Friday, March 30, 2007

Milestone's A-plenty.

Weigh In: 311.5 (yes!)
Calories Consumed: 1930
Calories Burned: 4459
Workout: 30 today, 1505 for March

Today was a pretty damn good day.

So first off, I'm getting ready to go to the gym, and my wife calls me from school (she's a third grade teacher). She says hi, and then silence.. then all of a sudden, 20-some 3rd graders sing LOUDLY "Happy Birthday" to me over her cell phone. It was the sign of a great day.

Then, I go to the gym, and get some cardio in. I step on the scale - and it reads yet another low - 311.5. My five day average drops again, and I'm feeling pretty damn good.

Then, I get to work, and I'm concerned - when it's someone's birthday, they bring cake. I can't imagine having unscheduled cake - so I'm hesitant. I get there, and instead of cake, there's this huge fruit platter thing - they thought enough of my hard work to do fruit instead of cake.

Honestly, at this point - I'm pretty damned impressed.

So the night continues - for those who know me, I'm a big wrestling fan. Tonight, my sister-in-law and my wife present me with tickets to the Hall of Fame Induction for the WWE - here in Detroit - tomorrow night.

So I'm thinking, a damn good night. I check my calories - and notice I'm low.

What's better than ending the night with a good time at the bar - and a good Smithwick's Ale? I didn't drink the whole thing (I couldn't help to count calories even in my beer), but it was enough to put the cap on a pretty damn good day.

As I'm typing this, it's past Midnight, so technically - my 20's are behind me. I'm 30 years old today. And as I hit this milestone, I look at my life, and realize how damn lucky I am. I've got an amazing group of friends, I've got a good job, my family is simply amazing (mom and dad, I read your card tonight - I LOVED it), and my wife is beyond amazing.

So, I'm 30.

A lot has changed since I started this weight loss journey, but it's only begun. Next stop, the 200s!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

To the 200s.. and BEYOND!

Weigh In: 312 (lowest yet!)
Calories Consumed: 2308
Calories Burned: 4614
Workout: 70 minutes today, 1435 for March

I'm pretty exhausted, so this is going to be a short one. However, if you've noticed the weigh-in number, I HAD to post today.

I'm pretty pumped. I had a workout again with Josh, but because I wanted to be careful with the popping shoulder, we did everything BUT the shoulder. He worked me out with ONLY dumb-bells for the majority of the workout, which means it was all muscle building. It felt great - it was one of those workouts where the male ego kicks in. I felt pretty damn weak though, even before the workout. Usually I get the adrenaline going, but it just wasn't there. It was one of those days where, if I was working out on my own, I probably would have skipped some stuff - thankfully Josh is the DESTROYER, and destroy he did.

I've got 2 days left in March. As for right now, my five-day average is 313.1. My goal was to get below 313.0 for March. The good news is, with 2 days to go, I've seen a scale reading under 313. If I can just stay where I am for the next two days - or even get LOWER, that gives me more of a headstart for April - and a push towards the 200s Club.

So, back and at 'em tomorrow. My birthday is Saturday, and with all the 'celebration', I feel like I have to work even harder to earn a fun weekend. It's funny.. every time in the past where a birthday, holiday, or anything like that came, it was a great 'excuse' to eat like garbage. Now - eating healthy is my reward - and I'm not afraid to 'miss out' on a fatty meal just for the sake of doing it.

So.. 200's Club.. see you in a month!

Welcoming Suz

And we continue to grow! Welcome "Suz" into the blog ring - add her, and she'll add us.

The stronger and larger we get, the stronger and smaller we get!

Welcoming Amy

Everyone welcome Amy, the newest member of the FAT Coalition.

While the waistlines are shrinking, our ranks are growing. Good luck to Amy, and to the rest of us.

Please make sure that everyone updates their links.

PS: Also, to the blogger known as ":)", you asked me to put you into the Coalition a month ago and I just remember.. I'm so sorry that I forgot. When you see this, can you send me your link and we'll put it up. Sorry!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

One Pound To Go - Forward.. MARCH!

Weigh In: NONE

Calories Consumed: 2218

Calories Burned: 3816

Workout: Today, 0 minutes

Usually I'd be bummed that I wasn't able to work out because of time commitments, but today I'm ok with it. I wanted to go hit the gym especially today because of the weigh-in factor, but between a personal crisis today and a major exam that I spent the morning studying for, stuff happens. I've worked hard, and I'm still recouping from Josh the Destroyer yesterday, so it was a well earned break. Tomorrow morning, I'm right back at it with Josh.

My shoulder's been a bit weak since yesterday, and when I was doing dips with Josh I felt a little 'pop' in my upper right chest muscles. I'm assuming they're related, so I'm going to be real careful with the shoulder. The rest of the body, however, better get ready to get its ass kicked.

I've got 3 more days in March and I still need to drop that pound to actually hit my goal. I've been eating strong, resting the body, and for these next three days, I'm ready to hit the pavement, give 'em hell, and get under goal, and get myself ready for April.

It's hard to believe that by this time next month, I will be close - if not under - 300 pounds.

April's going to be a big month for me - my wedding anniversary on the 31st, along with a major shift in healthy lifestyle - the 200's.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Monday Is Yesterday's Today

Yes, in typical fashion, we use pictures to represent our weight.
Surprisingly enough, the dog in the picture weighs 36 pounds.
Unfortunately for me, I still that much hair, and in the same places.

Weigh In: 313.5 (again)
Calories Burned: Pending
Calories Consumed: Pending
Workout: 70 minutes w/ Josh the Destroyer, 1320 for March
Five Day Average: 314.0 (Down 2.6 Pounds This Week)

If there are a lot of typos in this post, or if I completely stop posting for a few minutes, please forgive me. Josh the Destroyer lived up to his name today. I feel like I was taking a nice soft nap in the middle of the highway during rush hour.

It's 10am, and my shoulders are sagging. My legs are laying in a nice neat pile on the floor. My body feels like the meat it falling off the bone. And the crazy part? I loved it.

Josh's workout today consisted of a "T-Drill", which basically means that I'm sprinting until I collapse, these prison lunges (appropriately named since it felt like punishment), dips, triceps, and I think at one point he had me carrying a busload of nuns up a flight of stairs.

Bottom line is, I'm exhausted. I'm completely wiped out, and I've got a day of work to attend to. But I feel great. And, to make things a bit brighter, the scale was actually functioning today, and I'm down to 314 as a 5-day average, and the biggest number comes off tomorrow, so it's instantly going further down.

What does that mean?

It means I'm 15 pounds away from my first major.. MAJOR milestone. I'm 1 pound away from the minor milestone of 313, where I wanted to be at the end of March - the lowest weight I can remember ever being. It means that I've lost 36 pounds since November 22nd.

So it's a good day. The sun is shining, and it's 75 degrees outside.

I'd celebrate, but I think it's time for me to fall into a coma.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Delay Of Game

Calories Consumed: 1584
Calories Burned: 3816

Today was a run-of the mill day, except for when I went to go weigh in, the scale was busted. So, on Monday of all days (blog changing day), I couldn't get a weigh-in.

So, I'm going to hold off changing my blog until tomorrow. I'm working out with Josh the Destroyer (my trainer for those who don't know), and we're doing our first actual one-on-one workout in a while. I'm really looking forward to it.

As for the weight, if I just went back the last four days (counting today as nothing in my 5-day average), I'd be an even 314. That's over 2 pounds lost this week, leaving me with about a pound to go by the end of March to hit my goal. But, without Monday's weigh-in, I feel like it's incomplete, so tomorrow will be the day.

Other than that, not much to report. After Josh kills me tomorrow and I get my weigh in, tomorrow's blog will be MUCH better. Until then!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

It's MUCH More Than Just A Number

Me, Nikki, Zogie, Brandon and Jim (from left to right) - The "Crew"

Weigh In: 313.5
Calories Consumed: 2461

Calories Burned: 4279

Workout: 40 minutes today, 1250 for March

I've been thinking a lot lately about how my weight loss is affecting my life, and those around me. Today, I had a good conversation with a friend on the phone. Before I rant about this - for those who don't know my personal life - I've got a pretty good group of friends, and to put it nicely, we're all overweight. We've been a pretty 'big' group pretty much our entire lives, and when you're in a group - it's somewhat of a safety net.

I talked a few weeks ago about the day that I 'skipped' on the White Castles - a day that before my weight loss journey TRULY started, I would have taken a MAJOR role in the dismantling of the Crave Case. But that day, I felt like the odd man out. Like I wasn't 'part' of the whole. I felt like I was 'outside of the circle'.

Now, my friends NEVER pressured me into eating the White Castles, and it's not something where I'm fighting them to support me - if anything, they've been completely awesome about it. But I just felt like I was watching it from the outside. And you know.. this has been on my mind - and getting back to my conversation on the phone with my friend today, I'm feeling better today.

See, as I said, my friends and I have always been big. I'm not just talking about tall, but we've been BIG. We used to wear our "Big Daddy" shirts with pride, and laugh when we talked about the day that about 7-8 of us XXXXLers were walking towards the "All You Can Eat" pizza joint in the middle of the day, and the shop owner saw us in his parking lot and LOCKED the doors. It sounds like a punchline of some comic's skit, but that really happened.

But how do I, someone who has been guilty of the same exact thing for years, tell my friends that we need to work on our health? I mean, I can do it for myself, but I've got NO right to tell others, especially those close to me, how to live theirs. Tonight on the phone, I was told by one friend that another went to the doctor, and the doctor gave him the 'you won't last long like this' talk. It was the same one I had months ago - something that changed my life.

This same friend and I were talking today, and I can not tell you how happy I am to say that he told me that he signed up for a gym membership today, and is now working with a friend to knock off some major weight. And then he said something that really.. I mean REALLY meant something to me.

"You were part of my motivation to do this".

My weight loss journey has inspired a lot of people I've been told, but it takes it to another level when it happens to someone who I consider myself family with - minus the family tree. I want him to succeed the way that I have, plus some. So - you know who you are - if there's ANYTHING that I can do - ask. Don't think, just ask.

For any of my other friends who fall into this category and who may stumble across this blog, I'm not sure who all reads this.. I can't tell anyone how to live their life, or to even point at MY life and try to compare, but we've been friends for our entire lives.. and if in your head you're even thinking that you want to change your life to make sure we live long enough to have these friendships last forever.. I hope you feel the strength to do something about it.

I would NEVER have found my success (so far.. there's so much to go still) without a solid support group - my wife, my friends, my family, my blog replies, the FAT Coalition, you name it.

If you want aboard, just let me know.

Ok.. I've got that off my chest. As far as my workout and such, it went well - only 20 minutes in the gym due to time restrictions, but a 20 minute (approx) bike ride, and I intentionally pushe my calories over 2000 today. Tomorrow's a MAJOR weigh-in, so I'm really looking forward to it. A final rush towards March 31st.. let's see what we've got left.

Catch ya'll tomorrow.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

When All Else Fails - Keep Fighting

Weigh In: 313.5 (new low!)
Calories Consumed: 1677

Calories Burned: 4273 (plus a 32 minute bike ride)
Workout: Today 60 minutes, March 1211 minutes

The last few days I have been feeling pretty frustrated, but more worried than anything. For some reason, when I see a few days where the scale doesn't move, it takes me right back to February - I was doing great.. I mean, really watching the pounds melt off. And then it happened. 21 days straight where the weight didn't budge. If it wasn't for this blog, I probably would have folded up the tent and went back in the house.

But I didn't, and I started counting calories - and it worked. I got a new plan - implemented it, and it worked.

My weight came down to 313.5 today. But, the events leading up to that were something that makes me think the Man in the clouds tests you, both mentally and physically. The past few days, I've worked my ASS off in the gym. Really gave it the best. The weights stayed the same, and actually have been going up. Today, I go to the gym, give 28 minutes and quit. I was just so exhausted that I couldn't finish. For about 20 of the 28 minutes, I was fighting not to give up, but I did.

I was mad at myself. So, I go get in the shower, then go step on the scale, and boom - there it is. 313.5 - half a pound short of my March goal. Of course, I want to make it happen on the 5-day average, but you can't get that without hitting it first, so I'm almost there.

For those of you that read that I did 28 minutes, but posted 60 on my total workout minutes - good catch. The rest of the time, I capitalized on the great 65 degree weather today - I filled the bike tires up with air, and Erin and I did about 20 minutes cruising the neighborhood. After she went home, I went out and did another 2 1/2 - 3 miles on the bike. It felt great - I can't wait for this weather to be full blown springtime.

So, I'm rambling tonight. Here's a recap:

a: I resumed zig-zag eating 2 days ago, and the weight came back down.
b: I ran out of gas at the gym - after working out around 1pm - with only 300 calories consumed for the DAY to that point. Not good.
c: I'm so close to my March goal I can taste it.

Full speed ahead.

(Oh, and Calorie-Count folks.. why can't I find "bike riding" on the activity log? Help?)

Friday, March 23, 2007

You Don't Know "Squat"

Weigh In: 315.5
Calories Consumed: 1579

Calories Burned: 4556

Workout: Today, 60 minutes - March, 1151 minutes

Ok, so remember yesterday how I said that I wasn't too frustrated about the weight just staying where it's been? Today, I'm a bit more frustrated about it. The more I think about it, the more I want to push my body harder than before.

My calories are really low today, probably TOO low, but since I started doing the 'zig-zag' approach to calories, I was losing at a great rate. For the past few days, I've been at or around 2000+, so I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or if it's related, but I needed to get myself really low for a day or so, just because of my own internal doubts. So, I did that.

For some reason, my weight freeze the past couple of days was ticking me off today as I was thinking about it during my workout. I usually squat around 175 pounds or so, but today I really wanted to PUSH. So, I looked over and saw one of the bodybuilder guys doing squats next to me on the next machine. He was doing around 250 pounds. He was pretty built, but about half my size.

So, in typical Tucker fashion, I said "screw it", and put 275 pounds on the squat bar - and proceeded to do three straight sets of 12.

Amazing, it felt awesome.

So, I added weight to all of my reps on all machines today. I'm starting to get the feeling that before today, I was going through the motions, but not truly PUSHING myself to the brink. It's as if I've been getting used to what I'm doing, and not testing my limits. Today, I think I got back to that a little bit. I mean, I guess it's pretty good that I can say that 'half-assing' a workout is where I was at, when just about 2 months ago, the exact same workout pushed me beyond my limits. That means I am improving.

But that was then, and this is now.

I'm going to really start kicking my own butt in these workouts. My body's fighting me - it doesn't want to give up these extra pounds. But that's just too damn bad, because they're coming off, whether the body likes it or not.

I've been preaching "mind over body" for a while now - and it's time I took my own advice on that. Here goes nothing.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

What Goes Up...

Weigh In: 315.5
Calories Consumed: 2276
Calories Burned: 4334
Workout: Today, 30 minutes - March, 1091 minutes

You'll notice that the past few days, my weight has steadily creeped up. Now usually, I'd be mad, frustrated, disappointed, you name it. I'd be stressed out, talking about how hard I'm working and how I want to throw my scale into the lake, but for some reason, I'm calm about it.

I mean, it does bug me a bit - but the last few days have been easier to handle consider that I have been doing SO well lately. I know that I was due for a time where my body is trying to catch up, but that just means that I have to be even that more diligent. One thing I've noticed is that I've strayed away from the 'zig-zag', and have been pretty consistant in the lower 2000's for my calorie intake. I need to get a few days on the low end, so I'll try to get a few days in there.

Otherwise, I know what I need to do. It's coming up on a hopefully warm weather weekend, so I want to be more active. Do more stuff, be outside more.

As the title suggests, what goes up, must go down.

The sooner, the better.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Strongman in Hiding

Weigh In: 315
Calories Consumed: 1836
Calories Burned: 4329
Workout: Today, 30 minutes - March, 1061 minutes

I'm not sure if this sounds stupid or not, but lately I've been doing the whole flex-to-yourself thing lately, and feeling out the muscles in my arms, back, legs, shoulders, etc.. I never used to have anything but flab bags, but I'm starting to notice some bulk going on. My wife rolls her eyes every time I say "feel my bicep", but then again, I can't really blame her.

Part of me feels like I'm being a complete dork about it, but I'm starting to feel like once I get this big layer of fat off of me, I might have something good going on in there. So, as much of a dope that I am for flexing to myself, it's a byproduct of my hard work, so I'm going to keep doing it.

I just hope no one at work catches me in the act.

As for the diet, I went pretty well today, nothing much to report. I did a half-hour on the Elliptical this morning after feeling as stiff as I can ever remember feeling after yesterday's workout. It took everything that I had just to get to the gym, but once I was there, I felt pretty limber. I usually run on "Random" option on level 7, but I put it on 9 today. I sweated (is that a word?) more than I usually did, and it was more of a challenge, so it worked out well.

Went to work afterwards, and I noticed that I stiffened back up. My problem is, I work in a cube and after working out I sit for 8 hours. I find that I'm standing up more, stretching in the cube, doing what I can to keep the muscles warm. And then.. when no one is looking, and I'm damn sure that no one is going to walk into my office.

I flex.

So I'm a dork. Sue me.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Going and Going and Going

Weigh In: 314.5 (lowest again!)
Calories Consumed: 2354
Calories Burned: 5251 (that's pretty good)

Work Out: Today, 125 minutes - March, 1031 minutes

Ok, so the picture doesn't really 'relate' to today's story, but it's my life story up until this past November.

Today was one of those days where I just needed a hard workout. I was feeling pretty sick this morning, and was a bit frustrated, so I skipped my workout in the morning. I drug through my day, and when I got out into the sunlight again, I felt like I just had to go DO something.

Remember that new Elliptical machine that I said takes it out of me after 10 minutes? I started on it today, and for some reason I felt REALLY strong after 10 minutes, so I went.. 30! And THEN I did my full weight lifting workout.. and THEN went and played 45 minutes of volleyball.

Impressed, aren't you?

So, I stepped on the scale and I couldn't get it to balance.. it hit 314.0, and then hit 314.5, so I decided to go with the higher one for today's weigh in. It doesn't affect my 5 day average since I don't change til Monday anyway, so I thought I'd go with it. Felt pretty good about that as well.

I've heard about 3-4 walks/runs in the next few months, so I'm thinking I might give it a go. I have to find out which ones I need to fundraise for, and which ones I don't have to - they're all for a good cause, but I don't think it's fair to hit the same people up for money 3-4 times in the next few months, so I'll have to be picky on which one to 'promote'. Either way, I'm thinking there's some walks and runs in my future.

So that's about it. The scale keeps tipping, which I feel great about. Since I weighed in only a few hours ago and I weigh in again early tomorrow morning, like 8:00am, I don't expect TOO much of a jump (it'll only be like 12 hours from 2 weigh-ins), but if I can keep steady or better, that's good enough for me.

Needless to say, I'm exhausted. Catch ya'll tomorrow.

Monday, March 19, 2007

New Numbers, and a New 5k Run

Weigh In: 315 (new low again!)
Calories Consumed:
Calories Burned:
Workout: Today, 30 minutes. March, 906 minutes
Five Day Average: 316.5

A few pretty cool things. First off, the average dropped pretty strong this week for the second week in a row. I've got 3 more pounds to lose for the month of March to keep on track for hitting under 300 by my 2nd Wedding Anniversary. Needless to say, I'm going for broke and trying to get ahead of the game. Pretty pumped about that.

Also, I heard on the radio that WDFN, a local radio station, is doing a 5k run in May. I'm thinking about doing that.. I was going to do one in December, but it got so busy that I never ended up doing it. So, if anyone wants to do this and is serious about it, and are near the Detroit area, you can sign up here. I haven't done it yet, but chances are good that I'm going to go for it. So, let me know - it's for a good cause, the Leukemia and Lymphoma society.

Also, I went from a size 4x shirt to a 2x shirt, and my pants size is down from 48 to 44. Definitely a big boost.

So, here's to another successful week!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Strawberry Torte - A Key To Weight Loss

Weigh In: 316.5 (lowest yet!)
Calories Consumed: 2531

Calories Burned: 4022

Workout: Today, 15 minutes. March, 876 minutes

So, today I ate well, and the last thing that I ate today was a slice of my wife's AMAZING Strawberry/Chocolate torte. I stepped on the scale today at 316.5, my lowest yet. I sit back and think of where I was just in late November, and think that I've lost almost 38 pounds.. that's pretty damn cool to me. And the best thing is, I've done it healthy and smart - and changing the lifestyle as I went. On my past blog, my wife Erin posted this comment:

"I don't think I have told you lately how proud I am of you, so here it is! You have been sticking to this change of lifestyle for a long time now and I can only imagine the amount of willpower you need for that. There were many times this weekend alone where you could have fallen off the wagon, but you didn't. You are doing an amazing job and as a result you and me are going to have a longer time on this Earth together! :) ~ERIN"

I got that feeling in my stomach that is so hard to explain, but you all know what I'm talking about. I've been feeling like I'm fighting the whole motivation thing, and she goes ahead and types that out. Needless to say, I'm feeling stronger than ever about things right now - and her posting that is validation of everything I'm working hard for. So Erin, I know you read this - you kick ass.

In other news, tomorrow is a big weigh in for me, as it marks me changing the name of the blog. I've fought off another plateau (I hope), and continue to head down. I'm impressed - and I've notice that ever since I've been counting calories, my weight loss trend has improved greatly. You can tell by the chart at the top that my trends have accelerated since I have been aware of PRECELY what I've put into my body.

Not only that, but because I'm conscious of this counting of the calorie, I'm paying attention to my choices MUCH more closely. Many times I've thought "oh, only a few bites won't hurt", but when I started counting the cals, I've seen that those 'few bites" WILL hurt you if you're not paying attention.

So, things are well. The fight continues. It's crazy. 300 has always been a pipedream.. one of those things that I never really TRULY thought about. The lowest I've ever gotten was 314.. and I'm so close to that. I'm focusing on getting to 313 and passing that previous goal.. but I'll tell you - once I get past 314, it's full steam ahead to the 200's.

Good night!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Weigh In: 317.5
Calories Consumed: 1850

Calories Burned: 4851

Workout - Today, 60 minutes. March: 861 minutes

Happy St. Patty's to everyone!

Today I woke up around 8:30, and by 9:15am I was running on the Elliptical. I plugged it in for 60 minutes thinking that it was a fat chance in hell that I was actually going to do it. I didn't feel up to it, and the Sportscenter TV was too far away from me. I was stuck watching ABC in the morning, which meant I was watching cartoons. The funny thing is, I had Rocky theme music blaring in my ears, and I was watching some weird cartoon that I've never seen - and it kept my mind on reading the Closed Captioning, which meant I didn't focus on the Elliptical - and I did 60 minutes straight on it. Felt pretty good.

I had a beer tonight, and I realized how much I don't like Bud Light. I used to live and die by the stuff, but I'm not a big fan anymore. I did add some green to it in honor of my Irish wife, but it's not my favorite. Of course, 110 calories for a beer worked out well, so what can I say?

As for my plateau, I'm glad I saw a lower number, but I'm not out of the woods yet. I was glad to get my 317.5 again, but the way my body is, it can go up or down with as much frequency as a roulette wheel.

One thing I noticed tonight. I was at the bar sitting up where the bartenders were serving up drinks, and I watched drink after drink after drink get served. My brain wasn't counting beers, though. It was counting calories. I go back to about 10 years ago, and me and a few friends would knock out 12-20 beers a night, plenty of Jager and follow it up with a few large pizzas. It impresses me, and scares me at the same time, to think that I've come so far from that lifestyle.

Tonight represented my new life choices - I had a healthy dinner of chicken breasts, rice and broccoli, and one light beer. Ten years ago, I would have easily consumed 10,000 calories without blinking an eye.

Growing up sure is fun, ain't it?

Friday, March 16, 2007

A Light Ahead

Weigh In: 317.5 (lowest yet!)
Calories Consumed: 1792
Calories Burned: 4866

Work Out - Today, 75 minutes - March 801 minutes

I can't get too excited, but there may be sunshine on the other size of the horizon, across the great plateau. I stepped on the scale and expected 319, but instead got 317.5. A nice surprise. I'm not completely out of the woods yet, but it's nice to see it move a bit. I've started the "zig zag" approach to my calories again, and it seems to be working. The next few days will be the judge.

My workout was pretty strong today. I did the 'full' workout, which includes 3 sets of 12 squats at 165 pounds, tricep curls at 150 pounds, the bench at a measley 145 pounds, curls, crunches and others. I usually start out with 10 minutes of cardio on the Elliptical, which I did, but after I was done with the entire workout, I wanted to add some more time to help try and catch up a little bit on my March workout challenge, so I jumped on and did another 15 minutes of Elliptical after the full workout.

By the time I got off that thing, I thought the skin was going to fall right off the bone like a well-done pot roast.

Also, we went to Applebees tonight for dinner, and before we went, I went a huntin' on the site to find out what I'd be looking at. I find it MUCH easier to search the menu before I go out, so it helps me know what I'm getting myself into. Did you know that you can get a GREAT piece of Tilapia with rice and broccoli for about 370 calories? And, when you add a bowl of the Weight Watchers French Onion Soup (only 150) calories, you can get out of dinner at a restaurant for 520 calories? The meal was delicious, and it fit perfectly into my day.

So, overall, I'd say today was a success. I've got a few more days before my next Monday weigh-in, so we'll see how it goes. Maybe there's a light at the end of this tunnel afterall.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hey Look! A Plateau!

Weigh In: 319.5
Calories Counted: 2840 (overestimated)
Calories Burned: 4209
Workout - Today, 20 minutes: March Total, 726 minutes

First off, I think my calories are kind of high today. I put in my wife's turkey chili recipe, which is VERY low cal, and it's coming up way too high. I'm going to go with what the analyzer says though, so 2840 it is.

Looks like I'm back to my old plateau ways. I went back and looked at what I was doing when I was losing strong, and it was the 'zig-zag' pattern when it came to my calories. I would be around 1700 one day, and then around 2600 the next, and I alternated. I'm going to give that a try, and see what happens.

Also, I haven't really been too motivated to work out lately. It's strange, because for a while there, I was looking forward to the gym. Now, I just drag my ass there, and then wish I had more time once I get there. Of course, if I would actually GO when I have time and not twiddle my fingers, I'd have said time.

So, I've been talking to Josh the Destroyer and we're going to start a new regime. My body's starting to get used to the 7 days a week working out thing, but when I'm there I feel like I'm not pushing to full potential, and it's costing me.

So, here we go again. Plateau busting's the game we play.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Low Ballin'

Weigh In: 319.5 (uh oh, here we go again)
Calories Consumed: 1411 (too low)
Calories Burned: 4306
Work Out: Today - 20 minutes, March - 686 minutes

I was really surprised when I saw that I only took in 1411 calories today. I definitely wasn't expecting that. That's obviously too low, but it's only one day. I'll make sure to boost that back up where I need to be for tomorrow.

I also ran short on time this morning, so I made sure that I spent my 20 minutes appropriately. Josh told me before that "when doing cardio, do the stuff that is the hardest". I found this Elliptical type machine... sort of like a regular Elliptical but for some reason it's about 300x harder. So, I did 10 minutes on the regular Elliptical, and then 10 minutes on this machine of doom. I am eventually building up on this thing.. 5 minutes 2 days ago, up to 7 yesterday, and I got to 10 today. I need to figure out what it is.. but all I can tell you is, when I was done with 10 minutes on it, sweat was pouring off of me so hard, it's not an exaggeration when I say that it looks like I just pulled my head out of being submerged in a pool of water. I was soaked, my heart was POUNDING, and my body felt like I could barely stand up.

Needless to say, it goes back to my new life's motto:

"Pain is but weakness leaving the body".

Also, my weight has been hovering around 319 for a while.. time to break out of that plateau. I'm looking forward to keeping up this great pace that I had at the beginning of March. Catch ya'll tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Another Day In Paradise

Weigh In: 319.5
Calories Counted: Pending
Calories Burned: 4830
Workout Time - Today 90 minutes, Total 666 minutes (yikes)

Today was your run of the mill day. I worked out, went to work, went to volleyball and came home. Nothing really 'cool' to report about. It was good to get 90 minutes in - 45 in the gym, 45 on the volleyball court.

It's only 13 days out of the month, and I've got just over 6 pounds to lose so I can keep on target.

This is pretty boring tonight, but I'm pretty tired. Tomorrow's a strong workout day, so let's see what I got.

Monday, March 12, 2007

This Fish Weighs 30 Pounds

Weigh In: 320.5
Calories Counted: Pending
Calories Burned: Pending

Workout Time: Today - Zero

Five Day Average - 319.6

I'm down 30.4 pounds since November 22. The fish in the picture weighs 30 pounds. That's a big deal for me. It's ironic, because the events leading up to my workout today have been the typical roller coaster.

As I said last night, my amazing wife threw me this kick ass surprise party. With that came surprise party food which I did pretty well with. Then, since my friend was in town from Oklahoma, we all got together this morning. We all ended up at another friend's house, and the group wanted to get lunch together. I had just eaten a few hours prior, so I was a bit hungry, but the group decided on White Castles. So, we go out and get 30 cheeseburgers, fried clams and fried chicken rings.

I'm proud to say that I sipped on diet Coke, and passed on the entire meal.

I have to be honest - I REALLY wanted a few burgers. They smelled so good, and for those of you who know me, White Castle is one of those weaknesses of my prior life. But it's different now. I looked at those freakishly square little greaseburgers, and instead of thinking "I bet I can finish the case of 30 in less than 15 minutes", I kept looking at them as little 160 calorie squares. Now, I could have had 'just one', but what's the point? I made my mind up that I wasn't going to eat empty calories just because they sat in front of me, and I made it a challenge to not have one. I won, by the way.

So, as I said, this was a roller coaster day. I leave my friend's place and head directly to the gym. I get changed into my workout clothes, and then it hits me - I didn't bring gym shoes. I'm wearing big brown boots. Not exactly workout style.

So, I went and weighed in, and got 320.5. After 3 days of being out of the 320's, I didn't like seeing it again. I understood it, and it doesn't change the fact that my average is below 320, but I know I'm speaking to the right crowd when I say that it was a tad bit frustrating. But, at the end of the day, I ate smart, I made the right decisions, and even if I didn't get to work out today, I'm in the right direction. Hell, I just went back into my workout log, and the since the beginning of February, I've only had 3 days (counting today) that I haven't worked out.

So, the body rests, the White Castle is defeated, and I drop my average under 320.. meaning over 30 pounds lost.

I'll take that every day of the week.


Weigh In: 319.5
Calories Counted: 1774?
Calories Burned: 4326
Work Out: 40 minutes today, 576 in March

Today was a strange day. I was planning on going to dinner with my grandma, my mom and dad and my wife, and we were going to meet and have dinner at my parents house. I walk downstairs to help my dad "move some weights" and when I get down - flashbulbs are flashing, and everyone's yelling "SURPRISE!!!"

Completely shocked.

See, my birthday is March 31st - my 30th. My wife planned this whole huge party - my friends, family, even my best friend from high school who flew in from Oklahoma. It was pretty damn amazing. I had a great time, and as you can tell by the time of this post (2:40am), I'm going to be tired tomorrow.

So this is what was so cool, other than the fact that my wife is the coolest person in the history of the world for planning this entire thing without me having even half a clue - I got tons of comments about how I was losing weight and looking much better. That felt pretty good. I'm at 319, and haven't seen most of them since my 379 days. That's 60 pounds of difference.

I probably ate a bit more than I should have at dinner, but because I was already planning to eat 'more' with my grandma, I only had like 400 calories the entire day - not because I was trying to starve myself, but because of the busy day (gym, church, Home Depot, you name it) that I didn't have time to eat.

My calories are a complete guess today - it's anybody's guess. They were all home recipes that I had no clue on (except for the Mr. Pita), and I didn't have a donut, but some small cream bites of some donut-ish thing, so I had to guess. I know I did well though, as I ate small portions, and spread it out. I did ok.

So tomorrow is the 'big' weigh-in day. It's the day that I change the blog name. I'm looking forward to it.

To all of my family and friends, and ESPECIALLY my wife Erin - you made my day. And to Erin - thank you for working so hard on this. It meant more than I can explain, and I love you dearly.

To the rest of you, I'll catch up on everyone's journals tomorrow I hope. I've been horrible the past few days, and I apologize for that.

Until next time!

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Weigh In: 319 (Yup, lowest again!)
Calorie Count: 3066-ish
Calories Burned: 4444
Workout Total: Today, 45 minutes - March 536

For the last week or so, my body has been craving the 'bad stuff'. I've been driving past McDonalds and Taco Bell with that look in my eye lately, but I've been strong about it. I know we've talked about 'cheat meals' once a week or so, but with pounds falling off of me at a great rate right now, I didn't want to mess with what works.

So, I met in the middle today.

According to the calorie count, I took in 3066 calories today. But, that's over what it should be. This is my reading for today:

Item Grams
Kroger Frosted Wheat Brown Sugar (2 Cups) 110
Milk, Nonfat, Fluid - Without Added Vitamin A (Fat Free Or Skim) 490
Egg, Whole - Cooked, Scrambled 61
Bread, Wheat, Toasted - (Includes Wheat Berry) 12
Strawberry Jelly - Smucker's 30
Pears 209
Conquistador Combo - Does not include rice
Sweet Corn Cake 112
Chips and Salsa - 12 chips, 2 oz. Salsa
Toasted Oats Granola Bar 30
Total Calories Consumed 3,066

As you can see, the Conquistador Combo from Don Pablos was my 'break' today. I consumed almost 2000 calories at dinner tonight. The combo is something like, 2 soft shell tacos, 2 enchiladas and four floutas (which are deep friend). Because I was getting full, I didn't eat one of the enchiladas, and I gave two of the floutas to my wife.

So, that 1127 was honestly probably somewhere around 800-ish, but I'd rather be higher than lower, so I'm leaving it as a full meal.

As I was ordering, I felt guilty about the meal. I have been doing 'so good', and part of me felt like I was breaking the diet. I didn't want to do a cheat meal, but now it's out of my system. Also, I stayed within my calories for the day, and since I've had some 1600-1700 cal days, I feel good about this. No apologies from me.

Also, for my workout today, I tried a few things. I did 45 min of all cardio today, but instead of just doing 45 minutes on the Elliptical, I switch some up. I started with 10 minutes on the Elliptical, and then moved to jumping rope. Then, some boxing. Then, this other weird machine that is SORT of like an Elliptical, but damn me if it isn't about 10 times as hard. Then, I got back on the regular Elliptical again.

I was sweating like Michael Richards (Kramer) at an NAACP convention.

So, another day closer to weigh-in. I figured that I wanted to get down to an average of 313 by the end of this month, and I may be able to pull it off. Hard work is paying off, but there's a lot of work to be done. Catch you tomorrow.

Friday, March 9, 2007

The Strong One Goes Down

Weigh In: 319.5 (yeah, I said it. In the TEENS)
Calorie Count: 1739

Calories Burned: 4376
Minutes Worked Out - Today 30, Total 491

Long day in the Tucker house tonight.

Went to work all day, and then I get a call from my wife. She's not feeling well. So, I get home and pull into the driveway, and pick her up and off to the doc's we go. She's got a sore throat and a fever. We get to the doc's and they give her the news: She's got strep throat, and a 102 temperature.

Now, my wife's not one of those people who complain about being sick. She just does things that amaze me. A rocket ship could land on her forehead, and I think that ONLY THEN would she complain about a headache. Now me.. that's a different story.

Stub a toe? Cry like it fell off.

Got a cold? Act like it's the Bubonic Plague.

If I ever got strep, I'd probably act like the hand of God actually came down and punched me in the throat.

She's one tough cat. Me, I'm just a .. well, not a tough cat.

So, I'm thinking the next day or two are going to be dedicated to taking care of her, so that means that my diet is even more important the next few. I may get a good amount of gym time in tomorrow depending on how she feels, but we'll play that by ear.

On the GOOD side of the news, you'll notice that the scale dipped below 320. I can't tell you how happy I am about that. The thing is though, I need to stick to my program, which seems to be working. I've said it before, but I'm going to ride this wave all the way to the shoreline if it'll let me. And if the wave dies out, I'll just go looking for another one.

My goal for the month was to get to 313. That's still a lofty goal, but unlike February, it's completely attainable.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Reality Check

Weigh In: 322
Calories Counted: 1567
Calories Burned: 4397
Worked Out: 31 minutes today / 461 in March

I was proud of myself tonight. I woke up this morning, and was out the door by 8am this morning, worked until 6pm, then I had two music students that took me until 8pm. Then, since I didn't have any time earlier to work out, I actually got out and did the workout, and didn't get home until after 9pm. Needless to say, I'm exhausted today.

For the last week, the number on the scale has been on a freefall. Not that I'm complaining, but it was a quick dose of reality tonight when I stepped up and got 322, 2 pounds higher than yesterday. It's completely OK, but it's a friendly reminder that this is a struggle, and it's not just 'easy' to watch the weigh pour on. Sucks today, but the whole reason I got into the whole 5-day average thing was so that I didn't let an individual day's weigh-in bother me. So, I won't let it.

I'm looking at my calories intake vs. burned, and it just seems like too big of a difference. I mean, a glaring deficit of 2830 calories in one day? And, I've been doing similar numbers for a while. At some point, I feel like it's going to catch up to me and bite me in the ass, but I also feel like I should just ride the wave, and when the plateau comes, I'll have a big meal, and shake it up.

I know, such a 'hard' problem to have - I'm losing weight too quickly. Poor me, right?

It just seems too good to be true lately, and now I'm starting to be my typical over-analyzing self, and trying to create problems that aren't there.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Batter Up!

Weigh In: 320 (new low!)
Calories Consumed: 2763
Calories Burned: 4923
Workout Time: 80 Today, 430 Total In March

I'm hoping to see my plan of alternating my calories from 1700ish to about 2400ish every other day (or abouts) keep my body on its toes. I'm not sure if I'm full of it or if maybe it's in my head, but it seems like whatever I'm doing is working. I know I don't want to go TOO low on my calories (I feel like 1700 should be too low) because of my concern of 'starvation' mode, but I hate seeing myself up as high as I am today at 2763.

So, by bouncing back and forth between the two, I seem to be doing something right. We'll see if I'm just blowing smoke, or if I've actually got this down.

As mentioned above, I'm down another pound today. I'm thrilled about that. I also beat the hell out of myself in my workout today to punish myself for yesterday, so I'm doing OK.

Softball season starts next month, and I'm really looking forward to it. At the end of last season, I was probably somewhere around 360 pounds. By the time THIS season starts up, I should be around 310 or below (I hope!). I've been improving the past few seasons, but I'm really wanting to see more speed on the basepaths, and a bigger bat. I've traditionally been the 'big fat guy' that everyone backs up in the outfield for - they see my size and assume I beat the crap out of the ball.

Then, I get a single because I put the ball in front of them. It looks like it's because I'm 'placing' the ball, but it's really because I didn't have the bat speed or strength.

I mention this, because I'm really looking forward to the Spring. I've had enough of this winter weather. I am getting stir crazy, and I want to be able to go outside and into my backyard and enjoy my yard. We bought the house in December, so we've yet to enjoy the lot.

Tomorrow's a busy one, and I won't be hitting the gym until late. Curious to see what the weigh-in will be like after 2700 calories today.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

3 .. 2 .. 1 ..

Weigh In: 321 (new low!)
Calories Consumed: 2361
Calories Burned: 4892
Workout Time: 60 Today, 350 Total In March

First things first - The picture has nothing to do with the blog. I just thought it was funny. Now, for your regularly scheduled blog. Enjoy!

Today was up and down for me. First off, I went to the gym, and had to DRAG myself there. I just didn't feel like going, and that's not normal for me. Then, I get there, and am running begrudgingly on the Elyptical machine, and about 10 minutes into it, my headphones go to crap. Like, a loose wire. Now, I'm already unmotivated, and then my music is dead. I get pissed off and get off the bike. End of the workout, only 15 minutes in.

But then I get onto the scale. A solid 321, lowest ever.

Funny how your motivation can change so quickly. I played 45 minutes of volleyball tonight as well, which accounts for the higher calories burned today, and thankfully helped keep me on target with my 60 minutes in the gym tonight.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels like this, but there are some days where I want to take on the world and run the highest mountain, but then there's days where you have all the time in the world, and all you have to do is get off your ass and do an easy workout - yet it seems like your entire body tells you to just sit at home and be lazy.

Today was one of those days where the latter was taking over. If it wasn't for my need to weigh in, I probably would have skipped the workout completely. Good thing for my numbers addiction, eh?

Not much of a blog tonight, but I thought I'd share the 321. Slowly but surely, right?

Monday, March 5, 2007

Goodbye Huffy!

Weigh In: 322.5
Five Day Average: 323.4
Calories Consumed: 1946
Calories Burned: 4547
Workout Time: 50 Today, 290 Total In March
Total Pounds Lost: 27.5

A lot to report today.

You'll notice that I've lost 27.5 pounds since November 22, 2006. You'll also notice that the bike in this picture, according to the manufacturer, weighs in at 27 pounds. So, I've lost a bike so far. Perspective rules.

First off, the blog average dropped from 75.1 to lose, down to 73.4 this week. If I was to only count the last 4 days instead of 5, I would be down to 322.75, but there's no point in cheating. The last five days have gone from most recent first: 322.5, 323.5, 322, 323, 326. Clearly, the 326 is screwing up the average, but I just see that as giving myself a buffer for a big drop next week.

I always want MORE, but this time, I'm happy with this week's accomplishments. It seems like I was just stuck on 330 and convinced that I'd never go below, and now I'm staring 320 in the eye. I feel good about that.

Also, to report on my ankle, I've been overly cautious with it. It seems to be OK, as there's no swelling, but now I'm nervous about it and I know I'm favoring it. Today was my big weight lifting day, so to be safe I substituted the squats, that put strain on the ankle, for a evenly distributed leg curl. I was curling 130 or 140 with my legs, so again, it was almost equal to the squats.

And, another fun workout of note: I'm doing pushups now. When I first started this, I couldn't even get down on my hands and knees to actually get into the push-up position. I used to do some of those "lean on the kitchen counter" 45 degree pushups, but I just tried a few days ago to see if I could, and I've been knocking out 10 at a time, 2 reps now, for a few days. That's good for the male ego.

In other news, the March Challenge is in full swing. I set (as usual) my goals possibly too far out of reach for me, but I figured if I reach for the stars and only get to the moon, I'm still coming out ahead. I signed up for 2000 minutes of working out, which comes up to like 64 minutes a day, 7 days a week. Now, if I count volleyball into the mix, I may be close. The other goal was 12 pounds in the month of March, setting me up to get below 300 by the 2nd Wedding Anniversary on April 30th. 12 pounds in 31 days is quite a bit, considering I've been averaging under 2 pounds a week.

Either way, you know my theory - it doesn't matter WHEN I achieve the goal, as long as I'm heading in the right direction.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

One of the Many

Weigh In: 323.5
Calories Counted: 2157
Calories Burned: 4464
Workout Time: 65 minutes today / 240 Total

Something interesting happened today. My sister-in-law brought her new boyfriend over to meet the family over dinner tonight, and she brings in this good looking, skinny guy. He actually looks a lot like my brother. So, we're all talking, and he's a real nice guy. We seem to have a lot in common. And then the subject comes up:

He lost 150 pounds in the past year and a half.

The amazing thing is, his "before" weight is within 3 pounds of where I am right this moment. So basically, I'm the "Before", and he was the "After".

It's amazing how things work out. I've been wondering a lot to myself what I would look like when I actually lose all this weight. Now, of course it's not an exact science. He's shorter than I am by about 5-6 inches, but to have a direct comparision to that.. it was pretty inspiring.

In other not-so-great news, I tweaked my left ankle twice today. The first time, I was in the gym, and I think I just moved wrong, because it felt like a slight sprain. The pain went away though in a few hours, and I even forgot about it. But tonight, as I was walking to the car through the snow, I did it again, and the pain shot through my ankle like a knife. I've had it elevated for the past hour or so with an ice-pack, and as of this moment it feels ok, but it's numb as hell, so I'm really.. REALLY hoping for the best.

I can NOT afford to lose my mobility right now.

So, I'm really hoping that when I wake up, my ankle feels fine. Tomorrow I change the blog name to reflect the new weight, and I can't imagine if I have to hobble to the scale.

Tomorrow's going to be interesting. I sure hope the ice did the trick.

Short But Sweet

Weigh In: 322 (another low!)
Calorie Count: 2630-ish
Calories Burned: 4908

It's going to be short and sweet, since it's 12:22am and WAY past my bedtime.

Today I fought the mental demons and pushed 60 minutes on the Hill setting of the Elyptical machine. I felt great about that. I also ate pretty good, and I had my first alcoholic drink in as long as I can remember. Long Island Ice Tea, coming up!

The calorie count I wasn't sure on, as I had Pad Thai tonight for dinner. The best I could do to account for those calories is to find a generic recipe on and I accounted for 1.5 servings, because the one that I was served was pretty good sized. I probably over-exaggerated my calories today, but I'd rather do that than the other way around.

I've been noticing that I've been losing the weight pretty consistently. Been feeling pretty good about that, but I also know that I can't expect it to continue. However, thanks to calorie counting, I've been eating MUCH smarter, and it's starting to pay off.

So, short one tonight. Pretty exhausted. Got another 60 minutes logged into my 2000 Goal for March, and tomorrow I'll be right back at it.

Until next time!

Friday, March 2, 2007

The First 100

Weigh In: 323 (lowest yet!)
Calorie Count: 1888
Calories Burned: 4924
Five Day Average: 324.5

It's been 100 days today that I've been on this campaign to see my toes.

At the very beginning of this mission, my goal was to lose weight and be healthy, but as I read the original blog again, I realize how much I was scared and doubtful about actually succeeding. Before this, I have failed so many times that I figured that this would be the same loop - a few months strong, lose some weight, and then get comfortable and quit.. and gain it all back.

It's how I rolled.

But this feels different. My mentality changes, and now I have more motivation that I ever have. This journal that I've been keeping, the comments that I've been receiving, both here and online.. they're starting to click. I feel stronger both mentally and physically, and I know that if the first 100 days can create this much of a difference in my life, the second 100 is going to be even better.

One thing I've noticed is, in the past, I've always worked HARD to get to my goal before I failed. But now, it's not just a matter of working hard. I'm working SMARTER now. Even though I've just picked up calorie counting, I've started to really build a support staff. From the FAT Coalition to, to my wife, my friends, my family and my co-workers, I feel something that I've never felt before.

I'm not embarassed to talk about my weight.

I think that's SO key to this whole thing. I've accepted that I've made bad decisions, but what's changed is, I'm allowing myself to fix these things one step at a time. 100 days ago, I really felt worthless. As the original post said, I wanted to be the one taking the family pictures - that way, I didn't have to see myself on camera.

Another thing I remember is a few years ago when I was out on the lake in the summer. For some reason, that day I felt like it was OK to take my shirt off and get into a canoe. One of my wife's relatives happened to be taping everyone that day, and when I caught a look at myself, topless in that canoe.. I can remember, even as I type this, how I felt seeing myself - hunched over, uncontrollably obese. Even as I sit here right now, I feel the same sadness that I felt back then seeping into myself. I don't ever want to become that guy again, and I think that this time, I've actually found the right formula to succeed in my goals.

Work hard. Eat right. Be calculated. Be thankful for the support group that I have that has been so valuable to me.

I weighed in at 323 today. Fittingly, the lowest I've weighed. That's 27 pounds in 100 days. That's 56 pounds since November of 2005 when I first went to the doctor to seek help.

I've come a long way. But I still don't see the man in the mirror that I want to see.

But I'm 100 days closer than I was when I started, and I'm ok with that.

Here's to the next 100 days.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Too High? Too Low!

Weigh In: 326
Calorie Count: 1453

I was surprised that I only had 1453 calories today. I wasn't hungry and I didn't feel like I under-ate, it just seemed like I'd be higher. I think I want to stay a bit higher than that (of course), but after the last two days of me being a little on the high side of the calories and seeing one pound increases on the weight in, I don't mind going a bit low.

Also, over on I have signed up for a few new contest/challenges. No prizes, just bragging rights. I like it a lot - it keeps your mind in the game with realistic goals.

I committed to doing 2000 minutes of working out this month, which averages out to 64 minutes a day, 7 days a week. That counts anything athletic that I do - so volleyball counts. Since I do about 60 each day, probably closer to 70.. it's a stretch, but a great goal to have.

The second challenge is a weight loss challenge. I've set my March weight loss at 12 pounds. The significance of this goal? Since I fell short on my "Weigh 300 by March 31" goal, I've readjusted. If I can lose 12 pounds this month, that will put me at 313 at the end of the month - a number that would be the lowest weight that I can remember. My lowest weight in memory was about 4 years ago when I was on the Adkins diet - I dropped down to 314.. got content, and put it all back on.

This time, it's going to stay down. You'll notice on the top of the page that there are some new Tickers.. three total. For March - that's my focus. 313 by March 31, and that gives me a 13 pound race to 300 by my 2nd Wedding Anniversary on April 30th.

Tall task?

The best kind.