Weigh In: 311.5 (yes!)
Calories Consumed: 1930
Calories Burned: 4459
Workout: 30 today, 1505 for March
Calories Consumed: 1930
Calories Burned: 4459
Workout: 30 today, 1505 for March
Today was a pretty damn good day.
So first off, I'm getting ready to go to the gym, and my wife calls me from school (she's a third grade teacher). She says hi, and then silence.. then all of a sudden, 20-some 3rd graders sing LOUDLY "Happy Birthday" to me over her cell phone. It was the sign of a great day.
Then, I go to the gym, and get some cardio in. I step on the scale - and it reads yet another low - 311.5. My five day average drops again, and I'm feeling pretty damn good.
Then, I get to work, and I'm concerned - when it's someone's birthday, they bring cake. I can't imagine having unscheduled cake - so I'm hesitant. I get there, and instead of cake, there's this huge fruit platter thing - they thought enough of my hard work to do fruit instead of cake.
Honestly, at this point - I'm pretty damned impressed.
So the night continues - for those who know me, I'm a big wrestling fan. Tonight, my sister-in-law and my wife present me with tickets to the Hall of Fame Induction for the WWE - here in Detroit - tomorrow night.
So I'm thinking, a damn good night. I check my calories - and notice I'm low.
What's better than ending the night with a good time at the bar - and a good Smithwick's Ale? I didn't drink the whole thing (I couldn't help to count calories even in my beer), but it was enough to put the cap on a pretty damn good day.
As I'm typing this, it's past Midnight, so technically - my 20's are behind me. I'm 30 years old today. And as I hit this milestone, I look at my life, and realize how damn lucky I am. I've got an amazing group of friends, I've got a good job, my family is simply amazing (mom and dad, I read your card tonight - I LOVED it), and my wife is beyond amazing.
So, I'm 30.
A lot has changed since I started this weight loss journey, but it's only begun. Next stop, the 200s!