Weigh In: 311.0 (lowest yet!)
Calories Consumed: 1941
Calories Burned: 4832
Workout: 115 today, 295 for April
Calories Consumed: 1941
Calories Burned: 4832
Workout: 115 today, 295 for April
This past week has taught me, or rather reminded me, why it's so important to have a support group during this process. First off, this weekend was very big for me. I turned 30, I had a big BBQ party, friend and family were around, and I was in my glory.
I think I've been able to refocus. For a while now, it wasn't a matter of 'motivation' to succeed, but that fire. That determination was starting to lack. And that bothered me. I need to be able to wake up every day with a ball of fire and just rock whatever I need to do. I found myself taking shortcuts, both in the diet and in the exercise. I was 'settling' for something less than my final goal.
I needed something to really focus on. After talking to Josh, I'm going to work closer with the diet. So, instead of just looking at a final 'caloric count' for the day, I'm going to work towards a 'training' diet. It's not a 'diet', but a smarter way to eat. For example, instead of 450 calories in a bowl of Captain Crunch, I'm going to work towards organic oatmeal and an egg. Just a re-modification of what MAKES sense - a new drive towards what creates a healthy lifestyle. I mean, I KNOW that Captain Crunch (just for an example) isn't the greatest breakfast - but hell, it's kept me within my caloric count. Just like I know that a good bowl of Campbell's soup is only about 280 calories - but it packs over 1000 on my sodium.
So, April is a matter of improvement. Take what I've learned, and make it better.
For what it's worth, I worked out with Josh today again, and he's got me doing things that I never thought were possible. I did SUICIDES today. If you don't know what those are, let's just say that they're correctly named. Also, I'm working more with dumbbells (and I'm not just talking about at work), and less with machines and bars. I'm feeling more stability, and my core is improving.
So for those of you who were concerned, thank you for caring. Let's get into those 200's now, shall we?
Looking forward to hearing you've made it to the 200's. :o)
11 pounds to the 200's. No problem.
You've made incredible strides thus far, so 11 pounds is one of your milder ambitions. Don't get hung up on the numbers.
Jim...don't wait for Rob's successes to start yours. The beautiful baby you have..needs her Dad..get started now! I know you have incredible potential, so pump it up!
I read the obituary's every day...there are some very young people losing the battle of the bulge. Don't think it can't happen, because it does! The worst place you can have extra weight is in the abdomen, and it can be deadly, so get on board. It's not just the cosmetic's, it's all about a healthy lifestyle that will reward you with not only weight loss, but a renewed sense of well being and energy.
Rob's Dad
Dude, you were eating Cap'n Crunch???
Drop and give me 20!!
Billy, you know the strange thing is - I've been doing that since the beginning. I've dropped almost 40 pounds (more than, if you count today's weight - *teaser*) having that as a breakfast.
it's just funny. Obviously you've done so many other things and made so many significant changes that you made good progress.
Still, all those times you were wading through plateaus? That should've been an obvious target...
I eat this stuff called "Optimum power" cereal- it's got flax and oats and blueberries and some protein. Or I have an omelet, or a fruit/protein smoothie, or eggs and chicken sausage, or oatmeal with berries. Plenty of quality, healthy breakfast options.
It's good that you are thinking outside of just calories. You could eat 2000 calories of pizza every day, but that ain't gonna help ya much!
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