Yesterday's Weigh In: 277
Yesterday's Calories: 1392
Today's Weigh In: 274
Today's Calories: Pending
I wanted to talk about a few things today. First off - the subject and picture represent the number of posts that I've made on this blog since I started. It's hard to believe that I've posted 300 times on this site. Looking back, I can't believe how much of a roller coaster this ride has been, and will be. From wanting to quit to being proud of my accomplishments, I've ran the gamut. I think that it's sometimes hard to see the big picture - we get pissed off and think we're never going to lose any more weight, and sometimes we see some progress and really feel great and think we've locked into a long term solution. The only 'truth' that I've found is that this is an ever changing battle, and if you don't adapt, you get lost in the dust.
Here's some other things that I've learned in the past 300:
1) It's just as hard now as it was the day that I started. I always assumed early on that once this became a 'lifestyle' I wouldn't have to think about it. I would just naturally work hard and eat right and do all the things that I need to do to succeed. That's not the case, at least for me. 300 later, I'm still having to be SO diligent about what I do and how I do it. When I get lazy, I lose the success. That's a statement about life in general, and it really reflects on how we're losing weight.
2) Keep it simple, stupid! I can't tell you how many times I've tried to out-think myself. "Let's do it this way", or "let's substitute this for that". The most basic concept that we think of when we're talking about weight loss is "Calories In, Calories Out". The second think we think of is "the trick to weight loss is eating right and exercise". These are the truths that I've come to learn. You can add things, change things up, try new things, but the bottom line is - this has to be our focus. Are you eating right? Are you exercising? If both are "yes", then chances are, you're in the right direction.
3) Teamwork. This Coalition was founded when Kevin and Becky put together their blogs. Then, once I started promoting the day I started, I found Billy on some random website. Once we found each other we decided together that we would do good to have each other hold the others accountable. I think this is the biggest key right here.
I think sometimes we lose the focus on the FAT Coalition. We're here to keep each other accountable. We're here to cheer each other one, to be supportive when others are down, and learn from each other, but the founding principle was that we held each other accountable. I can only speak for myself, but ever since we formed these original four blogs, I felt like I had to report to these guys. During the day, every time I had an opportunity to cheat on my diet, I remember that I would have to confess to these three people. If I was debating between working out and skipping the gym, in my mind all I could think about is the fact that I would have to admit my laziness to these folks - and that would drive me to the gym.
Over time, the Coalition has grown, and I love what we've created as a group. The majority of us have never met, yet we trust each other with our inner most thoughts. We are this team of folks that have maybe only one thing in common - and that's our desire to lose weight.
300 posts later, I'm proud of what I see. We have our disagreements, we have different opinions, and we aren't afraid to speak our minds. And the most important part?
We're doing it. Want proof?
Tuck's Big Challenge Results: -
August, total weight lost: 34.34 pounds -
September, total weight lost: 79.5 pounds -
Two Month, total weight lost: 113.84 pounds!
That means something. It means it's working. October's numbers will be up soon. Can everyone who wants to be in the challenge put their starting numbers up (today's weigh in) as a comment in this blog?
Nice blog Rob. I'll be using my starting weight from the 1st - 196 lbs.
great blog Rob, your part of the glue that binds man. Thanks for putting it in such great prospective.
So I have a little quandary on the weigh in. I don't want to use the 226 number I had this morning cause those pounds could fall off tomorrow and I don't think that would be fare. So can I just use what I ended September with? 223.
Rip, you can use whatever number you want. If you want my opinion, I'd use the 5 day average and take the average of the last 5 days with today being the most recent.
Whatever you want to use though - there's no money involved =)
Today's 5-Day is 275.5
ok Rob use 224 as my starting point then.
Rob mentioned money. Perhaps we should think about upping the ante with some cash involvement one of these here challenges. I mean it doesnt have to be break the bank kind of money but something small between $5 - $20 per person. The team that wins splits the pot. I think it would increase motivation. Just a thought...anyone?
Theres usually like 8 or so teams so something close to $200 pot. I dont know about yall but I could use an extra $100, the holidays are coming. I'd aim to lose just for that.
Rob, I love the blog. I hope to read 300 more entries..unless you finish your quest sooner!!
Kris, I think this blog will evolve the way Billy's is going to. Plus, once I hit my goals, I'll still be here cheering on everyone else, plus whoever else we pick up on the way.
Marcol, I get nervous about bringing money into it - just because everything is so subjective and such. I'd prefer it to stay "for fun" - things could get weird if say, Team 1 is winning the whole way and Team 2 has a surge at the end.. money can do strange things.
That being said, if I'm overruled and the majority would prefer to do money, I'd have no problem with that. I just think it takes the focus away. Just my 1/50th of a dollar.
In a way, part of me misses the "good old days" when we were all just starting out.
In another, more accurate way, I wouldn't go back there for a million bucks.
1300 calories? yeesh!
Ok, I changed it up a little bit. Instead of 8 two-person teams, I went to 4 four-person teams. This way, I tried to spread it out, and hopefully keep the teams close in terms of the total lost.
When a team got way down last month, there was no hope for redemption. This way, I hope we can average each other out and be closer this time.
So, can each team come up with a name?
Also, I've slapped something together to keep track of challenge results for the future.
Way to put it in perspective Tuck. It's not easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is, but that's why we need the support, and that's why I joined. Even if I am still the new guy.
Not to stir the pot but I was hoping that Beck and I had a chance to continue to defend our record. Then maybe we could switch it up next month. I think a talk amongst everybody about this might go easier that way.
The results the 2 person teams received were due to the effort of the players. If we put in 100% we get 100%. My 2 cents.
However if everyone else wants to switch to 4 person teams Im still in. But see below...
If we stick to 4 person teams is that the right Chris/Kris on team 1? I thought Kevin meant "the anti-fat bastard creame" Chris. I could be mistaken but even the way Kevin spelled it was with a C and not a K.
Also, for the challenge I'd like to request if a member doesnt post their weigh-in's for a few weeks or so can we force forfeit them off the team? I mean I will try to cheer every member of my team on but if for whatever reason someone can't participate I think we need to totally remove them from the teams total % or else that team would stand no chance. Fair enough?
I'm going to start with my 10/1 weigh-in since that's when I started this. :)
i have to agree about the two man teams. I like how that worked. I do need a new partner though :)
I also agree with Marcol about booting someone if they don't post their numbers.
Nice post. It never hurts to remember where it all came from.
I have to agree with Marcol and Brian. I like the competitive nature of the two person teams, bigger than that dilutes an individual's efforts. If a team can't keep up, they should try harder!
My 10/1 weight was 179.48
Alright, I'll switch it back to two person teams. Kevin, which Chris were you referring to, my mistake.
I switched it over because keeping track was getting tough for me, but if that's what the masses want, that's what the masses get. Anyone else want to chime in?
I'll fix the numbers/teams tomorrow. It's late tonight.
I have no problem with the 4-person teams. I think it'll be fine.
But I was referring to the Anti-Fat Bastard Chris.
No matter, I'm just going to lose a bunch of weight, so whoever gets me on their team will be happy.
See, that's how I see it Kevin. I guess it's not about winning to me. It's about motivating each other so we can have that big combined loss at the end of the month.
Majority rules though, I suppose. Anyone else?
273.5, you got it. Nice blog, everyone really has come a long way
My last chime in on this, would be to really keep it at the 2 person teams at least for October and as the month ends begin to ask what folks want for Novemember. We're already into the month and a lot of the 2 person teams have talked about goals and strategies already. No need to switch all that up at this point.
I agree with Swanky, if a team isnt doing so hot they should look at their motivation level and efforts. Going based on another teammates efforts still doesnt make them work harder. I think the smaller the team the more the individual has to do pull (or should I say lose) their weight on the team.
Those teams that are struggling should maybe talk to the teams that are doing great to get some insight and motivation. I think we all sorta talk about what we're doing on our blogs. We might find some helpful tidbits, I know I do sometimes...
Again, my 2 cents.
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