Sunday, June 29, 2008


Weigh In: 281.4

I figured I'd offer up an explanation for what I've been doing lately. It's hard to really go at something like weight loss for almost two years now and do it consistently and full speed ahead.

I started this in November of 2006. I weighed 379 pounds back then. I had lost control of my life, I felt like a shut-in who was unable to really do anything because I felt like a complete loser. I wasn't athletic, my eating was uncontrolable. For those of you who weren't around when I described my "typical eating day" back in 2006, it went something like this - with NO exaggeration.

Breakfast: 4 McGriddles, 3 hash brown and a large orange juice.
Lunch: 4 double cheeseburgers, large fry, a few pies and a large mountain dew.
Mid-day: Chocolate bars, ice cream - and on the way home, yes -2-3 double cheeseburgers.
Dinner: Healthy dinner that my wife made, because I was ashamed to talk about what I had done during the day.

I think we calculated something like 7000-8000 calories PER DAY.

Per *DAY*.

So when I look back at that, I know that I've come a long way. But the reality is, I've got a long way to go. I still have 50-60 pounds that I would like to lose. I know that when I'm doing this, I have to be at 100% concentration and 100% FULL DESIRE to get this done - a lot like how I was in the past, and a lot like a many of you are doing right now.

But I got tired of the grind. Doing this 7 days a week in the gym, eating perfect, recording calories, all the sacrifices that go along with it - it wears you out mentally. And when you add my schedule and other personal stresses that consume one's life in a way that takes your focus off of anything else you have on your plate .. weight loss becomes secondary.

For a while, I took that hard. I couldn't understand WHY I couldn't get geared up. I couldn't get why I would go one day balls out, and then just cave in and have crap for dinner.

It's because I needed a break.

So, I'm taking a break - but it's MUCH different than before. I'm not counting calories - and today was the first time I went to the gym in about 4-5 days - and that's saying something for me.

But unlike in the past, I'm not regaining all of my weight on my break. I'm slipping into neutral, trying to stay around the same weight as I can, not lose too much ground, and get my head into it. It's the only way that I can be truly honest with myself about where I am, what I need, and how I'm going to get there.

Soon, I'll be 100% again. Sooner than later, you'll see me talking about the runs, the gym workouts, the perfect eating streaks.. all of that. But right now, I'm recharging the batteries. Now, I'm not going crazy. I'm eating right. Perhaps not the ideal eating conditions for weight loss, but for maintaining, I'm doing ok. Workouts are a little more sporadic, but that comes with an everchanging schedule. That'll be resolved soon too.

This may sound like a big excuse to some of you, but this is how it is with me right now. It's the mindset I'm in. I'm not in fifth gear, but I'm not in reverse. Think of it was sitting in line waiting to fill the tank up at the gas station, except minus the $4+ gas prices.

I'm still here, and for what it's worth, I check the blog a few times daily to see if any comments have come in. I'm VERY ... let me repeat .. *VERY* honored and appreciative that you guys are on me, and not giving up on me. It's what I need, and I hope that my mentality right now doesn't get you down on me. I'm still going to blog, and yes - I do need to do that more often. It doesn't take but a few minutes to blog every day. I'll do better on this.

So, hope everyone is doing well. Forward and onward, right? I just wanted to let you know that I'm doing well, I haven't fallen off the bandwagon, and in fact, have lost 2 pounds since the last time I blogged. I'll get back sooner this time. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I was going to email you and see what you've been up to! It's definitely been's good to see a blog from ya. :)

When you've got a thousand other things to worry about, it's hard to put a priority on weight loss. In fact, it becomes a chore and you begin to look at it negatively.

I hope your recharge is a good one...and I hope to see you back in the weight-loss scene soon!

Anonymous said...

Damn, Rob, you've got me feeling all conflicted right now!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I didn't realize HOW long of a blog that was. Yikes. Sorry about that.

I think it just boils down to - I'm not FIRED up, but I know I will be, and that this whole process gets tiring and it's not realistic to do it non-stop for almost 2 years without taking a realistic break.

But, I'm maintaining well, and I'm still conscious about things - just not going balls out.

billy said...


I knew sooner or later you'd have to make your actions and intentions match, I only hoped you'd make your actions match your intentions, rather than the other way around. We all need a break now and then, I don't see how now is the time.

Bro, you've been taking a break.

Not that you haven't been working, but you haven't been losing, right? So, you're still gonna have to exert the same effort you have been in order to just maintain.

I'm a little disappointed you're bailing in the middle of the Ocean's 11 challenge.

inked said...

I feel as though I'm going through the same type of situation as you, in some regards. I've been taking a 1 step forward and 1 step backward approach for a month or so now...just spinning wheels and wasting time basically. I know what I got to do, but it just isn't getting done.

I have to agree with Billy that now may not be the time for a break. You've been sitting idle for some time now and that could be considered a break.

I wish you luck Rob, but you are going to have to be really careful because we all know the weight can pile back on ten fold if you let it.

Unknown said...

I step on the scale every day and I'm conscious of what I eat. I exercise MOST days (although this week's been a bad example).

It's not a "hey, I get to go do whatever I want" type of break. It's more of a "stop feeling guilty for coasting" type of thing.

The problem, I think, is that for the past few months, I push hard for a day, and then go the COMPLETE opposite the next and just do horribly. Ends up being in the middle.

So, if I can get my habits straight, my eating straight, working out slowly but consistently and still coming out even - when the juices get flowing again, I'll be able to sustain it for more than a day.

For what it's worth, I was at 281.4 again today. 2 pounds lost in 4 days.. "on a break".

Ripx180 said...

I hear you man, everyone has those times where you just dont got it. I had a 6 month beak here recently. The one thing that it always comes down to is your not happy about where you are. Your not getting any younger and it wont get any easier. My eyes reopened to that fact about 2 months ago and I am back at it fighting tooth and nail. Everyone has their time. Just get back before doing much damage. Sorry for giving you a rash of sh(t lately but I could really tell you were struggling. I get the explanation and the message to lay off a little. Just know a "break" isn't getting you anywhere closer to where you want to be. Hope you get the furnace burning soon brother.

Unknown said...

Rip, quite the opposite. I appreciate the pressure you put on me, and it's needed. It's what keeps me in line. Definitely don't stop giving me shit.

When I'm on my game, I'm the first one to give shit, so I definitely can use it.

Brian said...

it's good that you're honest and upfront about it. That's probably the most important thing here because if you're lying to us, you're most definitely lying to yourself too.

It's also good that you're still monitoring the situation, although i have to say that two pounds doesnt really mean much from one day to another. I mean, you can gain or lose 2 pounds by eating or skipping just one meal.

I understand where you're coming from. Weight loss is seriously 99% mental. Basically everyone has the capacity to do it physically. But as you know you won't be able to do a thing about it if your heart isnt in it.

I can relate to getting burned out and needing a break.

Just remember that this whole thing is a challenge and you have to keep changing up those challenges to stay interested. It might be a time for a break in your mind, or maybe its just time to change up your angle again. Get excited about something that is healthy to get you back into it.

The only simple thing here is that if you're still not happy with yourself physically and mentally, you're not done and it is no time for a break. Are you happy? If you truly are, then good show and take a break.
If you know the real answer is no, then you need get back on it.

It's great that you no longer eat 18 cheeseburgers a day,believe me, I'm seriously impressed. But forget that person. This is you here and now, a new person, and there is new work to be done. Don't look to the past, just focus on what you want to be. I know you have it in you Rob!

BTW, your constant attention and reading of my blog over the past year have been super appreciated and i credit you guys with so much in my progress. Regardless of what you do I support you and wish you luck. Seriously. I just want to see you succeed and be the Happy fit guy you deserve to be. Just do what you need to do man!

Jason said...

I'm conflicted in how I want to respond...

I know that while I haven't said I was taking a break, I have acted as though I have been on a break many times. I think it's totally acceptable to recharge the batteries. Just don't let yourself slip into the mind frame that you are in permant maintance mode.

We are all behind you man, and I know I personally love reading your blogs so at least keep us posted about what's going on with you. Can't wait to see the fire re-lit! Come back with a vengance!!!

GeneTheK said...

Tuck -

I'm just surprised that eating all that shitty fast food back in the day didn't kill you.

Do what you feel is best for you. Remember that a man's character is determined by what he does when no one else is around.

Unknown said...

I'm just surprised that eating all that shitty fast food back in the day didn't kill you.

It was well on its way. High blood pressure, stress, bad knees and back. I'm convinced that if I didn't change my ways, I wouldn't have made it to 40.

Ripx180 said...

Its been a week without a post Rob... I know your somewhat taking a break but drop us a line if you got time. Hope all is well.

Anonymous said...


You and Jim inspired me. And today I hit my first Weight Watchers goal of 10% and I am down a total of 50 lbs since last year. THANK YOU to you both.

I know you're busy with alot right now-stay focused on it all as much as possible and keep taking care of YOU as well.

Take care,
Nicole McCoy

(Jim's wife)

Ripx180 said...

I keep coming back to your page for some reason to only find the same lame ass blog... You owe FAT a new paragraph man, people care about you out here. Just wondering how things are going?

Rob Tucker said...

Hey, sorry for the missing weeks. Was on vacation. Stay tuned, tonight or tomorrow.