Sunday, December 31, 2006

Routine, or not Routine.

I figured out my problem.

Vacation sucks for the diet. I know, it's not some wild revelation, but ever since I got out of my work/school schedule, it's been impossible to stick to a true diet and keep up with a workout regime. I'm starting to learn that I'm either "all on", or "all off".

The good news is (and I can't believe I'm saying this), is that I go back to work this week, and then next week, school kicks back in. My schedule is flexible enough to allow PLENTY of time for working out into the day as well, so that's a bonus.

So, I need to get through the next few days, and get back into the routine. Tonight's New Year's Eve.. and what's better than actually having a resolution that you can actually accomplish?


billy said...

OK dude, this is the online equivalent of me grabbing you by the collar, shaking you, and saying "Get it together, man!"

I've been hearing lots of reasons as to why you aren't going to the gym, and how it's "impossible" to stick to your regimen while on vacation.

It's only "impossible" if you keep sabotaging yourself by giving yourself reasons not to do it. Am I to understand that you've convinced yourself that you won't be getting back to it until you go back to work/school?

Walk up to a mirror and ask yourself "How bad do I want this?" and then ask yourself if it's impossible.

You can do this. You want us to "keep on you"- this is my way of doing it. Why? Because I do it to myself almost every day.

You can either stand in your own way or you can help yourself accomplish your goals. It's about more than weight loss, it's about taking control and being the best you can be.

Now go do it!

Anonymous said...

Alright killer...I'm back. No more bullshit excuses. We need to get some sessions scheduled to kick everything back in place. The bottom line is, as far as time goes, you make time for what is most important to you. Living a longer, more fulfilling life should definitely be somewhere around the top of the list. Its new years time so it should be easy for a while, with the new beginning stuff everyone is into, so lets take advantage of it and kick some ass. And Rob, awesome job not gaining any over the holidays. much love, lets do work.

Anonymous said...

I'm certainly not one to talk because I'm just like you. I work out at work after work, so when I don't work, I don't work out. Whew! That's a lot of "work"! Anyway, snap out of it. Seriously. It's not going to do anything but hurt you. I have to force myself to work out if I'm not at work. It's nothing to write home about by any stretch of the imagination - mainly calisthenics and no cardio. But if I make excuses (and I have), it only delays my progress, resulting in unneeded frustration that could ultimately result in quitting altogether. This is my version of being a hard-ass. Billy and Josh are much better at it than I am. Still, snap out of it, man. ;)

Nancy said...

Ok, listen. FORGET "resolutions". They never work...and it just provides the opportunity to say "well, I've never been able to keep a resolution so I'm not surprised this one didn't work either!"
Lay off the excuses, get yourself focused and get back to work! Don't wait till vacation is over. It's a lame excuse and you know it. It's good to recognize it, but instead of, when I get back to work I'll get back to routine, say "ok, this is where I get off track, so I'm going to CHANGE that!" Of course, it's a little late for that lecture, as I'm sure you go back to work tomorrow, but you know what I'm trying to say.
Yes, it's a new year, but it's not time for new goals, resolutions, whatever. This is a task you've set your mind to a while ago's time to refocus and keep going.
Get back to the gym...I see Josh is back. No excuses...get going.
And let me know if there's ANYTHING I can do other than posting on here occasionally, to keep you motivated!
Take care buddy!

Rob Tucker said...

Even before I read these comments, I've been doing a bit of soul searching. I'll leave it at that until I have time to write the next actual blog, but I'll leave it at that. A little something new either tonight or tomorrow morning coming up.

You guys are right though. It's excuse after excuse, which has been my problem for years. Justifying the bullshit is my specialty.

Reasons like these comments you've left are exactly why I created this blog in the first place. More soon.

Dave said...

My problem was like Becks, if I don't work, I don't workout. Well, I am hoping I stopped that by waking up at 4:30am on New Years Day and worked out.

Good luck and here is to a great year :)

billy said...

I remember something Lance Armstrong said about how overcoming adversity was the key to success. The people who succeed are the ones who take the rain, the hills, the flat tires in life, but keep on going. Learning how do adapt to each situation until there's nothing that you can throw at them that will make them stop.

We have to learn how to keep going when our routine is disrupted, when we're hurt, when we have a crisis. Otherwise we will be derailed as soon as one of these things happens, and they surely will.

Sorry, Rob- I'm not still railin' on you- it just seems like this comments thread has become a motivational discussion on its own... :)

Rob Tucker said...

Billy.. don't EVER apologize for railing on each other on these things. That's what we're here for. Motivation doesn't come from the "Good job, you're doing great!" posts.. it's the real life, slap you in the face comments that work wonders.

Thank you for that.

billy said...

Oh no, not apologizing- just that I wasn't still busting your balls. I was done busting them. For now... :)

Brian said...

Did you do the New Year's Eve walk? We never talked about it while I was in town and I really wanted to do that with you...hell, I was over the night before and didn't even think of it...some help I am, eh? Anyways bro, your normal routine is starting again, so it's time to kick it into high gear! There's not much else I can say that hasn't already been said, so MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

Rob Tucker said...

I wanted to do the walk, but I never really jumped on it. Another part of my 'being a big lazy ass pansy with the excuse of the holidays'.

Plus, I hadn't worked out but maybe twice in the past week and a half, and couldn't have been less motivated if I cut off my leg.

I'll get the next one in though.