Thursday, May 17, 2007

Another Day

Yesterday's Weigh In: 296
Today's Weigh In: 295 (lowest yet!)
Total Weight Loss: 59 pounds - represented by that big ass bookcase. (I'm assuming the plush ladybug doesn't count?)

Another long day toady, but I feel pretty productive. Was in the gym at 6:00am, went to school, went to work, played 2 softball games, came home and rearranged the bedroom, and then watched my Pistons move on to the Eastern Conference Finals. A pretty good day overall.

Also, I was thinking today, I started this whole thing off at 354 pounds, and I'm at 295 as of this morning. I find it hard to even realize that I've dropped 59 pounds. That's crazy to me. Good crazy, but crazy. One thing I noticed during softball today, and I've noticed this with a lot of my old shirts that I wore prior to my weight loss - the top part of the shirt, around the shoulders and neck - the shirts are WAY too big now. It's almost awkward how they fit. I think that's pretty cool. Also, I'm starting to build my shoulders and neck up muscularly (is that a word?), and I'm starting to get bursts of muscle in my traps, so that's pretty cool too.

Speaking of muscles and softball, I have to start being more conscious about this quadricep muscle that was killing me on Mother's Day. I didn't stretch out before softball tonight, and I tweaked it again, and had to be overly gentle with it for the rest of the games. I don't feel like being on the shelf because of a stupid muscle tear, so I need to CONSTANTLY warm those muscles up. Getting old's a bite.

Not much else to say. I'm happy that the weight is starting to come off again, and I feel pretty motivated. As long as the leg feels strong, Gary and I are doing wind sprints, suicides and T-drills tomorrow morning - a POWER cardio day. Hopefully at least one of us survives long enough to tell the story.


Jim McCoy said...


Glad to hear you're back on track, but be careful with that leg, bro. You let that thing put you on the shelf, and you'll be in a WORLD of hurt when you can't get to the gym So be careful. It's more important to succeed in your weight loss over the long term than it is to play a softball game. Just keep that in mind.


Anonymous said...

I think I am still in shock that you are in the 200s- what an accomplishment!

We should do something to celebreat your success- instead of going out to EAT, how about putt putt on Sunday?

Anonymous said...

Rob, what you've achieved in a few months is incredible. Your fellow bloggers deserve a great deal of credit for all of their positive comments and support they've been giving you. Hopefully they'll come back and SHARE your successes. I know that all of the bloggers have benefited from the F.A.T. coalition, including yourself, and I truly miss their responses.

Hope everyone is doing well...

Fit and Trim is an incredible sharing experience that you can all relate to. The anonimity that bonds you all, is worth exploiting.

It's absolutly working for Rob and Gary, and I hope it continues to benefit you all.

Share your achievements, and post your concerns. Rob would not have made it this far without your support.

Thank you all for your support!

Rob's Dad