Sunday, July 27, 2008

Weekend Done

Weigh In: 286.0
Calories Counted: ? 2400 ish?

Quickie tonight - had a good weekend. Probably drank too many beers (only 3) on Saturday, avoided some temptations, hit the gym when I needed to but missed this morning, and had BBQ type food tonight - so not the best of all, but I saw the weight come down today.

I'll be hitting the gym in the morning and right back on my feet. I'd give myself a B- this weekend. Ate well 'most' of the time and missed a workout. But, I avoided a pizza temptation, hit the gym, and had a good handle on what I was doing. I can't complain.

My first weigh in against my father in law Tom is tomorrow - remember, whoever loses the challenge on Labor Day has to cook a healthy meal for the family. Either way, we both win. But Tom - you KNOW I'm gonna win ;)


Anonymous said...

Awesome job, Rob. If you can beat the weekends, you're way ahead of the game!

Anonymous said...

HI Rob -

My first weigh in on our challenge was 234 - down 2 pounds for the first week or .85% of my beginning weight (236).

Having this challenge and someone else pushing me is a big help and a good motivator - good to see you at the gym first thing this morning!