Calories Counted: 1766
A few things to note today.
First off, I was talking to RipX today, and we decided that our biggest problems are the weekends. I'm not sure what it is, but it seems like because our schedules are bad, we build in excuses to break diet. I had chinese (well, Thai food at a chineese restaurant) last night, and I didn't even care. I did the famous "justification" by saying that I hardly had anything else to eat that day (which was true), so that for some reason became my reason to eat this massive pile of Pad Thai.
So, the scale went up. Big shocker there.
We need to be aware of what we're doing to ourselves on the weekend. Instead of putting the "WEAK" in weekend, we need to be weekend warriors. And sure, we're motivated on Monday - let's see how motivated we are on Friday. Check back on Friday to give us hell.
Also, speaking of poor willpower, it seems like that has infected me today. But, the good news is that I made up for it. This morning before school, I had a bowl of cereal. Normal sized, but for some reason, I wanted another bowl. Was I hungry still? Nope. I just wanted another bowl. And the worst part is, I ate it. Halfway through I was full, but I ate it anyway. Why?
Crappy willpower.
And you know how that goes - you eat it, you feel stuffed, and then you're mad at yourself for the rest of the day.
But this time it was different. Instead of saying "oh well, another day gone to hell", I banned myself from food until dinnertime. I skipped lunch, and didn't eat until almost 9pm tonight.
A great plan? No way in hell - but I made up for a mistake I made earlier. If I don't know how to have willpower, at least I made up for it. I was starving all day long, and it's almost as if my body knew it was grounded - I was starving all day long. All I could think about was food, and how, when I got home, I was going to devour anything that wasn't nailed down. Erin was gone for the night in her Master's class, and wouldn't be home until 9pm, so all day long I kept thinking about how hungry I was, and how I was going to empty the fridge into my gut when I got home before her and had a house to myself.
So, I kept myself busy. I ran some errands. I got my oil changed in the car. And then I ended up the gym. I did my HOUR on the Elliptical (haven't done that in a while), and it wasn't even 8pm yet. Erin wouldn't be due home for a while. Time to go home and eat - surely I had 'deserved' it by now, right?
Nope. I grounded my body, and the pitiful reality was, I was in no mood for willpower. I just knew deep down inside that if I went home to an empty house, I would binge. Sad to admit, but at least I faced it. That being said, I had more time to waste.
So I stayed on the Elliptical.
I decided that I would stay on the Elliptical until Erin called to tell me she was on her way home, and then I would go home. If she's in the house, I couldn't binge. I wouldn't do it.
So that's exactly what I did. I made sure she got home before me, and then I got home. No empty house - binge averted.
Sometimes instead of fighting through your weaknesses and pretending that they aren't there, you have to guard yourself from them.
Sometimes your best offense is a good defense.
Oh, and for all it's worth - I was on that Elliptical for 110 minutes tonight. 10 minutes short of 2 hours.
nice work sticking to your guns today rob. glad you guarded yourself from the binge. Your post has motivated me to get off the couch and go get on the treadmill.... I had settled in for some monday night football (its 8:39 here as I write this). just got finished talking to the wife about meal plans for our weekend and the importance of me staying on track. Stay strong and pull off a strong week.
Good job, Tuck. Way to avoid being a punk. As for the weekends bro, you've just gotta sack up. I went on a weekend vaction over labor day. Went to Mackinac Island (home of Ryba's fudge shop) and ate out for every meal...and lost half a pound (my scale does tenths of a pound) while I was gone? Great weight loss? No, I've done much better than half a pound over a three day period before? But was it easy to do that much? No, not when we were eating where we were. I'm the kind of guy who can do three thousand calories for breakfast at a restaurant, but I did it. My point here is not to toot my own horn, but to point out that it IS possible, if you're determined enough to avoid too much crap. Just do it, Tuck. Get rid of the "Whoah is me, my willpower sucks" mentality, and run yourself into a wall next time you want something you shouldn't have. Lord knows I hate it too, but it's necessary.
To me, morning's description sounds less like "lack of willpower" and more like "lack of micronutrients".
Well, sounds like you're at least trying to adapt and work around some identified weaknesses, which is all you can do until we get to the root of this thing...
I don't know what it is lately. I've been back in the gym and getting into my routines, but I feel like I've fallen into "old Rob" mentality with the whole food addiction thing.
I've been preaching "one day at a time" to a few people in the Coalition lately, so all I can do is take my own advice.
Ironically, I had the same meal for breakfast this morning and had that same craving for the second bowl - but passed on it. One day at a time.
No offense Rob, but what you described sounds like an eating disorder of sorts - binge & purge - eat too much, eat nothing. exercise too much, or not at all. Might be something to look into.
Rob you may want to give a look at my comment on Billy's blog entitled "Struggling."
I can relate to you on the binging. Somtimes Ive even raced home before Grant so I could binge. Sad. Im a little concerned about working out 2 hours on an empty stomach though...
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