Weigh In: 319.5
Calories Counted: Pending
Calories Burned: 4830
Workout Time - Today 90 minutes, Total 666 minutes (yikes)
Today was your run of the mill day. I worked out, went to work, went to volleyball and came home. Nothing really 'cool' to report about. It was good to get 90 minutes in - 45 in the gym, 45 on the volleyball court.
It's only 13 days out of the month, and I've got just over 6 pounds to lose so I can keep on target.
This is pretty boring tonight, but I'm pretty tired. Tomorrow's a strong workout day, so let's see what I got.
What a boring post, I can't wait for the next one ... j/k :P
Keep up the great work, isn't it fun being active?
My brother-in-law invited me to play Tennis on Thursday's with a group of guys. Sounds great, but after they play, they go to the bar for Pizza and Beer ....
The numbers are looking good, my friend! Keep it up...you're doing awesome! As for seeing what you've got today for that strong workout? You did great resisting those White Castles, so this should be easy! =)
Oh, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you on Sunday, but you're looking awesome!! I did notice, and I am thrilled for you...I guess I just got caught up in the excitement of the party, Brandon being home, and sharing HS notes. Hehe.
Take care!
666 minutes, huh? Hmmm.
I guess it's good that your posts about exercise are short and uneventful (no offense). You're starting to post about exercise as you would post about eating a meal. "I ate a meal...la dee freakin' da." It's a part of your normal, daily routine. That's good. ;)
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