Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I talked to Kevin tonight, Erin's been on me, a few of you have asked, and I've been wondering myself.

Why haven't I blogged?

I don't know. I just have been dragging ass and feeling completely motivated. This is the tough, yet confusing, part for me.

I work out SEVEN days a week. I play basketball on Tuesdays, softball the past few Saturdays, go for runs, bike rides with my wife - I'm active. I'm REALLY active, and I feel great about it.

But my eating is piss poor. And I don't mean 'cheat' meals. I eat the right stuff. I'm just eating a LOT of it. My serving sizes are WAY too big - I go back for seconds when I don't want them, I pick all day, I grab all the snacky shit at work and at school. Kid at school offers me a brownie? Sure, pass it along. Work has cake for someone's birthday? Pass it to me.

I *NEVER* fell into that. My problem was always the fast food and the bad stuff in large quantities. Now, it seems like I'm always hungry, and I've fallen back into the thing where I start thinking about the next meal the MOMENT this one's done. I'm falling back into these old feelings of weakness and self doubt, and I really don't like myself right now.

I've seen everything form 268 to 282 these past two weeks. It's infuriating. Right now, I'm somewhere in the middle. Hell, I've even been avoiding my SCALE. And for those of you who have read my blog more than once, you know how much I'm obsessed by that damn thing.

Either way, maybe it's turning around. I got two hours of GOOD basketball in tonight, and I came home wanting to eat (of course). Instead, it's gatorade and that's it. Softball is starting up, and I got my "Race for the Cure" packet in the mail. 5k race at the end of the month - I should start preparing and getting in the mood for it.

So - hang in there with me. I know, this is the same old story. It's just a matter of picking myself up - slapping myself in the face to get rid of the pity party, and moving forward. At least the active lifestyle is winning. Now, I need the healthy eating lifestyle part to be figured out. Keep pushing me.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Same Old Song?

Weigh In: 273.4

You could already predict that the weight went up due to me not blogging since Friday.

This isn't going to be the 'poor me' blog, we've all seen this too many times to count. I was talking to Kevin last night playing hoops and he said that he had a feeling that I wasn't doing so well since he hadn't seen a blog from me in a while. That's partially true (ok, about 99% of it), but I've been pretty busy lately too - many nights not seeing the house until after 8 or 9pm, after leaving to start my day at or before 6am. It drains you.

It's a combination of things sometimes that we really have to pay attention to. I wouldn't say that I 'fell off the wagon' and started eating the 'bad food'. I didn't stop working out - in fact, I don't think I've missed a day in the gym in a few weeks, and I've probably been either in the gym or on a long 2-4 mile run 28 out of the past 30 days. I've been pretty good.

Portion sizes and eating later at night is such a trap for me. I do really well all day long - in fact, I probably eat not enough during the day - and perhaps that's the problem. I get home, and I've always had dinner be the full, satisfying meal of the day. My meals have been bigger, I've been having seconds - I even had ice cream a few nights ago at 9:30 at night.

See, the ice cream I don't really have an issue with - I've been able to be faithful to eating it out of the 1/2 cup measuring cup. 140 calories, 2-3 grams of fat. I honestly have no issue with that. But the unscheduled eating of said ice cream at 9:30 at night after having 2 helping of dinner? That's what is not acceptable.

It's easy to keep the eye on the prize when the schedule fits and everything else is working how it's supposed to. The minute you take your eye off the road though - that's when you crash the car.

I'm not being myself up over 273 - but it's kind of disheartening.

Here's some good news - after MONTHS, I finally got Gary back on the program. He signed up at my community center this morning and we're back on track. He went from 280 or so and got down to 236 or something like that while working out with me in the past. He fell off the wagon and ended up gaining the weight back. It sucks, but it's something we've ALL done before.

No shame in that - but you use that as fuel to learn from your mistakes. As I see it - the only person that fails is the one that gives up. He's back with me, and that'll help both of us. For him to even come to me and want to get back into it - I respect the hell out of that. Also, one thing that he mentioned that I will be blatantly stealing is a trick that worked for him. At dinner, instead of using a full sized plate, he uses a small saucer. Whatever he can fit on that saucer, he eats. Total mind trick, and I don't doubt for a second that it works. I'll be stealing that one.

Hope everyone is doing well - keep strong.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Weigh In: 270.2

That kind of sucked. Snuck up again - but I didn't want to feel TOO bad about it. I had a LOOONG night last night where I had two bottled waters after 11pm. Didn't want to eat anything or add calories, but I'm assuming that played a role in seeing the weight go up in the AM.

Lame, but what can you do?

Tomorrow's just as busy - the weekend, the time for "rest", right?

Cutting this short - hoping tomorrow's a little more 'scale' friendly. I've got some weight to drop still.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


In my most recent post I talked about a program that I'm going to start running around town. I'm brainstorming ideas on things that would be most helpful.

Basically, we're looking to work with kids and possibly the parents when it comes to almost a "FIT camp" - a combination of exercises, fun activities, nutritional guidance and possible motivational speakers and tips to help these families eat and live healthier lives.

I'm thinking of what we've done in the past - and things that may have worked for you, that you think would benefit a program like this. We're talking about working with the families from within - both with the kids to show them that sports can be fun (some of these kids would feel uncomfortable playing with their 'healthy' peers), and we also want to approach the parents with educational materials - for example, showing visuals with measuring out HOW MUCH SUGAR is in a can of pop (measure out the sugar and physically show them) - as well as giving them healthy alternatives.

I want this to be the best possible program to reach out to the people who need it most.

So - what do you think would work in a program like this? If you were a parent with a child in this scenario, what would YOU want to see?


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

An Honor and Privilege

I already talked about my weigh in today, but I want to tell you guys a story that I think each and every single one of you will appreciate.

I'm looking for a second job to help supplement my income when I'm doing my student teaching, and through craigslist.com I found a woman is is pretty deeply involved in youth sports programs. We had this meeting tonight - her, I and about 5 other folks, about different programs to run in the area. Soccer camps, football leagues - those types of things. Things that you would find in a Parks & Recs program book.

We partnered up, and I ended up talking to a guy named Kenny. He's doing his student teaching like I am, and he's a basketball coach at one of the local high schools. Long story made short, we had to come up with a program to run - something that will benefit kids.

He mentioned doing a "fit camp".

He had no idea on my background, or my weight history. This, I believe, is a calling that was given to me - an opportunity that I was blessed with. We discussed this for 3 hours - from 8:30 tonight until about 11:30 - it's 11:45pm as I write this.

The two of us are going to run a fit camp - a "Biggest Loser" meets "Shaq's Big Challenge" type of camp. It's going to be classes of approximately 20 people - geared towards families - to help them get fit, lose weight, and live a healthy lifestyle. The details aren't worked out yet - we're meeting again tomorrow night, but the goal is there. Motivational speakers (Michigan FAT members, are you listening?) - working with nutritional lessons, showing them how to eat right, make better decisions when it comes to preparing food and eating out - promoting exercise - you name it - that's the process we're going through to work out the details.

There's so much more to figure out - but we're going to have this up and running in the next few weeks. My head is spnning right now with the endless possibilities - I want this to be about helping people discover a healthy life - and this is the opportunity to pay it forward that I was given.

I'm blessed for even having this opportunity, and I'm going to make the best of it. I'm not sure the details yet - but I know this - we're GOING to be doing this. We're going to be able to show these families - these adults, kids, brothers and sisters, best friends - whoever want to do this - how to do what all FAT members know works: how to be accountable for your decisions, what those right decisions consist of - and how it will affect them in the long run. Everything from these nutritional plans to helping them with exercise to giving them the support system that they need to make a difference.

You can tell by this blog that my mind is ALL over the place.

I'm going to be able to make a difference where it counts - in my own community. We're talking tentatively classes of about 20, and probably 4-6 classes.

I can't tell you how happy I am to be given this chance. I am going to bring EVERYTHING I'VE GOT to the table. This is what it's all about.

Chase It

Goal: Lose 10 Pounds in April
April 1 - 272.0
Today's Weigh In: 267.6
4.4 down, 5.6 to go!

Basketball went great last night - I'm COMPLETELY wiped out. When the alarm went off this morning my body did NOT want to get up. Totally sore from the pores of my feet to the bald spot on the top of my head.

So I went downstairs and weighed in. I got a 268.6.

As is my routine every day, I go to the gym in the morning and then come home and weigh in again. My post-workout weigh-in is the one I count for my official daily weigh in. Some would say that's cheating, but the way I see it - the pre-workout weigh in motivates the hell out of me. I know that whatever I see before my workout is going to be almost a full pound LESS when I get home and weigh in again.

Honestly, that fact in itself is what motivates me to go to the gym 7 days a week.

When I woke up this morning, I just knew I wasn't going to hit the gym. I was sore, tired, I had a HUGE headache.. I just wasn't going to do it. But when I saw that 268.8.. I knew the potential for seeing the 268 was real. My body immediately changed its mind, and WANTED to go to the gym so I could see it on the scale.

That's what motivates me.


My old "new low" from months ago was 266.6. I haven't seen that number in months - and I haven't seen anything LOWER than that in the past 10 years.

Find what motivates you. Chase it.

Earn it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hoop Dreams

Goal: Lose 10 Pounds in April
April 1 - 272.0
Today's Weigh In: 269.8
2.4 down, 7.6 to go!

I seem to be locked into the 269 point. It's a bit stressful every time I step on the scale in the morning, as strange as that might sound.

I hit the gym this morning but have basketball tonight - Kevin's been dealing with illness so hopefully he'll be ok to play, but either way I'll have 2 hours hauling ass up and down the court tonight. Really looking forward to it.

I don't know why but I've had this major case of writer's block when it comes to this blog lately. I don't really have much to say - but I feel like I need to post more.

It's tax day - April 15th. That means a few things - one, sucks for you if you don't have your taxes done yet. Two, we're 50% through the month, and I'm falling short of my 10 pounds in April goal. Time to step it up a notch.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Keeping Up

Goal: Lose 10 Pounds in April
April 1 - 272.0
Today's Weigh In: 269.6
2.6 down, 7.4 to go!

I've sat in front of my computer every night this week with writer's block. Not sure what to write. I've done my thing - but this last week has been so unorganized. Tuesday - field trip. Wednesday - jazz contest (straight 1st division ratings, btw!). Thursday and Friday were 10 hour work days to make up for Tuesday and Wednesday being off of work. Running all weekend, you name it.

It's Sunday night and I still haven't completed everything I wanted to get done - and honestly, probably shouldn't be doing this now, but I need to get something.

This week was essentially a wash - about the same weigh ins - but I'll take that, considering this week has been a blur. This week I really have to gear up - I want to drop a solid 2 pounds this week, really make an impact.

Been trying to get Gary back into the gym - hopefully I'll be able to report that he's signed up with me sometime this week. Also, been in 'training' for softball season, gearing my workouts towards speed bursts and power, been doing a TON of core exercises.. my ribs/abs haven't ever felt so sore. That's a good thing.

One other quick note - Detroiters, the "Race for the Cure" is May 31st at 8am starting at Comerica Park. There's a 1 mile run, a 5k walk and a 5k run. I just signed up for the 5k run. It's cheaper the earlier you sign up, so if you're interested, do it soon. You can find the link here.

Keep on trucking, Warriors. I can't believe I'm saying this but April is almost halfway over!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Goal: Lose 10 Pounds in April
April 1 - 272.0
Today's Weigh In: 268.6
3.6 down, 6.4 to go!

Note the timestamp - it's 12:09am. I wasn't going to blog tonight but I had to report my 268.6 this morning. I left for my run around 7am, did about 2+ miles - headed home, showered, and was headed towards school around 8am.

I just walked in the door, 16 hours later. I work in less than 8 hours. So needless to say this is a short blog.

I'm about 1/3rd of my way to 10 pounds lost in April. We're exactly 1/3rd of the way through April.


PS: I want to say that playing hoops for two hours with Kevin and the guys was awesome - what a great workout. We'll be doing it again next Tuesday, so if anyone's around Detroit, c'mon along. Hit me up.

Ok, seriously. Goodnight, I'm BEYOND exhausted.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Weekend Diligence

Goal: Lose 10 Pounds in April
April 1 - 272.0
Today's Weigh In: 269.0
3 down, 7.0 to go!

Going to keep this one quick - I know most of us don't check the blogs as much on the weekends.

Weight's slowly going down, eating is solid. Not much else to report.

Kevin and I and others are playing basketball Tuesday, I'm really looking forward to that. We're hosting a BBQ at our place tomorrow, which means I have control over the food choices - which means there'll be good choices for me.

I'm sailing now - I'm 30% to my goal for April and it's April 5th. In the past I've let my foot off the gas - that's not going to happen this month.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Results Come From Your Choices

Goal: Lose 10 Pounds in April
April 1 - 272.0
Today's Weigh In: 269.2
2.8 down, 7.2 to go!

It was good to see the 269 streak continue, and I plan on keeping this up. This is how I ate today:

Breakfast: Honey Nut Cheerios
Lunch: 2 Lean Pockets (I know, but I don't have chili ready), jello cup, 100 cal snack
Snack: Dry tuna out of the packet
Dinner: Cobb Salad (out to eat)

Pretty straight forward. We went to the Pistons game and to a bar afterwards, and here's where the IMPORTANT decisions came in. For dinner, I chose water for my drink. At the Pistons game, I walked past the concession stands without blinking an eye. After the game Erin and I went to a bar for a few drinks - my beverage of choice? Diet Coke.

I think sometimes we try so hard to make the RIGHT decisions all day long that by the end of the day, we're tired of making the right decisions. I read every day about a FAT Coalition member (many times this is me) who talks about how they ate great all day and worked out and did everything they could, but they were so hungry at a certain point (usually dinner) of the day where they just binged and regreted it.

It's about ALL of our choices.

It does no good for me to hold my opponent on the basketball court to just two points on 5 shots for the first three quarters if I'm going to give up 22 in the fourth and foul out.

Almost isn't enough. I think "almost" is what a lot of us settle for sometimes. And results come from the choices we make.

Which is why a lot of us are "almost" losing weight.

Is your health WORTH going 100%? Let's all have a great April. I don't know about you guys, but I'm dropping 10 pounds this month, MINIMUM.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Goal: Lose 10 Pounds in April
April 1 - 272.0
Today's Weigh In: 269.8
2.2 down, 7.8 to go!

A few things to note today. First off, of course, is today's weigh-in. I snuck JUST underneath 270 today, a milestone. I've done this a few times before, and I've popped right back up. In fact, my "new low" was 266 - and that was probably 4 months ago - so I'm not getting too excited about anything yet.

There's a few things working in my favor right now - first off, I'm convinced that this Metabolife thing is working.. in conjunction with working out and eating right. It's not a magic pill, and without the hard work being put in, I don't think I'd see the results that I am. But, perhaps it was the catalyst.

Secondly, I got a new toy for my birthday. An Ipod Nano with the Nike+ chip. If you don't know how this thing works - it's a little chip that connects to any Ipod Nano and it records your runs. It's kind of like GPS - I set it when I go for a run, and it tracks how far you've gone, your time, your calories and your history - so you can try to beat your 'pace' next time. It's a cool toy. Also, you can connect it to ITunes and upload your information and it'll give you cool graphs like the one above (click on it or the link to make it bigger) to illustrate how you're doing and let you upload your runs to 'challenge' others. It's a pretty incredible technology.

And besides, it's a new 'toy' so it makes me want to go out and run just so I can use it.

And now that the weather is getting better, I'm wanting to get out more. Kevin's wanting to play some hoops this weekend so I hope I'm able to do this, but softball season is right around the corner, and we're playing basketball on Tuesday nights from 7-9 (anyone local to Detroit is invited, hit me up), so I'm looking forward to the springtime.

Not much else - just staying strong. Hope you're all with me. Amazing April everyone. April 30th's my 3rd wedding anniversary, so I'm hoping to celebrate it under 262. Only one way to accomplish that - hard work and determination with NO slip ups.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


March Results:

March 1 Weigh In: 280.5
March 31 Weigh In: 272.0
Total Lost: 8.5 pounds.
Goal: Came up short by 2.1 pounds

That's fine with me. This is the first 8 pound month for me in a long, long time. But here's the reality. I've been to 272 a TON of times. In order to repeat my 8.5 pound loss, I'll have to break into new grounds - the 260's - and STAY there.

The last weekend was so much fun for me - I got to go to the FAT party with my peeps, I had a surprise party for my cousin, I had an NCAA Elite 8 game in a suite (with unlimited food - yikes), a Red Wings game, Tiger's Opening Day, my birthday, my family over for cake and ice cream (which I had) - you name it. AWESOME weekend.

And you know what I find the best?

I stayed strong through the entire thing. I had a small piece of cake and a scoop of ice cream. But I did so well - I was strong in the suite, I made the best decisions I could - when we went out to dinner for my 'birthday meal' we went to Applebees so I could get my Chili-Lime Chicken Salad (250 cals) and French Onion Soup (150 cals).

This is a good reminder for myself, and anyone else who reads this, that no matter the obstacles you deal with - if you plan ahead and have a bit of pride in what you can accomplish, you can do what you need to do to succeed. Under the past circumstances, I would have *GAINED* five pounds this weekend due to poor choices. I don't feel like I was left out, and I did well.

April 1's weigh in: 272.0
This morning's weigh in: 270.4

I want to lose 10 pounds this month - beat April's 8.5

That would get me to 262.0. Those 10 pounds would be HUGE for me.