Monday, October 29, 2007

One Day From Reality

Weigh In: Still no scale, still in OKC until tonight

I've got a few minutes, so I thought I'd check in. Still didn't have the online access that I thought I would, and this weekend has been crazy nuts. I've had a ton of fun, but I've got a feeling that the scale is going to be the great equalizer tomorrow.

I'm going to gain weight. There's no debate there - it's just going to be a matter of how much. I did my 3.5-4 mile walks most mornings, and we danced the night away at the wedding, but the eating was 'below average' and the drinking was.. well, yeah. Let's just say I'll have an easy time losing some of the water weight.

I think that once I get over the fact that the scale is going to say whatever the scale is going to say, I'm going to be OK though. With everything that has gone on these past few months, my 'healthy lifestyle' has taken a back seat. My crazy school schedule, work pressures, the build up for the wedding - you name it, it's taken up time and energy. I'm sure everyone reading this understands the feeling of building pressure and the toll it takes on your body.

I've had a great time in OKC this week. We met some awesome people, we went to some amazing places (one of which was the OKC Bombing Memorial - brought you to tears), and got to see my buddy get married. I did the toast at the wedding as well, so it was a special honor for me.

That being said, I desperately needed a break from 'real life'. The last 5 days have been in a vacuum - something you don't usually experience. I got away from work, school, bosses, deadlines, tests, grades - all of that (I did fairly well on both tests by the way).

So I'm ready to get home. I've missed the hell out of my wife, and we've been talking all weekend (look out phone bill). I'm recharged, and ready to really barrel through this process again. I'm actually looking forward to being able to prepare my own meals and get to my gym again. It was a major struggle before I left, but now I feel like I'm ready to return to my regularly scheduled program.

I get home tonight around 8:30pm, and then the hard part comes. Tomorrow morning's weigh in.


Melissa said...

Sometimes we just need a break from time to time ;)

Marcol said...

Looking forward to having you back too Rob but Erin is more so Im sure. Glad to hear that you enjoyed your 5 days and that you faired well on your test. Have a safe flight!

billy said...

Life happens. Not that you should be happy about getting off track, but it does. The sooner we realize this, the better off we'll be.

I'm realizing that my maintenance is going to end up being a little moderation mixed with excess, mixed in turn with "making up for things", rather than just one even, steady exercise in health and moderation.

Rebecca said...

Look out Rob, I'm about to get deep... 'it is what it is'. You gained a few pounds, probably, it's ok. You enjoyed life, you got a break and had a good time. You know how to come back down, so I'm glad you won't spend too much time down on yourself for it.

Jay said...

it's not going to be so bad, and you'll be motivated to make it better when you get back. The Coalition needs you back Rob!

BrotherJay said...

Glad you are having a great time, weddings are a lot of fun when you get to be a part of them. Just get back on track once you return and you'll be fine...

GeneTheK said...

Rob, what is done is done and cannot be undone (wow, that's deep).

Reflect on what you have already accomplished and beleive in your ability to move onto the next phase.

Luke: "I can’t believe it."
Yoda: "That is why you fail."