Monday, October 1, 2007


Weigh In: 277
Calories Counted: 2300-ish

There's a lot to be thankful for today, but not much when it comes to weight loss. Honestly, weight loss has been fighting for my attention lately. I've been trying to keep it in perspective, but because of everything that's going on, it's been on the back burner. That's probably why the weight has been sneaking up the last week, but it's one of those things where I know I just have to keep it contained and in control, but be pretty accepting.

First off - this weekend was horrible for my eating. I had my buddy home from Oklahoma and it was like old times. My eating wasn't HORRIBLE, but it wasn't great either. You compound that with the amount of alcohol I had this weekend, and it makes for a not so great weigh in.

Also, I just want to mention that I'm super proud of Jim for walking the 3-day. Also, Melissa, but it sucks that we weren't able to meet up. Crazy weekend for me, so sorry that I didn't get ahold of you on that. Really intended to. Jim (and the other walkers) did 60 miles in the 3 day period, and when I caught up with Jim at the 55 mile point, he seemed like he was going strong as an ox. I was damn impressed. I haven't had time to check his blog lately (or any of yours.. sorry!), but I'm sure the stories will come and be worth reading.

As for today, I'm not sure if any of you are religious, but if you are, I'd appreciate any extra prayers that can come our way. We had quite the day today in our family. Erin's Uncle Jack is 51, and just had to have a triple bypass surgery today on his heart. Long story made short, the entire family has a history of heart problems, he had already had a quadruple bypass 10 years ago, and this week he was told that the risk of never making it off of the surgery table was a very real possibility. He was in bad shape.

Long story made short, he's in recovery now after about 6-8 hours of surgery. He made it through, and the doctors and surgeons were simply amazing. But it gets me thinking about how important our health is. I mean.. when I lose this weight, it's about how I look. I mean, sure.. I do it for my health, my main motivation has been to lose this weight for my wife - to live longer, but when you actually *SEE* something like this happen, it really puts it into perspective.

I mean .. a year ago, that could have been me. Almost 400 pounds, my heart had to have been working overtime on a daily basis. Even now, I'm 60 or more pounds overweight. I fall into this trap of feeling like I've accomplished something by losing 100 pounds, but I'm still a health risk. I forget that sometimes through the compliments and congratulations I get about how I look. But I'm so far away - and today was one of those days where I just saw myself sitting on that table, being put under the knife and having a 1 in 10 chance of never living a day without my wife.

That scares the hell out of me.

So the fight rages on. I may have a bad day, or even a bad weekend, but this is going to be a lifelong struggle to get this right. I'm definitely not perfect, and frankly, I've really been struggling lately being able to keep the "streak" alive, but even if I haven't put a full 30 days in a row like I want to, I won't stop until I'm where I need to be. I'm not just doing it so I can have the abs and chest. I'm doing it so I can be there for my family for a long, long time.

Sometimes it takes a miracle like today to remember that.


David said...

All the best wishes to your uncle Rob.

I am in the same boat with a family notoriously affected with heart problems.

People with serious heart problems sometimea avoid the checkups and try to ignore that they may have an issue. Those people may not even make it to the operating table in case of a serious stroke.

Hopefully i can skip all this altogether and live longer to enjoy more time with my family. To me, that is a major reason why i am doing this.

And hopefully, this can renew your drive for weightloss.

One last thing, can you leave the September challenge results up for a few days when you are done compiling the results. I wanna have time to check them out !


Rob Tucker said...

You bet. I've actually got a secondary blog I'll be posting past challenges on so they're not lost. More on that later.

Jim McCoy said...

You know you've got my prayers, Tuck, and believe me I know where you're coming from. Both of my grandmothers were lost due to heart problems, and before I started losing weight, my blood pressure was starting to creep upward. It wasn't a big jump, and I was only "borderline" high, but at thirty it damn sure wasn't good. The good news is that sixty pounds later, it's back where it is supposed to be, and although it wasn't a big drop, I wasn't that high to begin with. So yeah, I know what you're saying. The three day stuff will be out soon. I kept a three day journal, and I'll be posting that to my Myspace blog along with some pictures I took, probably this weekend, as I'm a bit behind on my homework after not doing any this weekend. Thanks for coming out bro, that meant a lot. Better cut this short though... I need to go get Riley up.

Ripx180 said...

Hope your uncle has a speedy recovery. family is one of my biggest reasons for getting in shape too. I have to many things I still want to see, watch, and do. We have high bp in my family and cancer which sucks. I know being healthy and fit helps fight both of those things. Get back on the wagon man I don't want to see a 28_ something on your weigh in ever again. You have been fighting the 270s for quite a while as I have the 220s. Lets leave these numbers behind. Get back to being a man with a plan no more winging it.

billy said...

I feel you 100%. Best wishes for your uncle.

My dad had his first heart attack in his 40's, and he's had a total of about 4 heart surgeries. It's been a big problem for him, and one of my biggest motivations was that I knew it was gonna come for me too.

You battled your way out of the red zone man. You're now in the yellow zone, although as in shape as you are, you're probably in the green zone health-wise, but you need to keep pushing and lose that extra weight to stay there.

Marcol said...

My thoughts are with you and your family. I'll be pulling for your uncle's speedy recovery.

This will be a good day for your to remember like you said as you continue in your fight to the finish line - youll do it. I want you around to live a long, healthy, fulfilled life. Youre good people Rob!

Jay said...

yep, you don't see a lot of really fat old people. This is about sticking around for a while, just like you said.

Best to your uncle and family on a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Praying for a speedy recovery for your uncle, Rob.

swankywanker said...

We're usually so focused on wanting to look hot naked, sometimes we forget that the most important reason any of us is losing weight is to try to stay healthy and live a long and happy life with our families. Thanks for the reminder. I am sorry it came in such a frightening package. My thoughts are with your uncle and your family.

Brian said...

all my best to you and your uncle. Here's to his speedy recovery!

Melissa said...

Have your uncle in my thoughts! I hope he has a speedy recovery.