hate the fact that I'm in a 4x shirt, and I hate the fact that I'm rocking 46 or 48 size pants. I hate the fact that I'm willing to be the one holding the camera during family functions so that I'm not in the pictures.

So, I'm laying it out there.

I need your help.

If you're reading this, I'm counting on you. I'm counting on you to keep me honest. I'm counting on you to say, "hey, fatass.. get back to the gym, you haven't been there in 3 days". I'm counting on you to say, "hey, why don't you shove down another taco, lardass?". I'm counting on you to say, "you need to reclaim your life, this is way too damn important to be lazy about".

Here's the plan:

Every day, I'm going to record whatever I intake, and whatever I do to keep peeling the pounds. I'm going to record this, and I'm going to keep a running tally of everything, as well as keeping a daily journal about how I think I did that day. The name of this blog is "Fourth and 100", 100 representing the pounds I want to drop. As I do this, I will rename the blog. So, if I lose five pounds, the new blog name will be Fourth and 95. Get it? Again, I stole this from Kevin's Blog. Make sure to give him the same support that you are doing for me.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to keep me honest. Make sure I don't just let this turn into another empty blog that sits .. well, empty.

You up for it?

Kick my ass. Please. For me.


Steve said...

You gotta keep updated pics so we can see the results. Numbers dont always mean everything my friend.

Rob Tucker said...

That's a good idea. Hopefully the pics will show improvement. I'll try to keep updated on those.

Nancy said...

Rob, I am so excited for you, and proud of you for taking this on. It is not an easy feat to speak up and say what you've said, and then to publicly commit to doing something about it.
I've been working on the same issue myself for a while now, with the support of a group of women from my church...we all hold each other accountable. It's not easy, of course. And sometimes you just want to say "screw this", but when you've got others holding you accountable, it's not as easy to quit. So good for you!!! I'm here for ya, I'll support you if ya want it.
Love ya, Nancy

Unknown said...

Thanks for the words. The most important thing that I'll ask everyone is to bookmark the page, and make sure I'm on task.

I can do the hard work.. the eating right, the working out, I can do all of that. It's the motivation that I lack. That's what I'm counting on you all for.

Anonymous said...

4th an 100? I'd call it 1st and 100. You aren't going to gain everything back on one play. You're going to need to take chunks out of it. Be consistent on 4 plays, and beat the shit out of this thing. Period. You want peer pressure? Lets see where you are a month from now. Keep us updated, and good luck my friend! -Anonymous RK guy

Anonymous said...