This past week has been insane. I've documented it, I've talked about it - and yes, I've whined about it.
Tomorrow, I wake up and head to my last midterm - this hellish Music History exam - at 8:30am, and then it's off to the airport for my 12pm flight. Nonstop. But, once I get in the air, it'll be a more relaxed, less responsibility week. Most importantly - it's completely non-structured, which means it's going to have to be even MORE important to really be good about the workout and diet thing. I brought my jump rope, my mp3 player and a stopwatch to time runs. You've got to do what you've got to do.
That being said, you'll notice the Streak was snapped tonight. After all this going on this week - Erin and I were able to go out to dinner and have a few drinks. There were good choices to be made, but honest, I really didn't care. I didn't feel like justifying eating right and healthy and picking the 'best possible thing on the menu' - I chose what looked good. Now, I could have been MUCH worse (bar food, remember), but I had a specialty sandwich that was made on some pretzel roll, packed with meat (no cheese on it I think), and it came with a side of steak fries. I also had two pints of beer - not light beer, but quality beer.
So, cheat meal. A cap to the end of an insane time period. I'm looking forward to a fun week in Oklahoma, but if I'm being honest, I'm kind of bumming. (Ok, guys turn your head and don't look for a few seconds). This is going to be the first time in the 7, almost 8 years, that I've known my wife that we're going to be apart for a whole week. It's kind of weird, and I know I'm going to miss her a ton. Especially at a wedding.
That being said, she's probably sitting back looking forward to the week without my driving her up a wall - but she's a source of inspiration for me, and without that, I have to draw on myself to be solid with my diet and exercise this week. It sounds lame, and I know it's possible that I'll temporarily lose my "man card", but I'm not a big fan of being away from her for a long period of time.
So, I start the streak over.
Interestingly enough, you guys have been telling me to do some more walking/running and stay off the scale every day - so the scale isn't coming with me. I'm interested to see how I do this week without all of my 'tools'.
I'll be updating throughout the week, but chances are my comments won't be as many this week. Doesn't mean I'm not still thinking about you all. Stay strong.
Hey man, don't be ashamed of missing your wife. I'm going to London by myself for a week in November and I'm not looking forward to the time away from my lady either. There's a reason we married them, it's because we'd rather be with them than without.
Have a good trip man. Come back with some inspiration to drop some lbs!!
Damn, Tuck. I know what this is like. Just wait for that future time period and you have to be away from the wife AND the kid. Admittedly, they're both coming this weekend, but it HAS happened before. Keep your chin up though, Tuck. You'll be back early next week, and she can break the whip back out then.
Thats why they say "distance makes the heart grow fonder"... Its true man. If I am away from my lovely wife for much more than a weekend I start to miss her too. So no man card revoking from me.
Since your already stepping out of the box a little do the same thing exercise and diet wise. Come back lighter then when you left. No excuses, you know.... if you want it, take it. Keep something around to help you remember what you really want.
Glad things are going to slow down for you. I dont know how some of you do it (schedule, work, school, and all.)
have a safe trip man. Do get on and drop us a line if you get chance.
I'll be blogging probably every night while I'm there, at least most of them. We're staying at our buddy's house who is getting married who has access, so I'll be trying to keep up with everyone.
I've got my equipment (running shoes, stopwatch, jump rope), and I've got a workout partner for the week (Jimbo!) so we're going to do well this week.
As I write youre sitting for your midterm or about to be at least. I wish you well. brought tears to my eyes, well they were sorta already there. Dont feel ashamed about missing your wife, I think thats pretty cool. I was sitting here thinking before I read your blog about what it is that Im feeling lately. Ive been pretty sad about the prospect of being away from the one I love for good.
Like Jay said you married your wives because youd rather be with them than without.
Anyway, before I go all mushy on you - enjoy your trip and comeback and show us who rules when it comes to exercise and healthy eating!
I don't want to be captain bringdown, but I'm a little disappointed in you.
Why'd you snap the streak before you even left? Why does it sound like you're justifying it? Why are you settling, making excuses, and showing weakness?
Not to say we don't all deserve a break here and there, but come on Tuck, did you earn it??
Rob, as usual I really appreciate your honesty & transparency, even when you're afraid of losing your man card. As a woman, it's nice to hear a married man say that he is going to miss his wife. I hope that you find the inner drive to stay on task when you are away from her. And I hope you regularly let her know how much you appreciate having her in your life.
I understand the stress of all the exams & deadlines. Glad you got a bit of a break. I for one am looking forward to a weekend that has room in it for something besides school work. ENjoy your trip!
Rob -
Miss your wife (I always miss mine when I travel), but be sure to enjoy your time away from each other. Don't lose your own identity.
Remember the wedding is ONE DAY - don't blow all your hard work by going back to habits of old, especially when (I assume) you'll be around some old friends.
You're going into the wolf's den so if you're going to be a bear - BE A GRIZZLY.
shouldnt there have been a weigh-in yesterday for the challenge, or am I missing something?
Awww that was sweet what you said about your wife :)
Hope your midterm went good! And you have worked so hard, and I know this wedding wont derail you. You will pull through :) Im anxious to hear how you adjust to not having your "tools" with you :)
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