Calories Consumed: 2276
Calories Burned: 4334
Workout: Today, 30 minutes - March, 1091 minutes
You'll notice that the past few days, my weight has steadily creeped up. Now usually, I'd be mad, frustrated, disappointed, you name it. I'd be stressed out, talking about how hard I'm working and how I want to throw my scale into the lake, but for some reason, I'm calm about it.
I mean, it does bug me a bit - but the last few days have been easier to handle consider that I have been doing SO well lately. I know that I was due for a time where my body is trying to catch up, but that just means that I have to be even that more diligent. One thing I've noticed is that I've strayed away from the 'zig-zag', and have been pretty consistant in the lower 2000's for my calorie intake. I need to get a few days on the low end, so I'll try to get a few days in there.
Otherwise, I know what I need to do. It's coming up on a hopefully warm weather weekend, so I want to be more active. Do more stuff, be outside more.
As the title suggests, what goes up, must go down.
The sooner, the better.
Yeah, unfortunately no matter how perfect your nutrition and exercise, plateaus and weight fluctuations are inevitable. Unfortunately, it's not an exact science. Good thing for us is, it's close enough ;)
You'll get there. Great attitude to have despite the bump in the road!
Just wanted to comment that I really like the various pictures you put in the beginning of your daily posts - you're very creative.
As for the flexing thing in yesterday's post - definitly keep on flexin... nothing wrong with that - you should be damn proud!
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