Sunday, September 23, 2007

Did you EARN it?

Today's Weigh In: 275.00
Five Day Average: 275.20 (new low!)

Calories Counted: 1985

Mine went well. I'm pretty proud of having a strong weekend. It didn't hurt to see a 273.5 on the scale yesterday, that was a treat. Of course, I knew it wasn't going to stick, but I'm good with my progress the first seven days of the "Streak" - which is still going strong.

I'm learning this lesson every few weeks - it's something you'd think that I'd learn once, and retain. But I've lived my whole the other way, and now I guess it's going to take a while for it to stick. The lesson?

You get what you earn.

When I was growing up, I was a lucky kid. I had a great family, whether I knew it or not. I was lucky to have a mom and a dad living in the same house - parents who would give their lives to make sure mine was going to be good. I didn't appreciate it until later on in life, and I made a ton of mistakes growing up.

Flash forward a few years. I went to college - paid by my parents, who made more sacrifices than I can count just to afford to send me. And I didn't appreciate it until later in life - now that I'm paying for it myself, and seeing the sacrifices that they made for me.

I was always pretty athletic. I was never the 'star' in sports, but I was a 'jack of all trades'. I could at least carry myself - baseball, football, hockey, basketball, you name it, I could handle my own. Never excel, but I'd belong on the field or court. I never took care of my body and what I could do - I got lazy, I ate horrible, and yet again - I didn't appreciate what I had until later in life.

Right now, my life is great. I have a family that respects me, a wife that is the love of my life, I'm doing well at work, I'm about a year away from school, and I sit here today one of the people people in this world that can say that they've lost 100 pounds, and have changed their life.

And yet, I have to remind myself to eat right. I love the feeling that I get when I see that scale number drop. It's something that I can say I earned.

So, yet again I seem to be learning the lesson, and I hope it sticks.


Are you doing what you need to do to see the results you want? Do you recognize it, and appreciate it?

I do.

(Also, if you haven't already - record your weigh in for the Big Challenge here)


Rebecca said...

Congrats on the continuation of your streak. Hopefully your great weekend will be the motivation you need to keep streaking the pounds away!

I appreciate your openness to my eating disorder comment. I meant no offense, and I'm glad you took none. I'm sure that there are plenty of resources out there that can help you deal with that portion while you finish up your weight loss journey.

It's funny that you say did you earn it - it was an article about weight loss in people magazine that motivated me to start losing weight. A guy lost about 100 lbs and commented that noone can take it from him. And I thought - I want that. I want to do something that only I can take credit for, nobody else can do it for me. So I'm doing it. So are you! Man, 100 lbs is crazy! :)

Jim McCoy said...

Well, Tuck, here is your self wake up call number 09686876896789689768.1 and I'm wondering if you will stick with what you've learned so far. I've watched you on your journey, I've watched you see what works, I've watched you change what you were doing and wonder why it didn't work, and now I'm going to ask you this, in all honesty and seriousness: Are you going to sack up and do what you know that you can do, or are you going pull some goofy crap one more time? I know what you WANT to answer, but will you EARN the right to say that you did it?

swankywanker said...

Rob, it makes me happy for you that you are so motivated and focused now. And you're definitely motivating me. Thank you. Keep it up!

billy said...

I'm not sure what I earned this weekend. You'll read all about it...

Melissa said...

You are doing awesome Rob, and its showing. A very inspiring blog. Especially after my not so great weekend..its making me think. Keep up the great work!

Marcol said...

Nice blog Rob. And ummm 100 lbs, WOW - thats awesome!

Jay said...

nice job dude!

Ripx180 said...

100 pounds is strait up insane! So glad to see you kept your streak alive man. It motivates me to get on a streak and be like Rob.

I hear you on really analyzing your life and being thankful for those great things you had and have. Its so easy to become complacent and overlook whats so important. Don't forget to verbally thank those who have touched your life in a positive way (like your folks and wife). Sometimes I think we realize it but forget to give credit to those who sacrificed. I am sure you already do cause thats the kind of guy you are but it never hurts to say it again.

all say it again.... 100lbs wow!!!

Rob Tucker said...

102.8 as of today, not that I'm counting ;)

Anonymous said...

Those weekends are killer...glad to see you're keeping the streak alive! Keep it up! :)