Calories Consumed: 2571
Calories Burned: 4927
Workout: 75 today, March ends at 1580 (420 minutes shy of goal)
Five Day Average: 311.8
Calories Burned: 4927
Workout: 75 today, March ends at 1580 (420 minutes shy of goal)
Five Day Average: 311.8
March is over. Let's recap.
I wanted to get to 313 pounds, losing a total of 12 pounds. I got to 311.8, losing a total of 13.2 pounds. Check.
I wanted to exercise 2000 minutes in March. I came up short, but I think that 1580 minutes is a pretty good total. It's almost 51 minutes of exercise a day, if you base it on working out ALL 31 days. I took 3 days off this month, so my 'daily' average in March came up to 56.4 minutes - not too shabby.
Also this month, I fit into a size 44 pants instead of a 48, a 2x shirt instead of a 4x, and had to buy a new belt, because my other one was WAY too big for me.
So what's the bottom line?
March is a success.
April WILL be a success. And this is what I'm going to do.
I'm going to try to get to 2000 minutes again this month.
I'm going to lose 12 pounds again. This will put me below 300 pounds.
I'm going to continue counting calories.
I'm going to add at least 2 days a week where I do extra-curricular exercise OUTSIDE of the gym.
These goals will get me below 300 pounds, and also supplement my exercise minutes, helping me raise above 2000 minutes of exercise for April.
My wedding anniversary is April 30th, the last day of the month. I've got so much to celebrate - being under 300 for my wife by that date is very important to me. March proved something to me: hard work, organization and dedication combined will WIN the battle. Win enough battles, and you'll win the war.
I've got other things on my mind.. something someone said tonight that really got me thinking, but there's a lot already here - I'll save that for tomorrow. Until then!
You looked awesome at your BBQ!
And watching you and Zogie munch on fruit while the fat-filled snacks were on the table was inspiring. :)
Keep up the great work!
Woulda posted sooner but your comments haven't been working for me.
Congrats on a killer month, man. Just pounding all of your goals into submission like that is amazing.
Here's to a great April.
Yeah, I noticed today that my comments were on 'moderate' - I have NO idea how that happened.
It's wierd, I missed blogging yesterday, but it was insane from sunup to sundown.
I'll have a good one tonight I hope.
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