Five Day Average: 274.4
Calories Counted: 1888
First off, this is what I ate today:
6:30am: Scrambled Eggs, no toast. Just eggs.
11:00am: Deli Sliced Ham and a Banana
3:00pm: Shredded Wheat & 1% Milk
6:30pm: Pork Chop cooked with EVOO, salad w/ feta and Italian dressing, squash
What's important is what I didn't have. Erin and I went out with her sister and family to my favorite bar tonight - we ordered chips and salsa and a round of beers. I'm proud to say that I didn't have a SINGLE chip or a drop of salsa, and I spent the night drinking Diet Coke.
To me, this isn't easy. This bar has like 40 beers on tap and the chips and salsa are worth killing over. All I could think about was this blog, and how much work I've put into this week. Hell, if I gain weight when I'm good w/ the diet - what would happen if I had chips and beer?
Also, I started this new workout that Billy's recommending me today. It's a 12 week cycle - three four-week periods. Pretty intense, feels great.
A few side notes - I learned the hard way where I've been getting my high sodium levels - the sliced deli ham and the fat free Italian dressing. I've always read labels, but I've usually looked at calories and not much deeper. Holy crap - I had almost 1800 grams of sodium in only 120 calories of deli ham. And, it's almost 800mg of sodium in 2 tablespoons of fat free Italian dressing. Never thought to look, but I wouldn't have ever guessed. I'm thinking you can guess what is going to be left off of tomorrow's menu, right?
So the streak continues. I'm checking my frustration from this past week at the door. I can only control what I do, and I can't control the results that the scale gives me. Why bother getting all bent out of shape over it, right?
(Disclaimer: I'm allowed to be a hypocrite and freak out over the scale in the future. Hey - I have to be honest, right?)
Good job on the chips and salsa, Tuck. You're right though, bro, just keep worrying about what you can control, and you'll get there. That's all you can do.
Posted by Jim. Blogger login is down, so I can't post my normal way.
Now thats getting it done.... You have the will power of a ox. I don't know if I could have done the same. You will be rewarded for your efforts I am sure of it.
Glad to see the streak is alive and well. Nice work on cutting some of the sodium. Its sneaky stuff.
How often are you drinking diet Coke? I noticed it didn't show up on your food log, but you mentioned it later in the blog.
The insulin response from Diet Coke will make you fat faster than regular Coke! In fact, you would have been better off drinking beer.
Seriously, if you are having it on any sort of regular basis, I GUARANTEE this is what is keeping you from the results you want.
Rob, I cannot stress enough how much damage you're doing to your diet if you're drinking diet sodas.
Jay, I hear you on the diet coke. I hardly ever drink it - I just used it as a replacement for beer last night. Going to my favorite bar and not ordering Sam Adams was bad enough - I couldn't get myself to order water ;)
So yeah - not a huge pop drinker anymore.
Good for you on avoiding the chips and salsa Rob. That takes willpower!
Jay, where are you getting your info about the diet soda? I avoid it because it's artificial and might cause cancer, but I never heard anything about an insulin response from it (only carbs/sugar should provoke an insulin response and diet soda has none) I'd be interested in the source of the info.
Tuck, great job with both a) the willpower, and b) the attitude. You can only control your behaviors, not the outcomes.
For Rip
Online sources are always dubious, but just try skipping it for a month and see what it does for your progress.
That ham will get you every time! Ouch! Good job on passing up the chips/salsa, though. That's tough.
I think Jay's info on the soda is on point. Ive read several articles featuring people who had lost weight but were still into diet soda. Then when they cut it out, they went on to reach their goals. I think theres something to this...
Thanks for the extra info Jay. I had read it a few times but never from a reliable source. I also dropped 50+ pounds back in 04 while drinking diet soda. This time around I am having a much harder time. So I am willing to try just about anything. From my dieting past I know my body is sensitive to insulin (sugars/carbs). I lost the weight previously on a low carb diet. The diet soda kind of cures my cravings for sweat. I want this though so I can give it up 99% of the time. Expect to see less in my day to day diet journal entry. I will give it a month or so and see what happens.
It is close to impossible to avoid munching at a bar. Well done.
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