Weigh In: 319.5
Calories Counted: 2840 (overestimated)
Calories Burned: 4209
Workout - Today, 20 minutes: March Total, 726 minutes
First off, I think my calories are kind of high today. I put in my wife's turkey chili recipe, which is VERY low cal, and it's coming up way too high. I'm going to go with what the analyzer says though, so 2840 it is.
Looks like I'm back to my old plateau ways. I went back and looked at what I was doing when I was losing strong, and it was the 'zig-zag' pattern when it came to my calories. I would be around 1700 one day, and then around 2600 the next, and I alternated. I'm going to give that a try, and see what happens.
Also, I haven't really been too motivated to work out lately. It's strange, because for a while there, I was looking forward to the gym. Now, I just drag my ass there, and then wish I had more time once I get there. Of course, if I would actually GO when I have time and not twiddle my fingers, I'd have said time.
So, I've been talking to Josh the Destroyer and we're going to start a new regime. My body's starting to get used to the 7 days a week working out thing, but when I'm there I feel like I'm not pushing to full potential, and it's costing me.
So, here we go again. Plateau busting's the game we play.
Nothing to worry about. You have burned off a lot of weight, but you've gained much more muscle mass, which is heavier.
You may need to give your body a rest for a couple of days until your energy recoups. You can't burn the candle at both ends forever. You're doing great. No weight gain, and your focus is still there. You could give your blog a day off as well. We'll all miss you for a day or two, but if it helps, do it. Just don't stay gone too long. Your readers are inspired by your voyage, and are awaiting new and exciting breakthroughs.
Maybe with your calorie intake so low, you're running out of energy. With your workout schedule, you need the fuel to burn.
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