I haven't posted for over a week, and it's not for lack of trying.
I've been trying to push myself to the limits, and it's funny the games that your mind and body will play with you. For example.. on Saturday I went to the gym in the morning, mowed the lawn (it was 95 degrees with 95% humidity - I POURED sweat), and then I went on a 17-18 mile bike ride. I ate flawlessly.
My weight went up 2 pounds.
That's not the type of thing the struggling dieter needs to see.
I've been really focusing on getting the eating in check and getting my mental state better. It's been a rough road lately, and my moods in regards to weight loss have been all over the map. I've gone from being SUPER dedication and feeling good about it - that 'challenging' myself mode, to the 'barely hanging on' mode, to the 'who cares, I'll eat it tomorrow' mode.
I've been staying away from the blogs lately because I know this mental struggle is boring to read about. You can only say "I'm gonna.." a hundred times and get the same response from you guys. You already know what I'm going to write, and I already know what your comments are going to say.
And you're right - and I'm struggling, but I haven't given up. It's still going strong, no matter what the scale says.
good to hear from you Rob. The humidity in Michigan has just been awful recently. We've had a weekend full of tornado warnings, just awful weather.
Don't worry to much about the scale right now, just worry about getting back in the right mindset and the routine again.
I agree with Jason in saying don't worry about the scale so much. If you put together enough days of good eating and working out the weight will come down.
You know you don't have to blog about what your gonna do. You can just blog about what you did and what you are doing (good or bad). If anything it will make you really think about your actions. Write about what you have been up too, if its weight related great if not who gives a rats a$$. We all know what a struggle it is to loose weight. I have been where you are right now many times. Sometimes I think its just not the right time in a persons life to be loosing allot of weight. Once stuff realigns for you you'll be right back at it. I know it. We here in FAT are just part of a tool you helped create to help people out through the thick and thin. Use us as we have all used you (thanks for all your support and effort). Keep fighting the fight Rob and you will come out on top.
You said it best..."I'm struggling, but I haven't given up"
If you don't quit, you can't fail.
all you can do is eat right and work out... the rest will fall into place. Like Jason said, stay off the scale, it seems to just be messing with your head.
get n Billy's uprising!!!! Just do it Rob.
Hey, can I get a full text RSS subscription from your blog (with proper credit of course)? I can only see excerpts.
I say we just remove warning labels off everything, like someone suggested. This is a good idea.
I write like mad, every day, and no one visits my blog, that looks similar to yours. What could I be doing wrong?
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
42? 7 and a half million years and all you can come up with is 42?!
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