Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Starting Over, Again

Weigh In: 279

Yeah, saw that coming. Completely sucks, but I expected it.

Over the past few months, I've done a lot of 'talking' about what I'm going to do. A bunch of motivational crap that sounds good on paper, but didn't translate.

The bottom line is, I'm back to where I was back in July, and it's no one's fault but my own. Right now, I'm tired of talking about it, and I don't have any motivational "rah rah" stuff in me. I can only go back to where I was, and do it again.

So, ironically, today I have lost an official '100 pounds'. Sounds familiar, eh?

I hit the gym this morning, and had a measured out cup of Kashi cereal this morning along with a 1/2 cup of milk - that puts me at 250 calories for the day. I'm starving right now, and I've got a tuna packet and a can of soup waiting for me. Other than that, that's it until dinner. Time to get used to being hungry again, it's the only way this is going to work for me.

I'll try to get to everyone's blogs here soon, but I'm at work for the first time in a week, so I've got some catching up to do. Catch you all soon.


Ripx180 said...

ouch.... 279. Guess I don't need to say it cause I am sure you are feeling it. I lost all my focus this weekend too. I even got a complement "You look like your loosing weight". Then I go and stuff a hot dog in my face. Heres to getting the focus back and loosing some weight.

Shonakee said...

Look, you've identified it and got back on the ball by working out and eating right. I don't see any reason not to put it behind you and focus again from 279. It sucks to get knocked back, but don't dwell on it.

billy said...

I think starting over is what you needed. Back to the roots. You know what you need to do, you don't need to talk about it. Just do it. Like you did before!

Rob Tucker said...

I feel like I've been pushing myself in so many directions, trying new things, trying to expand - and nothing has worked. I've tried different workouts, different eating plans, 'cheat' days and 'perfect streaks'.

I write this huge motivational blogs that get my blood flowing, but then I wake up the next day just feeling flat.

So the basics are what I get.

Workout. Eat what makes sense, stay under 2000 calories. Record what I eat, record what I do for exercise.

It's why I took down the "new" banner I had. I was full of shit.

swankywanker said...

Oh, am I glad that you recognize this pattern of behavior. I was getting all worried that you thought it was necessary to write a new weight loss manifesto each week. F the manifesto. You know it's about eating less and moving more. Get to doing that and you'll never see that 279 again.