Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Another Day

Nothing much to report here today. Didn't eat spectactular, but didn't really bend either. I wanted to hit the gym, but I spent yet ANOTHER day working on the house straight through the day, no breaks. Started around 9am, and didn't stop until around.. 4:30 or so. Just straight through. Finally got some major paint stains out of the carpets, got my office almost up and running (wireless ain't working yet), and then had some family over around 7ish until around 10:30. Running on fumes, but I told myself to NOT miss any more blogs, regardless of how boring.

Somehow, I've got to get in the gym. There's just NO time for it. I've got a few more days left to get this house in liveable condition, and I feel like I'm getting close to it. Erin (my wife for the new folks) and I have been working damn hard, and I'm proud to say that in the 12 days that we've owned the house, we're pretty much moved in, most the boxes packed away, and we're moved in.. almost. There's always something else to buy, install, put in, take out, fix, replace.. you name it, but it's worth it. I'm a first time home buyer, and I had NO idea how much there was to do.. and now I'm in the midst of it. I can't lie though, it's an exciting time of my life.

The problem is, my vacation is over on Monday. Back to the grind, full time work and full time school.. leaving very little time to get work done around the house. That's why I'm going full days on it. I know that I'll get back into a work/gym/school routine when the semester starts, but I don't want to wait that long.

Tomorrow, I spend the day in Ann Arbor helping my sister-in-law move into her place.

So, life continues, with or without me. My personal issues seem to have been worked out, so that's a bonus. Too many things on the checklist, but that one was a big one.

Nothing major to report, except for that I'm here, and I'm still going. Keep on me. If you guys hadn't have had those 12 comments waiting for me on the last blog, I probably would have moved on. It's scary how a few chains of events can knock you off track. Time to get back on the horse.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't it suck that there's never time for the gym?? You've got to MAKE time and it's not always that easy! But even if you can't spare gym time, you can still do pushups, situps, etc and get a good workout.

Hang in there, Rob. You're doing great.

Rob Tucker said...

Thanks, Beck. I wouldn't call it "GREAT", but I'm not giving up, so I should get at least one bonus point. If it wasn't for the FAT Coalition, I probably would have folded by now.

That's my problem.. I feel like if I'm not actually in the gym facility, I'm not allowed to work out. It's a mental lock.. and a lame one.

I have been doing TONS of steps, and am moving my sister-in-law out of her third floor apartment and into a second floor apartment today, so that's some good cardio, with all those boxes.

billy said...

If you're sweating regularly, you're getting some exercise. If you absolutely can't get to the gym, then at least maintain a laser-like focus on your nutrition. Drink nothing but water, and eat clean. That way, even if you can't get to the gym, you should still be losing weight, albeit slower.

Remember Rob, you can either move closer to your goals or further from them. The speed isn't the most important part.

Nancy said...'re doing good, Rob. Seriously, if ever there was a period of time that could explain throwing in the towel on this (not that it'd be a good excuse, but at least an explanation)THIS would be the time! You've pushed through it, and are still headed in the right direction.
Give yourself the credit you're due...yes, you have to make the time to get to the gym, and I'm sure it's pretty close to impossible right now. BUT, you have been busting your ass all over the place, so don't be TOO hard on yourself. I can understand the mental part of needing to be in the actual facility, but you need to work through that mind frame and see what you ARE doing that's good, wherever it may be.
Do what you can do, when you can't do what you want. You can't get to the gym, but you can be very strict in the food intake area. If you can't make the time for the gym, give yourself the benefit of making time for healthy meals. Don't use the excuse of being too busy to skip the gym AND eat poorly. You didn't say you did, but you did say it wasn't spectacular. Allow yourself the time to change that to "I didn't get to the gym, but my food intake has been spectacular!" You owe yourself that at least! Between "spectacular" diet and the physical demands of all you're doing at the new house and the sis-in-laws apartment, you should do pretty good not just maintaining, but losing some weight during this hectic time.
Don't know what the personal issues were (hence the term "personal" hehe) but I'm glad they're worked out for ya. One less stress, and it always bugs me when I hear friends are hurting in some way or another!
Keep it up Rob, if you were going to lose the fight, it would've happened by now...your unfailing determination makes me confident that you'll succeed above and beyond your goals. It's rather inspiring!