Weigh In: 280
Five Day Average: 277.8
Well, I started using Billy's workout tonight. First off, I went to the gym this morning and did 30 minutes on the Elliptical, just to get back into the swing of being in the gym. I then went to my two classes (omg, I'm a dead man), and then I went to work, and then Erin wanted to go to the gym after work, so we went after work.
That's when I did Billy's "Beat Rob Into The Ground" Workout. No, really. That's what it's called.
There were a few workout items that I had no idea what they were, so I altered a few things to make them famliar to me. So this is what I did:
Warmup - 2 circuits
Y-squats - 10 reps
Push Ups - 8 reps
Bulgarian Split Squat - 8 reps each side
Assisted Dips - 8 reps (100 and 110 pounds assistance)
Circuit I - 3 circuits, no rest between exercises, 60 seconds between circuits
Dumbbell Flat Press - 60 pounds, 6 reps
Dumbbell Row - 60 pounds, 6 reps/side
Circuit 2 - 3 circuits, no rest between exercises, 60 seconds between circuits
Dumbbell Squat-Curl-Press: 80 pounds, 8 reps
Wide Grip Seated Row: 120 pounds, 6 reps
Circuit 3 - Perform 3 times, 30 seconds between circuits
Dumbbell Deadlift - 100 pounds, 10 reps
Now, I was GOING to do...
Sprint Intervals - 3 minutes warmup, six 30-second intervals at 9mph, 30 seconds rest, 3 minutes cooldown
... BUT, when I got onto the treadmill, I could hardly even walk, let alone sprint. I walked at about 3.5mph for a minute or so, kicked it up to 9.0mp, and literally had to hold on because my legs weren't going to carry me any longer. 30 seconds later, I jumped off, and limped home.
So yeah, damn. This one's going to work. I'm glad that I went back to the gym tonight, because tonight - I worked my tail off.
And when that tail comes off, so does the weight.
That's why I'm not too concerned about that glaring 280 on the scale this morning. It's unexplainable, makes no sense, and is just there because the weight loss Gods are mad at me.
So, I beat them at their own game.
Rob good work on that routine you did, sounds brutal. Keep up the hard work!
Oh, Ive been meaning to ask what are you in school for?
That's what I like to see. Isn't it great when you have one of those moments at the gym where you're like "Oh, shit. So THIS is what it feels like to go balls out."
BTW, this looks like a modified version of my "Workout Cycle: HOTEL", is that what it is? Not the one I sent you. Well, this one's probably tougher anyway, so if you can handle it, do it up!!!
You're gonna go far with this.
Welcome to the next level.
I think I did something wrong with the deadlifts, though. My lower back is absolutely KILLING me tonight.
I'll sleep it off, stretch the hell out of it, and see what happens.
I think that's what I did, looking at your HOTEL. I haven't had time to really dissect the other one - I just really wanted to bust my hump and do something and I haven't been able to research it yet.
Yeah man, be careful with those deadlifts. If your back is hurting DO NOT DO the next Hotel workout tomorrow. I just did it today and it's like the worst lower back workout ever. Whatever you do don't do "Good Mornings" or "Romanian Deadlifts". Bent over Barbell Row is a toughey too, you may want to avoid that as well.
Is there someone at your gym who can work with you on proper form?
I second what Billy said... Get some pro advice on form for any of the big lifts especially the ones where the back and legs are concerned. We don't want any back or knee injuries. I want you to keep on this roll Rob, its inspiring to see you crank it to the next level. Keep busting ass but don't bust your ass or you wont be able to bust ass (are you with me?)
Alright Rob,
I feel good for you busting your ass in these workouts !
Think of how strong you will be when this is over ... man, it's not even funny !
the pic for the blog is tooo cute!
Rob hows your back doing? I hope ok....
Still really sore today, I had to skip the gym this morning because I could hardly walk. The good news is, it just feels really SORE, and no 'damage', if that makes sense. I may have overdone the weight, but you know what they say - that doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Even as I type this almost 24 hours later, my legs and back are throbbing.
Glad its just sore and not hurt. Little easier on the back next workout, we need you in this 100%. As you know watch that diet if theres no exercise.
Man what am i talking about, your my competition!!! ;) I was digging your fire you have had the last few weeks, you've got the EYE OF THE TIGER. Anyway don't loose it by gett-n hurt ya hear?
Quick question Rob :
Is the weigh in on Sunday or Monday for the challenge finally ?
Asking because i have a party planned for saturday night and want to see if i have some wiggling room !
Sunday weigh-ins.
Remember, if you're using a five day average, it shouldn't matter, Saturday night indescretions (Billy, LOL) would count either way.
Dontcha just LOVE split squats? NOT... my routine has me doing split squats with an overhead press. Not fun at all. I feel your pain.
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