September 1 Weigh In: 277
Because we all understand that this weight loss journey is a roller coaster ride, I expect to deal with frustrations and fluctuation. I know it's coming, I know how to deal with it, and I already know that it's something that is going to happen anyway, and there's nothing I can do about it.
That all being said, it still just pisses me off when the weight goes up for no good reason. When it goes up when everything I've been doing warrants it going down - it just blows my mind.
I've been hovering around this 275 for more than week now, and that's fine. I had a day that wasn't so great, so I deal with that. But, for the last three days my calories have been perfect, hell - way below perfect. The last 3 days have been: 1317, 2001 and 1641.
My weight has been completely out of what, I've been all over the place. From 277, to 275.. and then today, right back up to 276.5.
Now, before the comments fly - I know. I need to expect this, but I'm just tired of being in the 270's. It's a good problem to have, because it beats the pants off of being in the 280s, 290s, and especially over 300. But it's still frustrating. I'm ready to move onto the next stage - the next decade, and it seems as if my body is fighting as hard to keep it as my mind is trying to lose it.
So - it's even more important to be a Weekend Warrior this weekend. I guess I don't know what I expect to get out of this blog - support, a reality check, whatever.. I think this one is just to vent. Let's have a great weekend - remember that Tuck's Big Challenge ends this weekend - and just keep this momentum rolling. It'll come off eventually - I'm just a bit impatient today.
Besides the obvious "change will come", What are you actually eating in those calories and when are you doing it? Maybe it's time to consider a change?
Ultimately at our weight as long as we are burning more than we consume we're going to lose lbs, but some ways are more effective than others.
I think Jays advice is solid Rob. If your eating 1700 cals of highly processed carbs your not doing yourself justice. You will loose weight it will just take longer and you might not reap the benefits of building more muscle etc cause your body isn't getting what it needs. Of course I don't know what your diet consists of but its definetly worth looking at. Maybe log your food 100% onto the blog so we can see what your eating. I think if you do that then you will see some things that you can fix or adjust. Of course it all boils down to us wanting you to have success. This weekend sounds like its going to be good test for you. Dont shoot yourself in the foot man. If you want to say good bye to the 270s then do it.
FYI... I am tired of looking at the 220s so lets do this!!! I am going to make a plan for the weekend. Whats yours? what are you eating, when are you working out? What pitfalls are on the horizon, how can you avoid them. After reading your blog for the last few months I have noticed you usually fall into the getting to hungry trap and then binging. Always keep a snack with you man. Own your outcome. Ok... now I just need to take my own advice also... Shoot man you have already lost 100lbs whats another 5 to get out of the 270s... drop of water in the bucket man. go go go!!!
I hear ya brother.
What about that workout plan I sent you?
Other than that, vent away. Shit happens. It will pass.
Nothing we can add that you don't already know. Just power through it.
Also, I think Chris and I would like to kick all of your asses in...I mean, "participate" in...the October challenge.
exactly. just stick with it. you've been going through this for as far back as I can remember, and you always end up pushing past :)
All I'll say is that youare not alone!
Howcome every time I mention that workout plan I sent you I hear nothing but crickets and tumbleweeds?
Here's a little motivation
Billy, I need to catch up with you so you can explain that workout. I've read it a few times, and I'm apparently retarded because I'm not quite sure how to make it work.
Sometimes it gets so frustrating having the patience to see results that I get angry at Guns N Roses for ever writing such an awesome song about such an aggravating concept. But the song is right. Keep doing what you know you have to do, and have a little patience, and you are capable of amazing results.
Those numbers that end in 9.9 (159.9 for me) are like Christmas. It seems like the closer you get to it, the longer it takes to get here. Well, now that we're getting old, it just flies by, and as we're popping Aspirin and downing eggs to cure the New Year hangover, we wonder what the hell happened to last year.
Ok. Maybe that was a bad example.
Anyway, you get my point. The closer we get to our mini-goals, the harder it seems to achieve them. Keep doing what you already know and you'll get there. :)
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