I'm irritated, pissed, frustrated and fed up. First off, the weight today was rediculous. I'm doing all the wrong things at exactly the wrong time. From a week ago today to now, I've GAINED 6 pounds. Completely the wrong way.
I'm falling into the old traps - eating great all day and then blowing it at the end. Missing work outs. Not being completely focused. Making excuses and bullcrap justifications for poor behavior.
Here's a few:
1: Last night we had dinner at Erin's parents house for Erin's birthday week (yes, week). Her mom was serving stuffed shells. I "had" to have that.
2: I have been so busy with classes and work that I'm stressed out - that's why I haven't hit the gym as much as I have in the past.
3: Ever since the gym was closed last week, I'm out of my habit of hitting the gym early every morning. It takes time to get 'back into gear'.
4: Ever since classes started, I've been forced to weigh in much earlier in the day (like 6am) instead of around 8:30 or 9am like I've been recently. That's part of why the weights have been off.
All of those are complete crap. Why I allow myself to buy into that garbage is beyond me. I'm better than this, but here I am, coming up with reason after reason for being a complete asshole when it comes to my weight loss goals this week.
This has a lot to do with my "inner fat" and self-doubt. Every time I gain steam (last week), I find a way to screw myself over. This has to stop. And nobody is going to do it for me.
Also, I'll get the challenge numbers up sometime today, the aforementioned work/school schedule's got me against a wall this week, and we're still missing a few weigh-ins, so it'll be done soon. Sorry for the delay.
OK let's get you back on track.
First thing: The gym is not optional. I don't care what else is going on, short of you becoming a quadriplegic, I want you at the gym every day your routine has you scheduled to be there.
My eating has been less than stellar as well, but not that bad.
Shit happens, but it's the choices we make to get around as much shit as we can that will lead us where we need to go.
aim for progress, not perfection.
How do we have 3 people that lost 8-9 lbs over the last 9 days, I really don't get that???
Maybe they worked their asses off? Is it a bad thing? Do we question them, or do we congratulate them?
Rob - You were in this exact situation a year ago. I remember you talking about how you made time for good workouts and ate healthy. It's harder now that you've been doing it for so long and you don't have that same motivation you had last year. However, you know what to do. You know that it has to be done. Don't make excuses. :) (Nothing you haven't already addressed.) I know the scale didn't help matters any. That has GOT to be one of the biggest feelings of defeat. This is just another wave. Master it. Beat it.
Billy - me personally...I earned it.
1. I adjusted my diet to correct the percentages of my fat, protein, carb and fiber intake.
2. For the most part, I've been sticking to the "no cheat meals" thing.
3. I've been running 3-5 miles or biking for an hour+ 5x a week and doing strength training 2-3x a week.
4. I've kept my calories under 1,400/day.
5. (This is last on purpose) I got the flu and it lasted a couple days. Yeah, it knocked me down to an all-time low in this journey, but I saw that number on the scale and it lit a fire that I haven't felt since I first started this whole thing. I wasn't about to let myself jump back up 5 pounds simply because I didn't want to give up the cheat meals and carbs. :)
(Rob, sorry to hijack your blog.)
Hijack away, Beck. I could use the comments ;)
I was thinking the same thing (about losing 8lbs) Holy SHIT!
Congrats to all you losers :P
Hey Rob,
I think there may be an error with my number. Could you check it out ?
Jerry, not sure who you are, but I wasn't trying to take anything away from their accomplishments, just astonished, that's all. I've been with these guys a long time and NEVER have I seen this kind of weight loss and for 3 people to have it is just kinda crazy.
And Beck, I'm glad the flu helped re-ignite your fire!
Rob get back going man... I could sense the force was not strong with you towards the end of the week last week. Recapture the eye of the tiger and get back after it. Luckily, quick gained lbs fall of quick. So quickly dispose of them and keep moving on.
I was stunned to see 7-8 lbs losses too for the first week of the challenge. I will be stoked if I can loose that much this month. Nice work to all of you!!
Rob, PLEASE adjust my weight. I weigh 158.8, not 258.8. Thanks.
Woops, sorry, just saw that it was done. My bad!
Just to respond to Billy's question about the 8 lbs that I lost heres the answer since it was asked on your blog Rob...
1. Ive done a lot of extra working out with the 5k training that Im doing which probably shocked my body in a good way
2. Over the last 2 weeks Ive been under major stress which impacted the amount of food that I consumed and therefore assisted in my "big" weight loss for the week.
Stress/training its all good as long as I maintain it, which Im doing!
Hope that answers your question.
PS - just for the record, during this journey Ive lost 4 and 5 lbs in a week so its nothing astonishing. Thanks Jerry for knowing its possible to simply earn it!
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