Weigh In: 321 (new low!)
Calories Consumed: 2361
Calories Burned: 4892
Workout Time: 60 Today, 350 Total In March
First things first - The picture has nothing to do with the blog. I just thought it was funny. Now, for your regularly scheduled blog. Enjoy!
Today was up and down for me. First off, I went to the gym, and had to DRAG myself there. I just didn't feel like going, and that's not normal for me. Then, I get there, and am running begrudgingly on the Elyptical machine, and about 10 minutes into it, my headphones go to crap. Like, a loose wire. Now, I'm already unmotivated, and then my music is dead. I get pissed off and get off the bike. End of the workout, only 15 minutes in.
But then I get onto the scale. A solid 321, lowest ever.
Funny how your motivation can change so quickly. I played 45 minutes of volleyball tonight as well, which accounts for the higher calories burned today, and thankfully helped keep me on target with my 60 minutes in the gym tonight.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels like this, but there are some days where I want to take on the world and run the highest mountain, but then there's days where you have all the time in the world, and all you have to do is get off your ass and do an easy workout - yet it seems like your entire body tells you to just sit at home and be lazy.
Today was one of those days where the latter was taking over. If it wasn't for my need to weigh in, I probably would have skipped the workout completely. Good thing for my numbers addiction, eh?
Not much of a blog tonight, but I thought I'd share the 321. Slowly but surely, right?
You seem to be dropping the pounds a lot lately, do you think it's you controlling how many cals are going into your body? What ever your secret is, it's working great! If your body tells you to slack off every day, it might not be a good thing to listen to it, however, if it happens only once in a while, then listen to it. I don't think you have an official no workout day. If that's the case, then listen to your body.
Congrats on the new low Rob... it seems like the weight loss is really kicking into gear again since you started the calorie counting thing.
I really liked something you wrote in yesterday's blog when you talked about setting goals: "I figure if I reach for the stars and only get to the moon I'm still coming out ahead". That is a GREAT attitude, and that is why you have been, and will continue to be, so successful in this journey.
OK, I'll be the bad guy...
You stopped working out because your headphones broke?
Great job on everything else though! Calorie counter seems to really be doing the trick for you.
Yves - counting my calories is what I attribute ALL of these pounds lost lately to. Ever since I started using calorie-count.com, it's been great. If you don't count them and you're struggling with your weight, I'd start counting them, at least for a while. I HATED the idea at first, but I'm completely sold on it.
They have a ton of tools on there.. it can tell you how many calories you need to consume a day to get to a target goal, etc.. it may not be 100% accurate, but it's been amazing for me.
And Billy, you're right. I felt like a failure all day yesterday because I quit on myself. It was one of those weak moments. For what it's worth, I beat the HELL out of my self as punishment today ;)
haha- no need to beat yourself up for it, just look at it differently next time. If you make mistakes, just chalk them up, and move on. Feeling like a failure doesn't help anything, and it couldn't be further from the truth!
I think the reason your calorie counting is working out so well is that diet and nutrition is like 70% of the equation. Exercise is probably 30%. No matter how hard you push yourself at the gym, it'll never make as much of a difference as what you put in your body.
Way to hang in there, Rob, even when your body is saying "ummm...maybe not today, huh buddy?"
I'm going to have to get back to the CC site...it worked for me in the past, and from your testimony, it's a great tool...why I stopped, who knows?
And in your defense, I'd stop the workout too if my MP3 went dead on me. I know it's not the best attitude, but no music, no workout. It's who I am.
Yes, there are days when you will be stronger than others. There are days when you will be much more motivated than others. Run with those. If you are more motivated one day, push it. If you feel stronger, push it as well. On the days you aren't as motivated, just do what you can. Dig deep inside your will and find a way to make it happen, even if it's a light work out. When you're done, you will be happy you did.
I don't work out with an MP3 player. My gym has little TVs on some of the cardio machines, and I don't use those either. I've seen people only using one hand on the ski machine because theyre holding their MP3 player, I've seen people dilly-dallying all day long picking new songs, and I've seen people half-assing while reading and watching TV.
For me, the Gym isn't somewhere I go to be entertained. I go to push my body, no distractions.
Everyone's different, and I can see how having music might pump some people up. But it's a line, and some people take it too far.
Billy, I've seen those extremes, and those are the people who aren't there to workout anyway.
For me, I have the entire Rocky Soundtrack (all the motivational songs from all six movies), and my MP3 player hangs around my neck.
When I'm working out, these songs get my blood pumping. Like "No Easy Way Out".. the lyrics get my blood boiling, and the tempos are perfect for keeping rhythm.
Plus, I'm a band geek, so you know how I roll ;)
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