Yesterday's Weigh In: 274.5 (pre-VFW)
Today's Weigh In: 271.8
I have to make this quick - it's been hard finding 10 minutes to create a blog.
Long story made short, the VFW thing worked. I was hungry ALL day, but the anger I had towards punishing myself carried me through. Ended up eating 4 nectarines, 2 oranges and then my turkey chili at night. I was still hungry after the chili so I had two pieces of celery with peanut butter on it. It worked out well, the weight came back down. That'll teach me.
My schedule's been tough lately, but I'm hanging in there. Up at 5:20am, in the gym at 6am, hurry home and get to the school for my student teaching by 8:20ish. Then, head straight to work at 1, work til 6, and then usually something at night. Last night it was volleyball - I got home around 8:30 - tonight, I have private sax lessons that I teach that'll take me until 8pm.
It's harder and harder to balance everything, but I feel like I'm SO close to this degree. I'm student teaching 7th and 8th grade band, and I'm having an absolute blast with it. I head to work after that, and honestly, it's hard to keep my head in the game. My heart is in the classroom now, so coming here is more of a chore than something I enjoy anymore. Every day has been a struggle.
So the beat marches on (pun intended). I think I may take a day off from the gym tomorrow - I have been going 7 days a week for the past 3 or 4 weeks. I don't have school tomorrow so other than the gym, my first responsibility isn't until 1pm. Some down time may be just what the doctor ordered.
Just wanted to update - back to work!
that really sounds great, man...keep doing the workouts so you can keep yourself going in all those other areas!
You being too busy to post is not possible! :)
This is true - I just don't have anything ground breaking to talk about. I always post right before bed, but last night I fell asleep on the couch before even getting to bed. Been that kind of week.
Glad to see the VFW diet worked for you. Will be interesting to see your weigh in tomorrow to see if it holds. Sounds like you are getting close to your dream job so hold on and wrap things up. You will have to be in good shape to keep up with those 7-8 graders. especially if its a marching band so keep working out hard.
yay on the weight going down, back close to the 260s :)
ps- your first responsibility isnt at 1pm tomorrow, remember you have to go into work early tomorrow to make up for the eye doc appt friday :)
Leave it to the wife to keep me honest. I knew that - but wasn't thinking. Work early! (Ok, so I have to be there at 11 - ya'll get my point) ;)
"private sax lessons"
You know, I didn't read that very carefully the first time...
Okay, head out of the gutter now!
I don't know if it is because its Valentines Day or what, but I didn't read that right at first either.
Curious about the VFW and the intermittent fasting. Wouldn't that be counter-productive because you wouldn't be fueling your body much ever 2-3 hours? Or since it is just a one day thing then it is more like a shock to the system, and does more good than bad?
Totally a one time thing for me, I'm not into the fasting thing. Just makes me hungrier and hungrier. Some can do it more often, but not usually my thing.
You all have dirty minds. Private SAX lessons. I'm married, man. I'd have a snarky comment back but her dad reads this blog LOL
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