Saturday, October 20, 2007

Chillin' with the Rich & Famous

I've been a blog machine this weekend, but it's been a pretty thought provoking few days for me.

So tonight, I got to feel what it would be like to be loaded. For Chuck's 80's birthday surprise, we were treated to a Yacht ride for 4 hours complete with dinner and the likes as we floated down the Detroit River in the 3-story boat - it was insane.

I was faced with a paid open bar (with top shelf liquor), unlimited foods and desserts all over the damned place. Knowing what I've been going through, I can say that I did pretty well tonight. I had the steak (unbelievably delicous) and the chicken along with this potato thing which was incredible. The potato had two choices of sauce - a creamy cheese sauce or some tomato based sauce. I chose the tomato based, as good as the other one looked.

Also, about the open bar - I did a Grey Goose and Diet Coke, I split a White Russian with Erin, and then I spent the rest of the night on Diet Coke and water.

For dessert - they had this marble cake for Chuck's birthday. Completely skipped that one.

So I did what I had to do today.

Also - my legs are KILLING me today - the hamstrings, hips, everything that is related to a post-Josh The Destroyer workout. It's the 'good' killing though, it means I've been pushed to the limit. Bend, but don't break.

I'm going to be starting a secondary workout route that is going to be above and beyond my regular workout regime. I've been looking at "Couch Potato to 5k" workouts and checking out a few 'plans', and I'll be starting this soon. Stay tuned on that.

Ok, bed time. It's past midnight and I have to be at the church at 7:50am tomorrow.


billy said...

Well I don't know if yesterday was the best for you but you did what you could. I find your new blog somewhat hilarious, BTW with the terrorist alert levels...

Melissa said...

That yacht ride sounds like fun! And given the choices, I think you defintely did great. So many temptations but you stood strong. Great job!

Rebecca said...

Good job resisting the temptations that accompany the lifestyle of the rich & famous!