Weigh In: 303.5
Five Day Average: 304.1
It's been an interesting few days. After getting a pretty big dip to 303, I've experienced a 4 day yo-yo, with weigh ins of 306, 303, 306, 303.5. My average dips to 304.1, which is definitely something I can't complain about, but with today's 303.5, that means I've got 7 days to drop 4 pounds. Probably not going to happen, but if it does, I'll be pretty pumped about it.
I'm starting to realize something about myself. I am constantly adding stresses and almost unattainable goals to my life. Between my school situation, my work situation, my home situation, my marriage, my friends, my weight loss goals.. it seems like I'm always setting deadlines and goals.
On one hand, it's great to set these goals because it gives me something to fight for. I mean, setting a goal of 2000 minutes of exercise a month has helped me some days, because when I'm about 40 minutes into a workout and I know in the back of my head that I need 65 to keep my average right, I'll go get 20 more minutes. I'm like that when it comes to my goals.
On the other hand, I've been feeling the pressures lately, and I think it's starting to get to me. For instance, this weekend I spent probably 15 hours on my feet, crawling around the house, up and down stairs, lifting, pushing.. you name it, working my ass off with my dad trying to put up ceiling fans, exhaust fans, new fixtures, mowing the lawn.. you get the idea.
While I'm doing this, here I am getting all pissed off and stressed out because I'm not in the gym 'clocking minutes for my goal'.
In my personal life, it's Finals week, so you can imagine THOSE stresses, and then you add to that my work schedule, and the goals that I set to 'overacheive' at work, and you've got a guy who (if I had hair) was pulling his hair out - and I feel like I'm adding extra stresses where there doesn't need to be stresses.
Such is life, I suppose. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do about it, but I thought I would just use this blog to vent about things. In the past, stresses have led to the whole emotional eating thing... and I've been able to keep away from that for the most part.
So, the breakdown:
I'm at 304.1 for my 5 day average with a few 306's coming off before the next weigh-in. My anniversary is a week from today, I've got 2 final exams this week, I need to take the car into the shop, I've got to finish a few projects around the house this week that we weren't able to get totally complete this week, I've got a full week of work, and I'm planning something for the anniversary.
Meanwhile, I'll be in the gym tomorrow morning for Step Aerobics class around 5:45am.
The moral of the story: "Life happens.. sure beats the alternative, doesn't it?"
I know all about stresses... school + work for 5 years is what helped me add on an extra 80+ pounds. All you can do is take it one day at a time... it sounds cheesy and trite, but it's so true. You don't always have to reach your goals.. as long as you TRY to reach them, you'll see great results. Best of luck on finals this week!
Try to just focus on the goals as being just that - goals. It doesn't mean if you don't reach it, you've failed because you totally haven't!! Like you said, those goals have pushed you on days you've wanted to give up. But don't be a slave to them.
I think just writing it all out and acknowledging the stresses are there, are a healthy way to live through them. It's when you stuff it that it becomes all the more unhealthy!
Balance is the key. The gym will still be there tomorrow. They house projects can hang on for another day. You can't be everywhere, doing everything, all the time.
Find a balance between all of the things that are important to you. Don't wear yourself too thin.
Don't wear yourself too thin.
Had to be a pun.
Father and Son..we do it all!
303 with 299 approaching quickly.
Sounds like a good excuse for a bbq
Rob =
You got some great advice in these various blog responses. Take some time out for yourself and to enjoy life.. it will re-energize you and help you cope with all the stresses and your high goals.
Take some time to "smell the roses" !
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