Friday, December 29, 2006

Bar Hoppin'

Ok, so it's not really "hopping". And it's not really a bar. It's a hole in the wall named Bugsy's, and it's a Karaoke bar. I'm headed there in a few minutes, so this'll be short.

Today was again non-eventful. Worked a lot around the house, did some shopping for furniture (anyone recommend a good place near Detroit to pick up a 'plum' colored love seat?), and I'm headed to the bar with some friends.

Ate well, didn't go to the gym though. I'm regretting that. At least it's in my brain still. I'll probably go tomorrow, because I feel MUCH more motivated when I start the day in the gym. Again, a mental thing.. but then again, I'm mental.

Oh, and it's only a few days until New Years Eve, so if I'm going to do that 4-mile walk, I should probably round a few of you up, and get to it. My gym/athletic routine has been lacking lately.

1 comment:

billy said...

When you went to the bar, what did you end up drinking?