I'm starting to feel like I'm getting into a groove and that this is starting to get easier. After a LONG day yesterday and not even getting back to the house until after 10:30, and not to bed until after 11:30, I popped right up this morning at the sound of the 6:00am bell, and was out the door to the gym before 6:20am. It felt pretty good.
I noticed that the past few days, I've just 'skipped' breakfast, as I'm trying to rush out the door. I got the business from a few of you yesterday for that, so today I can say that I had a glass of orange juice and an apple on the way to school/work. Not exactly the Aunt Jemima breakfast, but it's in the right direction.
It's kind of wierd, because I feel like I may be "overdoing" it, but the "more, the merrier" is my mindset. I mean, we're talking about being 350 pounds. I've been "overdoing" it the wrong way for a long, long time. I'm pretty motivated, and I'm feeling good about the steps that I'm skipping.
Question for "Josh the Destroyer", and anyone else with advice:
What's a good 'take-along' breakfast? Something I can open the fridge, grab, and run out the door with? Even though I had the orange juice and apple today, there's not a ton of protein there. So, thoughts? It's one of those "wake up, grab your gym clothes, grab your school work, throw it over your shoulder, and run out the door" type of lives.
Hey Rob...glad you're feeling good about things. You're doing great, considering your crazy schedule, and the time of year that it is!
As for fast breakfasts...hmmm...protein shakes are good...you can make them up the night before, or you can buy them pre-made. But they can get boring too. Protein bars too are a good thing. But careful of like the nutrigrain bars and stuff...they do have the protein and things, but they can be loaded with sugar and stuff. Somewhere I've got a recipe for homemade granola bars, they taste good, and you control what goes in them...make them up over the weekend and they're ready for you during the week. One has peanut butter which is a good protein, and unless you overdo, isn't too bad for you. Same goes for "trail mix"...make bags up of the good stuff, leave out the bad stuff and you're all set. I can dig those recipes up if you're interested. Another fast one is hard boiled eggs. I've used that many days when I'm in a hurry, don't have time for cooking, or even sitting down for breakfast. Peanut butter on a whole grain toast, whole grain raisin bread if you can find it, is great too. A toaster doesn't take too long...and if you have to add a minute or so onto your morning in exhange for getting a healthy breakfast to start you day, isn't it going to be worth it in the long run? Just a thought
Yo Bro,
My recommended quick breakfast, coming from a 21 year old who cannot cook and who has approximately 2 seconds to get out of the door in the morning:
Non fat Yogurt and a piece of WHOLE GRAIN toast with peanut butter on it. Both have protein, and both are mighty quick. I know peanut butter has fat in it but it's the good kind and protein in it is rockin'. You're also kind of motivating me to work out again Rob, what have you done? I have no time for such nonsense.
Say hi to my sist-ah.
I usually grab a breakfast bar before I head out in the AM. Sometime toast with PB on it too. Just depends on what I am in the mood for.
You post too often for me to keep up :)
ANYWAYS, keep up the good work. Nice to hear that you're getting into a groove. It does take awhile, but after you get into it, its hard to get out. My dads been getting up at 5 am for the past 20 years, so he gets up around then every day. Weekends, holidays, you name it. How does he do it? No clue.
As for a quick breakfast...I don't know if it's exactly healthy, but some sort of nutrition bar/energy drink? I mean, they're easy to eat and a quick out the door snack (I eat them in the mornings en route to classes when I'm too lazy to clean my bowl). Might do the trick for you.
Anyways, just keep up the good work. Keep making an example out of that scale, and show Josh the Destroyer what you're made of :).
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