Monday, March 6, 2017

Putting On The Mask

Ok, so I've got 25 days until my 40th birthday and I have not been doing what I have been wanting to do in regards to my health for the past few weeks. I've been coasting - at best - and not making decisions that benefit my family the most.
I've been going back and forth on something for the past few months and finally, this week, I took the leap of faith. It was a financial investment, something that I had to pray about for a long time, and at the end of the day, I believe that I'm made a good decision that will benefit me both in my health, and in result, financially.
This week, i become an official Advocare Distrubutor. You'll hear more about it as this becomes a theme for this weight loss blog. I've put my money where my mouth is, and I'm going to be my own best advertising tool.
I ordered the 24 day challenge today, and it should be here by the 8th. If this is something you want to do with me, please consider taking a look at this link.
If you know me, this is a big leap. I've never been a fan of products that give you big promises. I've always been a "calories in, calories out" guy. But I've talking to folks for quite a while about this - doing my research, praying hard and often about this. I honestly feel like this is what God's telling me to do.
Put my money where my mouth is, become your own best success story, and live a long, healthy life to support my family.
I've been told by so many people these past few years that I am not going to be able to help others if I can't help myself. I have a hard time with that - if there's money in the account, I want to take care of the kids. I want to make sure my wife has something nice.
Me? I don't need anything. I am just fine how I am today. I am more blessed by being given this opportunity to take care of my wife and children than any "thing" I could buy.
But there's an analogy - when the plane is going down and the oxygen masks drop, if you're going to help anybody else on that plane, you're going to have to get yourself some oxygen first. Otherwise, you are no good for ANYBODY.
I'm turning 40 at the end of this month. I can't think of too many 80 year olds that weigh over 400 pounds like I do. I can't think of any 60 year olds. Hell, I'm struggling to think of a 50 year old.
I don't want to be the guy who dies of a heart attack before he's done raising his kids. I don't want to be the man who leaves his wife a widow because he was afraid to take care of himself.
I'm tired of this. I'm grabbing the oxygen mask.
And when this 24 day challenge is over, and I can prove to you that this does in fact work, chances are, I'll be inviting you to do the same thing.
So, again - if you want to do this challenge with me, click on the link. Let's do this together.

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