Monday, September 3, 2007

Beware the Trap Door

Yesterday's Weigh In: 277

Happy Labor Day, everyone. As the title suggests, today is one of those "Trap Door" days. Hopefully you all get a chance to read this before you go off for your barbecues and family parties. Now, "Old" Rob in the past, even when dieting, let himself believe a few key elements when it came to healthy eating at holiday parties:

1: Only eat a little bit of the bad stuff - just pick, don't get a whole plate.
2: It's only one day, a holiday even - just enjoy it and get back to it tomorrow.
3: With all this food around me, how could I be expected to NOT eat it?

That type of thinking is the words of a failure just waiting to happen. This is what I think today:

1: What's the point of eating ANY of the bad stuff? There's plenty of good options, even if I have to provide them myself.
2: Calories on holidays count the same as every other day. Would I eat this on a regular day?
3: Sometimes sacrifice hurts. I'm in control of what I eat - and it's NOT the other way around.

Person A will decide that it's only one day, and they'll eat to their hearts content. Chances are, their weight will be up tomorrow and they'll regret having the food that they did. They'll probably be pretty damned frustrated with themselves.

Person B will just have a little bit, but we all know that "a little bit" is more than what the healthy eating process would allow. They might gain, or at least stay the same, and they'll know deep inside, even if they don't say it out loud, that they could have had better willpower throughout the day, and will regret that they didn't.

Person C will eat right, make the right decisions, and report on their blogs Tuesday that the day was a healthy success, and they feel proud of themselves, knowing that they're on the right track to reach their goals, and a single holiday won't keep them from their happiness in the long term.

So, which person are you?

Whatever you do, have a happy (and safe) Labor Day!


Melissa said...

So glad I read up on your blog this morning, since I was just thinking of all the deserts my mom will have today!

I am going to be person C. I owe it to myself to be that person ;)

billy said...

Person C is the way to be!

Although if I'm honest, I'm usually person D, which is basically person B, but then when person B leaves the party he makes up for his indiscretions by not eating for the rest of the day or exercising more to make up for it.

But clearly, person C is better :)

Kristen said...

Good entry to read before making my grocery list for today. It wasn't going to be awful, but now I'm going to add a bunch of healthy stuff now. I don't know if you actually said to do that, but it got me thinking anyways...thanks, Rob!

Kris said...

Good post, Rob Tucker! Be good in your party ventures today, and remember no more holidays of excess until Thanksgiving to worry about..

Ripx180 said...

yup good post Rob..... don't have a bbq to go to today but definetly a good way to think on holidays. Lately I have been that person B where you think you are doing good but you wake up the same or a little heavier and feel bad about it. would be refreshing to wake up lighter and proud. Good blog for thought as always.

Kris said...

Hey Rob, wanted to let you know my starting weight for the September challenge is 253.6, looking forward to dropping a bunch this month!