Weigh In: 315
Calories Consumed: 1836
Calories Burned: 4329
Workout: Today, 30 minutes - March, 1061 minutes
I'm not sure if this sounds stupid or not, but lately I've been doing the whole flex-to-yourself thing lately, and feeling out the muscles in my arms, back, legs, shoulders, etc.. I never used to have anything but flab bags, but I'm starting to notice some bulk going on. My wife rolls her eyes every time I say "feel my bicep", but then again, I can't really blame her.
Part of me feels like I'm being a complete dork about it, but I'm starting to feel like once I get this big layer of fat off of me, I might have something good going on in there. So, as much of a dope that I am for flexing to myself, it's a byproduct of my hard work, so I'm going to keep doing it.
I just hope no one at work catches me in the act.
As for the diet, I went pretty well today, nothing much to report. I did a half-hour on the Elliptical this morning after feeling as stiff as I can ever remember feeling after yesterday's workout. It took everything that I had just to get to the gym, but once I was there, I felt pretty limber. I usually run on "Random" option on level 7, but I put it on 9 today. I sweated (is that a word?) more than I usually did, and it was more of a challenge, so it worked out well.
Went to work afterwards, and I noticed that I stiffened back up. My problem is, I work in a cube and after working out I sit for 8 hours. I find that I'm standing up more, stretching in the cube, doing what I can to keep the muscles warm. And then.. when no one is looking, and I'm damn sure that no one is going to walk into my office.
I flex.
So I'm a dork. Sue me.
Rob, you know that this isn't about muscle, it's about making a choice to be healthy. By focusing on your own selfish desires and goals, you're losing sight of what's really important. You kind of let me down, Rob.
Now, excuse me while I go flex in the mirror.
Yeah, you are kind of a dork flexing like that...
...but a proud dork, and what's wrong with that?!
Way to go for recognizing the good things that are happening...and for sticking it out in the gym even when you feel stiff or blah!
Keep flexin'...er...working! You're doing great.
Yep. You're a dork.
(But I'll admit, I flex, too. Shoot, just flexing and feeling the muscle tighten up makes me feel strong. So yeah, I'm a dork too.)
Flex on my friend, flex on.
Im with josh on this one
I do the same thing. I feel them more than flex in the mirror.
Don't feel bad. You earned that shXt. You worked hard and you deserve to (finally) be able to enjoy your body. (after years of it being not-so-enjoyable!)
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