Ok, here's more pictures of the race day. There's only 3 more, for some reason I was thinking there was more than that. Total tease. Sorry about that ;)
This was the biggest relief of the race. I knew that 5 kilometres (look at that, the proper European spelling) equals 3.11 miles, so when I passed by this sign, I knew I was almost there. That boat in the foreground? That's the Detroit Princess, sitting on the Detroit River. Basically, once you got to the boat, you turned right and hauled a couple hundred more feet, and you were at the finish line.
That big tube was the finish line. I took this picture from the OTHER side.. I had already made it through. That was a rush on top of a rush for this big fella. All those people cheering you on, after 3.11 miles, the last couple hundred feet I literally SPRINTED. Part of it was for show.. I mean, you can't WALK the last stretch with all those people watching you.. but it's not like I fooled anybody. You finished at 46:48, and you were walking. Still, I got to the end, and this picture proves it.
There I am, in all my glory. Bright red face, lucky number 7322. My wife Erin knows how much I hate to be the guy to ask a stranger to take a picture of you, but I had to do it this time. I'm standing in Cobo Hall, and the runners you see behind me outside were the ones running 10k. At least I beat THEM to the finish line :)
So, there you go. I survived my first 5k in a lifetime. I feel exhausted today, and can't even IMAGINE working out today. I need to talk to my trainer and find out what I can do to help regenerate and get me back working out daily. This is one of my problems.. I kill myself, and then need days to recouperate. Those 'days of rest' are usually the ones that give me enough time to fall off the wagon.
That's where you guys come in.
Anyone want to start running/walking, or working out?
Nice pose there. You didn't look tired or nothing. Great job.
Maybe you do have to hard core work out EVERY day...did you ever think about taking a class...like karate or something. I don't know just throwing out an idea! Oh and Campbells makes a great soup that is low in fat and sodium (I eat too much salt LOL). I think it is their Selects...I eat them for luch and they are yummy!
Nikki O
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