Friday, March 23, 2007

You Don't Know "Squat"

Weigh In: 315.5
Calories Consumed: 1579

Calories Burned: 4556

Workout: Today, 60 minutes - March, 1151 minutes

Ok, so remember yesterday how I said that I wasn't too frustrated about the weight just staying where it's been? Today, I'm a bit more frustrated about it. The more I think about it, the more I want to push my body harder than before.

My calories are really low today, probably TOO low, but since I started doing the 'zig-zag' approach to calories, I was losing at a great rate. For the past few days, I've been at or around 2000+, so I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or if it's related, but I needed to get myself really low for a day or so, just because of my own internal doubts. So, I did that.

For some reason, my weight freeze the past couple of days was ticking me off today as I was thinking about it during my workout. I usually squat around 175 pounds or so, but today I really wanted to PUSH. So, I looked over and saw one of the bodybuilder guys doing squats next to me on the next machine. He was doing around 250 pounds. He was pretty built, but about half my size.

So, in typical Tucker fashion, I said "screw it", and put 275 pounds on the squat bar - and proceeded to do three straight sets of 12.

Amazing, it felt awesome.

So, I added weight to all of my reps on all machines today. I'm starting to get the feeling that before today, I was going through the motions, but not truly PUSHING myself to the brink. It's as if I've been getting used to what I'm doing, and not testing my limits. Today, I think I got back to that a little bit. I mean, I guess it's pretty good that I can say that 'half-assing' a workout is where I was at, when just about 2 months ago, the exact same workout pushed me beyond my limits. That means I am improving.

But that was then, and this is now.

I'm going to really start kicking my own butt in these workouts. My body's fighting me - it doesn't want to give up these extra pounds. But that's just too damn bad, because they're coming off, whether the body likes it or not.

I've been preaching "mind over body" for a while now - and it's time I took my own advice on that. Here goes nothing.

1 comment:

billy said...

Ugh for some reason my comment disappeared so I have to type it again...

I have to bust your balls. Dude, BE CAREFUL. Exercises like the squat are no joke. You could have seriously injured yourself and put an end to your whole program.

By all means, push yourself and increase weight. But do it in a controlled fashion, 10 or 20 pounds at a time. Don't just get crazy and throw on an extra 100 pounds, especially without a spotter.

Anyway, I'm glad it turned out you had sort of been half-assing, but don't try that again!