Five Day Average: 275.25
Calories Counted: 3437
Poor planning, laziness and plain old stupidity did me in tonight. If it was "old" Rob, I'd blame the stress that I dealt with today for my eating "binge".
Long story made short, I almost ended up in jail today. Long story made medium length, Erin has a '03 Grand Am, and we took it to the car wash yesterday. Being a ghetto $2 car wash, the roller brush in the car wash literally ripped the side mirror off of the car. Because the manager wasn't in on Sunday, I had to take her car to the dealer to get it fixed, and then to the car wash joint to have the guy pay for the damage.
So, I get to the guy, and basically, he's this 20 year old punk. The manager of the car wash is wearing a dirty shirt, and as I (a customer) walks up to him, a cigarette is hanging out of his mouth. I let him know what happened (I filed a report with his employee yesterday), and I tell him how the mirror was ripped right off the side of the car, and the dude looks me in the eye and says "I'm not sure what to tell you, that's not my problem."
Needless to say, I'm taken aback a bit.
Me: "Not your problem? Your car wash ripped the mirror off of my car".
Jagoff: "Yeah (puffs smoke) .. and my sign says that I'm not liable, so it's not my problem".
Me: Is this the customer service you provide all of your customers?
Jagoff: If you don't like it, you can turn your fat ass around and find another car wash.
I wish I was lying. Word for word, that was our conversation. Needless to say I got pissed, he told me to go F-myself, and I clenched a fist and took a step towards this guy.
Then, the cop who was about 15-20 feet behind me flipped his siren on for a quick second to let us know that he was standing there watching the entire thing.
To serve and protect is right - the kid lived through the day.
So, I'm stressing about this all day. I already had a large breakfast, and then I didn't eat lunch. I came home, and figured I'd snack before Erin got home for dinner at around 8:30.
So I had eggs. And then these little bagel things looked good. I had a few with my eggs. And then, I had two spoonfuls of peanut butter. I was full. Probably ate a bit much, but I wasn't counting, and I would just skip dinner, right?
Well, that was the plan until Erin got home and I made her some dinner. She had busted her ass today - she's really been working hard at work lately pulling some later hours, and as a teacher, it's already a stressful job. So, I make her soup and grilled cheese.
I burn the grilled cheese, so I made her another one.
And then I ate the burned one.
I feel sick right now - for two reasons. One, the 55-gallon drum worth of food I ate in the past 5 hours. Two, I just counted those calories up. I estimated that I was around 2200-2400 for the day - clearly I was either WAY off, or trying to convince myself of that. Either way, one thing is for sure.
The streak is broken.
The good news?
I've got a time to beat. The streak ain't over - it's just starting over. 7 days, 16 hours is the time to beat. And that starts now.
Rob, sorry to hear about your car, but it was an entertaining story for me. I can't believe how that manager acted. Was he the owner too? Glad you didn't get arrested.
Man I would have been hot to. what a jerk... may the flees of a thousand camels take up refuge in his nether regions.
Bummer the streak is broken. Tomorrow is a brand new day though like you said. Don't give yourself any room for error tomorrow man. Have a plan and rule it with a iron fist. I am starting a streak too, lets break your record.
Rob, what a good attitude, just start another streak. I second Rip's curse toward the manager d-bag. I also curse him with a stomach virus. And lice. I am sure we could come up with a modern day ten plagues if necessary.
As always, thanks for hosting the challenge. Rebecca and I are in for next month.
Yeah, this guy was the manager. I didn't think to get to an owner, there's no way that this guy owned anything past a BMX bicycle living in his mommy's basement.
I woke up this morning still pissed off about it, but that feeling passed when my stomach and entire body felt bloated from the eating spree.
Just stepped on the scale, but even though it went up, the weight loss Gods showed mercy on me. Could have been much worse.
aaaaaaaaw man... That guy got REALLY lucky. Good luck about the cop being there or that could have gotten ugly. Sucks that you didn't get to punch him though ;)
Nothing worse than some mother F-er not realizing how hard you've been working and how much you've already lost, and just assuming you're some fat lazy SOB. Really gets my goat man.
I can't say I haven't lost it recently food-wise, so just keep moving forward.
Damn. Sounds like you were getting a carwash in my hood. Glad you didnt get arrested though. And great attitude. We just pick ourselves back up and start over. :)
LOL, Melissa. Actually, it was in your hood. It was just north of 13 mile on Van Dyke :)
look at it this way, you gave a lowly car wash worker a chance to feel like a big man for refusing to pay you. You're contributing to the well being of society! :)
Just to let you know, the "no liability" sign doesn't necessarily release the car wash from claims arising from damages they cause, especially if the risk of damage wasn't obvious.
small claims court.
The liability claim is only for aftermarket items added on, not original factory installed
I agree with anonymous :)
Will it hurt my case in court if he tells the judge I threatened to kick his ass? ;)
Rob Im sorry to hear about your day. I am however glad you managed to stay out of the way of the law and blog tonight :)
And ummm that manager, a few words came to mind as I read what you wrote. I feel your pain.
Rob, I was thinking of a carwash on Chicago and Mound. LOL
I wanna punch him for you. What a jerk!
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