Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Where Does The Time Go?

I feel like I have to do something different. I eat pretty perfect during the days - perhaps I don't even eat enough. This leads me to eating poorly at dinner (I did flawless at work, and then went home and proceeded to eat 3 chili cheese coney dogs.... and then go back and have 2 more for a whopping 1700 calories in one meal).

I need to focus on CONSISTENCY. Something that works - and STICK with it. Get to know it. Love it. Enjoy it. If I am just eating oatmeal twice a day and overeating at dinner and don't do enough for my body, then this is a drag and it's no wonder that I'm not sticking to it.

I need a way to free more time up. I take the kids to school at 7am, which means I need to be up by 6am. I work all day, and pick the kids back up by 6pm. By the time dinner is done, the messes are cleaned up (this sometimes happens, sometimes it is skipped), the babies have their pajamas on and we're getting ready for bed, it's at LEAST 9pm.

Something has to break. I have to figure this out.

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