Weigh In: 272.0
Five Day Average: 272.25
Calories: 2164
It seems like the cat's got my tongue lately. I sit here with really not much to say. I'm working hard, I'm eating right, and I'm doing what I can do. I didn't work out today, but everyone keeps telling me that I need to take a break once in a while (as opposed to working out 7 days a week), so that's what I'm doing. I didn't hit the gym yesterday either, but I played 2 hours straight of volleyball and ended up in a pool of my own sweat, so it counted as a cardio workout to me.
It's been crazy busy lately - between teaching music lessons, work deadlines, school really pushing me to the brink.. mentally it's been a struggle. For example - I've had my buddy's wedding planned and airline tickets bought for a few months - before classes started this semester. In typical "Tucker Luck" fashion, two midterms were scheduled for the 4 day window that I would be out of town, so I've had to bend over backwards in order to take these tests early - which means on Wednesday morning at 8:30, I'm taking a MAJOR exam - and then I'm flying to OKC by 12pm that day. Fun!
Speaking of which - the flight to OKC is a week from today. That means I've got a week. A week to get all this crazy crap dealt with - and a week to really push my scale down to where I want to be. When I'm in OKC, it's going to be a struggle to keep the weight going down. A wedding, having all my friends together, and I'll be a few thousand miles away from my comfort level. I'm already looking for a gym out there, and if there's no gym, I'll be putting some miles on my running shoes. If I'm going to hit 264 (8 pounds) by October 31, I have to put it out there and take it.
One step at a time - seems to be the FAT Coalition motto lately.
PS: You all around? Blogs have been pretty quiet lately.
We're here Tuck, but life has been crazy for us too. I'll do my best to keep you honest in the OKC. Gyms I'm not sure about, but they've got sidewalks, so I should be ok.
Stressful times are hard. Exams have to take priority, right? You're juggling a lot of stuff. If you can't go above and beyond, at least keep your head above water, right? You might just blow the socks off your friends in OKC. When was the last time they saw you? How many pounds ago?
Oh hey, just noticed. Someone left a post on their main blog that said to post on the Tuck's Big Challenge board, and then didn't post a blog there to respond to. Wonder who that could've been?
Life is tough when you want to do it all!
Seriously, you're doing great, it's really hard to get all that done at the same time you're trying to reach fitness goals.
Make yourself a meal plan and stick with it for the next week, then just put that part of your life on autopilot while you deal with everything else.
It's funny, it seems like about once per month that you or Billy point out that blogs have been quiet lately. It's like clockwork!
Jim, the new post is at the top of TucksBigChallenge.blogspot.com. It's just short w/ no image so you may have missed it.
Jay, I've actually got a reminder in Outlook to remind me to harass you all about your blogs ;) (Ok, that's a joke.. or is it?) LOL
I am here too, just haven't had the time to post lately. School is in high gear (6 months to finish the dissertation). I also have a few websites to design and not to mention my regular FT job...
Dang Rob sounds crazy around our neck of the woods. Keep your chin up and plow through like you always do. When your in OKC just try to keep the goal at the front of your mind and your eating will fall in line. I am sure Jim and your wife can help make sure you stay on track. Lately if I know I am going somewhere I will make a mental plan of how I am going to handle the situation then I will tell my wife what I am planning to do. Seems to work really well for me. Like the last birthday party I said "babe, I am going to skip cake, ice cream, and am not going to have any alcohol". sure enough thats exactly what I did and it really wasn't that hard cause I mentally prepared. Anyway Rob best of luck this week man and take care.
while taking off at least 1 day a week is important, it should be planned.
I've been finding I don't have much to say lately...
I've been posting every day this week so far!
Sounds like you've got a lot going on. I agree with the "planning ahead" as far as meals and workouts, even if its just mentally.
worst case no matter where you are you can always eat well, and then go on brisk walks. That's what I do if there is no other option.
Billy's too busy in deep thinking mode. Working your healthy lifestyle around these kind of events is tough, but necessary. But be sure to have fun...
First off, show them you know your stuff next week on your midterms. I wish you well with that.
Second you do have a lot going on but you can handle it if you "plan" for it all. You know what needs to be done, just prioritize it and stick with whatever you set with room for life to shift your plans here and there.
You dont have to succumb to the food and the things that happen with hanging with friends you havent seen in awhile. Determine NOW what your limits will be. Jim will be there so you two can get it done together. Think positive and watch what happens!
Seems like stress is going around these neck of the woods eh?
Good Luck on your exams, and I know your going t obe quite the impressive one at that wedding. I know how tough weddings can be but you can do this. Just plan as much as you can, and to burn some extra calories just put on your dancing shoes :)
(snapping out of deep thinking mode)
These are the things that separate the weight loss amateurs from the masters. Can you handle a trip out of town and some celebrating and still come out on top? Hell, I went to the bahamas for a week and didn't gain an ounce. You can do this!
I'm not concerned about maintaining - I need to lose 8 pounds by the end of the month, and about half of that I'm out of state without my gym.
I was able to maintain on my weekend up north - but maintaining isn't what this old guy's looking for. =)
Some things are more easier said than done. My wife has a girlfriend who wanted to move to California for "a change" but what she failed to realize is that no matter where you go you take your brain with you.
You can do it Rob.
Just think portion control, avoiding the "bad choices", and instead of thinking about being away from your gym take a gym with you - use your bodyweight, buy a resistance band or two, find a local street to run on and the list can continue. Instead of thinking of the things youll be away from think of how you can make the BEST out of OKC. You can come back 8 lbs smaller if you plan to... ok thats my last post on your blog for today :)
LOL, keep 'em coming Marcol. You know I'm a blog comment whore =)
You're right though, I'm bringing my jump rope and will probably be doing some running/walking with Jim - and plenty of the weight resistance training. Been reading up on the basics - the pushups, crunches, prisoner squats, etc.. this week's been bad - I need to follow with a great one.
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