Weigh In: 312.5
Calories Consumed: 2448
Calories Burned: 4845 .
Workout: 90 minutes today, 120 for April
Calories Consumed: 2448
Calories Burned: 4845 .
Workout: 90 minutes today, 120 for April
There's been a lot on my mind lately, and when I actually get some quality time to put it down in a blog, I'm going to. It's been so busy lately, I actually SKIPPED a blog last night - it didn't feel right not blogging, but that's how it's been.
I had a major workout tonight - 80 minutes with Josh. I was at the gym at 6:45am, and as I type this at 9;30pm, I'm still sore. I feel like I'm starting to take extra steps in my workout - and I'm starting to reap the benefits, but the last few days haven't been great on the diet. I need to refocus, and really get to where I need to be.
It's interesting - I've been thinking a lot about hitting 30, and I don't know if this is all in my head or not, but I feel like the second I turned 30, I entered a whole new stage of my life. It's hard to explain, but as I said earlier, I'll try to do it later. I don't have the time or energy to really go into everything that's in my head lately.
The bottom line is, I'm in the middle of a journey. Some things have completely changed, and yet most are still the same.
It's April now, so you'll see that I changed my tickers in my profile to reflect that. I got to 1580 minutes of working out in March, so I want to improve upon that in April. I also need to find that 'niche' for April that I have in the past. I need to find that 'improvement'. It seems every month I find that one new tactic - last month was calorie-counting - to take me to the next level.
Either way, I'm so close to 299 I can taste it. Yet, just like when I was stuck at 330 for 21 days, and when I was at 350 - I still can't picture it. I can't imagine me.. weighing less than 300. I want to, and I dream of it.. but the Inner Fat is telling me that it can't be done. I obviously CAN.. and *WILL* do it, but there's that shadow of doubt inside me - something I have to fight off.
To everyone who blogs as well, I'm sorry that I haven't commented in a few days - as I said, it's been insane. I'll be getting to you all in the morning.
Here's to a VERY successful April.
You're doing great!
I have no doubt that you'll meet your goal to enter the 200 club. Just keep on doing what you've been doing. Remember, it's not just the number. Think back to when you first began and how tough it was to complete your workouts. I don't know many people who could keep up with you.
Your energy level and attitude are an inspiration for all of your readers so, don't be too hard on yourself. You've made incredible progress, and it shows!
Here's to April [raises glass of water to toast] :)
I want to echo what your Dad said - you're doing incredible! You smashed your March goals, you look great, and I can tell when I see you that this journey has had a great mental/spiritual benefit for you too, as well as the obvious physical benefits.
I know what you mean when you say you feel like you entered a new "phase" of your life when you turned 30 the other day. I think you're "primed" to put together one of the best stretches of your life - losing the weight and getting in great shape, finishing up school and moving into what you really want to do career-wise, and growing in your marriage with all that entails. Congrats - it will be fun!
Awesome job, Rob! You looked great on Sunday, by the way! I couldn't comment yesterday so sorry for the delay, but I'm proud of you!
I hope whatever is weighing on your mind, well, I hope you find some peace in that situation. You've got a mob of people here, and everywhere, ready and willing to listen to ya when you need to lay it all out...if you need to do that, that is.
I don't know what else to say...seems your dad and Tom have said it all! You're doing awesome, and you've come a long way physically and mentally, and it shows. Great job, and keep it up buddy! We're all very proud of what you've done so far, and we have great confidence that you'll hit the goals set before you!
Man, I totally know what you mean about turning 30. When I turned, it just felt like my life had like a greater... urgency.
I realized I wasn't a kid anymore, I wasn't getting any younger, and that, more than anything, what I do, achieve, and accomplish over the next 10 years may very well define who I am and how my life is going to turn out.
Heavy stuff.
So far I ended a bad relationship, quit smoking, and lost 35 lbs. Not bad for 6 months work ;)
If we keep going, scratch that: AS we keep going, we continue to define ourselves.
Here's to the 30's: Still young enough to enjoy life like a young man, but old enough to have the balls to do what needs to be done.
Rob, don't listen to that voice that tells you you can't. Prove it wrong. You've made incredible strides so far and it shows. Keep moving forward.
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