Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Weigh In: 317.5
Calories Consumed: 1850

Calories Burned: 4851

Workout - Today, 60 minutes. March: 861 minutes

Happy St. Patty's to everyone!

Today I woke up around 8:30, and by 9:15am I was running on the Elliptical. I plugged it in for 60 minutes thinking that it was a fat chance in hell that I was actually going to do it. I didn't feel up to it, and the Sportscenter TV was too far away from me. I was stuck watching ABC in the morning, which meant I was watching cartoons. The funny thing is, I had Rocky theme music blaring in my ears, and I was watching some weird cartoon that I've never seen - and it kept my mind on reading the Closed Captioning, which meant I didn't focus on the Elliptical - and I did 60 minutes straight on it. Felt pretty good.

I had a beer tonight, and I realized how much I don't like Bud Light. I used to live and die by the stuff, but I'm not a big fan anymore. I did add some green to it in honor of my Irish wife, but it's not my favorite. Of course, 110 calories for a beer worked out well, so what can I say?

As for my plateau, I'm glad I saw a lower number, but I'm not out of the woods yet. I was glad to get my 317.5 again, but the way my body is, it can go up or down with as much frequency as a roulette wheel.

One thing I noticed tonight. I was at the bar sitting up where the bartenders were serving up drinks, and I watched drink after drink after drink get served. My brain wasn't counting beers, though. It was counting calories. I go back to about 10 years ago, and me and a few friends would knock out 12-20 beers a night, plenty of Jager and follow it up with a few large pizzas. It impresses me, and scares me at the same time, to think that I've come so far from that lifestyle.

Tonight represented my new life choices - I had a healthy dinner of chicken breasts, rice and broccoli, and one light beer. Ten years ago, I would have easily consumed 10,000 calories without blinking an eye.

Growing up sure is fun, ain't it?


Anonymous said...

I don't think I have told you lately how proud I am of you, so here it is! You have been sticking to this change of lifestyle for a long time now and I can only imagine the amount of willpower you need for that. There were many times this weekend alone where you could have fallen off the wagon, but you didn't.
You are doing an amazing job and as a result you and me are going to have a longer time on this Earth together! :)

Rob Tucker said...

After reading this reply from my wife..

.. THAT is what this whole thing is about. Very cool, honey.