Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Good Decisions

Weigh In: 273
Five Day Average: 274.2

Calories: 1,658

I've learned over the past few weeks (again - not the first time I've learned this) that there are some things that you can control in your life, and then there are some things that you can't control.

The weather - you can't control it. It's going to do whatever it's going to do.
George Bush - you can't control it. Hell, he can't even SPELL the word "control".
Weight Fluctuation - you can't control it. You can only make the best possible decisions and hope that the weight loss Gods are pleased.

So that's what I'm doing. I'm in the gym most days (couldn't go today - time conflicts), and will be back in there tomorrow. In the meantime, eating has been not good - but stellar. I don't think I could improve upon it if I wanted to. And even if I wanted to - I'm doing pretty damned good. Shredded wheat for breakfast - a homemade salad (lettuce, shredded tuna and light dressing) for lunch, and a pork chop w/ EVOO, spaghetti squash and a light salad for dinner. Under 1700 calories.

I may or may not lose weight on the scale tomorrow - I've learned that I can't 'expect' it - but when I step off the scale in the morning, whether it's joy or frustration - it won't be regret.

Oh, and that picture at the top? That was me last summer. I said that I wouldn't go back and pat myself on the back for my weight loss - but seeing that picture just blows my mind. I was a big fella. I'll never see that guy ever again.


Anonymous said...

dude, is that a D- cup? :)

Jim McCoy said...

That's the right attitude, Tuck. Just keep moving forward. I don't know why your weight does what it does, but you'll get there.

Jay said...

yeah, keep making the right decisions, and keep your streak going, and your weight is bound to come off.

Ripx180 said...

Looks like it is coming back down again. I know not a new low yet but its sure going that direction.

I have some sweet fat guy volleyball pics of myself somewhere too. You have come a long way.

Keep doing what your doing. You will hit a new low by the end of the weekend if you stay focused.

Brian said...

Weight Loss Challenge

How come my partner hasnt posted his weight, or posted on his blog in two months? I think I want Billy back :)

Rob Tucker said...

Brian - Gary's my cousin - I just haven't got his weight from him, but I talk to him all the time. It'll be up today, I think.

I wasn't sure how to manipulate teams this time around (which is part of the reason I was trying to go to 4 person teams) Sorry, man.

Brian said...

It's cool. It's not a big deal, I just wondered if he was still around since I saw he had not posted on his blog in so long.

I also had an idea. We have a winning team of two people like always, but we also have ONE winner who lost the most weight for that given month. That way we can help out our teamates, but also be rewarded for our own efforts as well. What do you think?

Rob Tucker said...

Sounds good to me. I guess remind me when it gets closer to the end of the month, we can create a winner's category for "Biggest Losers" - the more the merrier to me, in terms of ideas. If the challenge motivates people to lose, it's a win-win. I'm up for anything.

swankywanker said...

Wow, Rob, you've come so far! You've transformed yourself so much, I can only imagine what your continued success will bring. Can't wait for more!

billy said...

Is that "Sad Date" up there playing v-ball? ;) It's a great day when finding a really fat picture of yourself is like finding a hidden treasure. Like, "you see?" look how far I've come!"

And Brian, you don't want me back on your team. I've gained about 2.5 lbs sofar in October...

Marcol said...

Rob youre definitely shaping up into a new man, body wise that is. Good for you.

Its so important that we understand the serenity us accept the things we cannot change and change the things we can...thats the best one can do, right?

Rebecca said...

You've come a LOOOOONG way Rob! Pat yourself in the back all you want to, as long as it keeps you moving forward.