This is going to be the most challenging step for me so far.
Tonight, I wasn't able to go to the gym like I wanted to. I wanted to at least get some cardio in, get some stretching in, and at least keep some momenteum going.
Not a chance in hell, though. I couldn't get the energy to get up in the early AM and get to the gym, I was out of the house by 7:15, went to school, had to drop the car off at the shop, went to work, went to pick up the car from the shop, went to a student's house and taught a Tuba lesson, came home, ran a few quick errands, and sat down for the first time at 8pm. Not a major issue, but it didn't leave time for the gym, and that didn't sit well for me.
I ate well again today, it's starting to get a bit easier. I'm starting to notice that the busier I am, the less I think about food. One of my biggest struggles has always been my dedication to food. I think it's almost (if not completely) a food addiction. This is the truth: When I wake up in the morning, I am thinking about when I'm going to have breakfast. While I'm putting the breakfast dishes away, I'm wondering how long it's going to be until lunch, and if my hunger will hold off until then. Then, I time my lunch and eat it as late as possible so I'm not hungry for dinner.
I think the problem isn't the hunger, but that addiction to food. I always get on my parents' asses about smoking cigarettes, my friends about it, my co-workers about their bad habits for cancer-sticks, but then I've got this addiction that tears at me just as bad. I'm constantly thinking about food. Granted, lately I've been doing pretty well with it, but it's still in the forefront of the mind. Just part of the struggle, I guess. I'll win.
As for the working out part, tomorrow's insane. I have an hour drive to my 8:30am class, I drive to work (35 min drive) to work for ONE HOUR, and then I drive back to school, take a few more classes, and then drive BACK to work, and THEN my wife's work Christmas Party is tomorrrow night at 7pm. Another long, long day. I know I won't have time to go to the gym unless I go ASS early in the morning again. I mean, like leaving the house at 6am.
Think I can do it? Honestly, right now, I'm not feeling motivated to. I want to, I know I need to, yet.. I just want to sleep in. That's my challenge for tomorrow morning.
Get to the gym. Just have to do it, you know?
my boy, my boy...busy as hell. you don't have to get to the gym. get done what you can outside the gym. wake up and give me 25 jumping jacks, 25 squats, and a few pushups, even if its only a few. if you are feeling good, give me two or three run throughs. from there, make your day active: stand instead of sit, walk fast instead of slow, take the stairs not the elevator, and constantly fidget. just fidgeting can burn up to an extra 700 calories a day, yes 700. and throw your same morning wake up at a gas station, lunch break, or anywhere else you can. the gym is great, don't get me wrong, but sometimes its not a possibility, but that's no excuse.
now the food....EAT! just eat the right things. use the tubes, make the most of your meals. have whole wheat pancakes with no sugar syrup and eggs. i want you eating at very least 5 times a day. don't over do it, stop when you are satisfied, and eat slowly. enjoy every bite, atleast 20 chews. and drink as much water as you possibly can to also curb hunger. drink with meals and in between. focus on healthy fats, (unsaturated), and please don't be afraid of carbs, just look to get more will also help keep you full. i'm gonna bring you some documents on food. anyway, watch your back, unhealthy habits will not stop fighting us. but we will win, we will kick ass. and by all means, FIDGET!
much love,
Ok...the trainer is right, sometimes the gym isn't the possibility. But ya know what, you can get up ASS early and do it if you want to! How about a get up and leave at 6:00, I'll be up and doing my Tae Bo by 5:30 (have to if I want to get done before I get kids up) I'll be on the computer to let ya know if I make it!
I know, I'm being a pain in the ass when I know you want to sleep in, but that's what you asked me to do, right?!
One thing...with all the running around you have to do, rushing her to there, if the road conditions suck, PLEASE forget that little challenge I made. There's nothing more dangerous than a half-asleep, tired, cranky guy, trying to hurry to the gym on sleet/ice covered roads, trying to get there and get it done in time to get on with his day!!!!! We want you healthy, but ya have to stay alive to achieve that!
It's 5:55am.
Do you know where YOUR Tuck is?
He's up, and headed towards the gym.
I'm definitely taking that advice, though. Those days that I can't make the gym, it's the jumpking jacks, squats, pushups (hope the floor holds up), you name it.
I've been pretty good about the elevators, too. I've taken the steps every time I could, and I intentionally just grab the first parking spot I see instead of acting like a concrete predator, waiting for that spot next to the door.
Ok, off I go to the gym.
Good job Tuck. Think of it this way, even if you aren't making it to the gym, but are constantly busy (and I guess constantly moving would also have to happen) you're still going to be doing more than nothing...Just keep plugging away and like Josh said, get out to the gym when you can, and when you can't do some home exercising. Lord knows I'm too lazy to get to my gym (which, by the way, is less then a 5 minute run) so I just do some exercises in my dorm room. Works wonders..
grrr, my trainer's seemed to gone AWOL on me, but that's no excuse. WOohoo to trainer josh for tips!enob
Way to go, Rob!! I made it up too...up at 5:30 and the DVD was in by 5:45. Saying the whole time...I made a deal...Rob DAMN WELL better be up and doing something!! :) It sucked getting out of the warm bed, it sucked using that short slot of peace and quiet before all three kids get up (6:30 at the latest!) to do something that can pretty closly equal torture, but once I had been moving for about 10 minutes or didn't suck quite so bad, but I felt pretty darn good about moving, and I definately had more energy today! Came in handy as I did volunteer work in the 1st/2nd grade classroom most of the day! How was the rest of your day?
The day's not over, but I've been doing good. You're right about the energy, Nancy.. it seems like the days I work out early, I run well all day.
Today, I was at the gym, and then at school, and then work, and I get off of work here at 6, and then I head straight to Erin's company Christmas party, so I probably won't see my house again until 10pm at the ultimate earlier, later if the party is fun ;)
Too bad tomorrow's just as busy, but I don't want to waste a good blog on a comment ;)
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