Note: New pictures on the right column, comparing mid December to this past weekend.
Weigh In: 301
Well, today's me and my wife's anniversary. 2 great years, and she hasn't killed me.. yet. My goal was to get under 300 by April 30th, and I can say that I actually did weigh in once a few days ago under 300 with my 299 a few days back, and after taking a 3 day break (I did work out up north but I probably consumed about 2800-3000 calories a day), I pretty much maintained, and kept close to the 300 barrier.
I feel refreshed right now, mentally and physically.
So, this is what I've learned in the past five months.
You have to set goals. You have to challenge yourself. You have to work as hard as you possibly can until you feel like you can't work any harder. But then, you have to let go for a while. You have to be able to relax, and take some time to yourself. I'm one of those guys who work out 6, sometimes 7 days a week. My calories are pushed to the smallest of the limits. I have no 'medium' speed - it's either full speed or off. But I think that we have to keep this in perspective too.
As I read around the Coalition of us who are doing this weight loss thing, I see a lot of similarities. I see us getting frustrated with our plateaus at the same time. I see us celebrating our successes on the scale. I love it when I see people like Becky who is realizing her love for the outdoors. I think that sometimes we get so wrapped up in the scale, the weight loss process, and the numbers (guilty!) that we forget why we do this in the first place.
For guys like Kevin and I, we started off wanting to lose 100 pounds, and we're pretty much both at the halfway point. We're talking about five months. It took us years to put this weight on, and in five months, we've gone from the guy who sits on the couch and shovels embarrassingly obscene amounts of food into our mouths, to the guy who is conscious about what we look like, and what goes into our systems. We get down on ourselves when we fail, and we are overly hard on ourselves when we don't hit our goals when WE WANT to hit our goals.
So, why do I rant about this?
Because May is going to be "goal free". Nothing is going to change in my operation. I'm still in the gym 6-7 days a week. I'm still eating great. I'm feeling about as refreshed as the day that I started this.
But for one month, no "I have to hit my goal by _____". No "I need X amount of this.." or "I must do _____".
Just go out, work hard, and enjoy what the scale gives me.
Stress sucks. Weight loss ain't easy. Fighting the urge to eat those foods that inflated us the first time just sucks.
So why add stress about a number?
Here's what I'm more interested in:
November 22 - 354.
December 9 - 341.
January 31 - 330.5.
February 28 - 325.
March 31 - 312.
April 30 - 301
May 30 - Lower, and healthier.
Enjoy life. If you don't, what's the point of this weight loss process in the first place?
What a great attitude.
Your lifestyle changes are inspirational, in that if you set your mind to do something, you just do it. Don't sweat the small stuff.
Weight loss is a byproduct of your lifestlye changes, and is only one of the many benefits you will reap from choosing to live a healthier lifestyle.
Next stop...250. See you there!
Your pics are amazing! You look like an N.S.I. (normally-sized individual). That's awesome! Congrats man, you more than earned it. Enjoy it.
Thanks for such an up-lifting blog! You're right... we all need to take a step back and look at the big picture of our success, not just the number on the scale.
Oh, and PS... your pics are awesome! You've come so far already... great job!
Rob, you look amazing! What a difference in only five months!!
Great blog, too. Great outlook on the journey.
Great pics, man. Very impressive.
The proof is in the pics and in the way your clothes fit...and your outlook on life has changed. Amazing-congrats :)
Love this post, Rob! You're doing great! Your pictures look great too!
AMAZING pics! it must be really rewarding to see such a difference.
Happy Anniversary and you are looking great, big guy. Keep up the hard work.
WOW, Were's rob? Good stuff couz
You've come a long way, and it looks like you've lost five pounds just out of your cheeks. You're doing great bro. I know I once told you that once you get down to my wait, I'll start losing. You've got six pounds left to go (umm...guessing you can handle that, if you've gone through 49 so far, six shouldn't be all THAT hard) but I'm going to start early. I just need to get some Splenda, so that I can drink some tea to get my caffiene to avoid headaches (diet or no diet, I am NOT going to drink diet pop, that crap is nasty) and just drink water the rest of the time. And besides, training for the Breast Cancer 3 Day started today, and while I don't have money for the gym membership, walking five miles a day can't hurt. So congrats bro...oh...and neener neener you can't catch me. Even if, BMI wise I probably started behind, and I'm definitely there now, considering the fact that I'm eight inches shorter than you. But oh well...nobody's perfect right?
Jimbo - I love to hear that. You realize I was just wondering what your weight was so I could give you shit about it.
If you want/need advice or help, let me know. The whole crew needs to do this, and it's great that you're talking about it. The talk is the easiest part though, as I speak from experience. Hit me up later if you can.
Jim, you don't know HOW happy you make me to hear that. Riley and I need you around...and this is a GOOD start. I'm here to help you along the way-no more junk food. We'll get healthy together.
And congrats on making the 3-day commitment. It's tough, but I know you're up to the challenge. We'll be along the route cheering you on :)
Tuck-any reference stuff you can give us would be great.
-Jim's wifey
GREAT blog Rob - and a great attitude. Also I have to re-iterate what everyone has said about those "before and after" pictures you psoted (or should I say "before and during") - they are truly amazing and it has to be very gratifying to visually see the vast change. Congrats!
Also glad to hear you were able to rest and recharge - I think your anniversary trip and getaway came at a much-neded time for you both.
hi guy, if you steal my picture the least you can do is include a credit.
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