Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Weigh In: 286.6

Yikes, two days slipped by without posting. Things have been good - I just got home last night, laid down on the couch and went unconscious. Getting into bed from there was tough. I've been totally exhausted lately, but making the right decisions. We ended up at a BBQ right after work yesterday so I had to make sure I made good eating decisions there for dinner - could have done better, I did have a hamburger, but I just had carrots, broccoli with hummus as my side. And of course I slipped at the end and had two (although small, I had two. Stupid.) sections of this chocolate bundt cake (hell I dont know how to spell it but it was good) just because it was there. I caught the dirty look from Erin and I knew she was right.

It's 6:11 and I'm late for the gym (6am), so this is going to be short - I just needed to get SOMETHING in as part of my deal.


Anonymous said...

Tuck-Is your weight right? 20 lbs within a couple days!?!?

Rob Tucker said...

LOL, I told you I was exhausted. Fixed it :)

Anonymous said...

I was excited for you, but thought it might have been a typo. LOL...

Keep up the great work! I know what it's like being exhausted from work, school, etc. It WILL get better some day (and it's ALL worth it in the long run!) :)

Anonymous said...

Keep it up, Tuck. The little bit of consistent effort adds up.

Anonymous said...

You slipped a little, but it's done. Don't focus on it - just look forward and push hard today. I'm so glad to see you back in the game. Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Where are you? It's Friday and still no blog....

Ripx180 said...

yeah hope your not skipping workouts and good food like your skipping the blogs??? whats up Rob? let us know how u doing?