Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Roar - Restored!

Weigh In: 313
Calories Consumed: 1379
Calories Burned: 4300
Workout: 30 today, 210 for April

I went on this big diatribe yesterday about my lack of motivation, and between this blog and the other that I post, I got some great comments from you guys. I think I gave off the wrong impression though. I know Erin (my wife) and others were concerned about me "giving up", and I just wanted to make sure you guys knew that giving up was never a worry of mine. I'm in this for the long haul. Just yesterday, I was feeling a bit down on myself.

See, I'm someone that you may have noticed only has two speeds - off, and full speed. I've taken this challenge of weight loss seriously this time, and will NOT settle for anything but the maximum. I've proven that I can do this.

My problem lately looking back, is that I've felt so unorganized. I don't know if it was the act of turning 30, or just the fact that this week has been so hectic that my daily schedule has been off. I mean - don't get me wrong, I'm DEFINITELY not complaining - my wife threw me an amazing surprise party a few weeks ago, and I've got tickets for three events - I went to the Wrestling Hall of Fame inductions on Saturday, we had a big BBQ and Wrestlemania party on Sunday, tonight we went to the Pistons game (ouch.. we got spanked), and I'm going to the Detroit Tiger's game with my brother tomorrow. I'm definitely a lucky guy.

I've just felt .. uneven. My diet was comprimised because of my schedule, and it frustrated me, because it's something *I* control. Over the past few months, I've learned that it's ME that controls my decisions in regards to food, and not my situation, or what is in front of me. The last few days - I've given myself excuses to not eat the best choices - and I was angry at myself.

So, in typical fashion, I punished myself. I've recorded 1379 calories for today, but that includes a dinner salad that "has dressing". I didn't have the dressing, so I'm guessing that realistically, I'm somewhere around 1100 for the day. Yes - on a typical day, that's WAY too few for me. But food has pissed me off lately. I looked at food today and felt angry about it. It sounds stupid - but in this challenge to get down to 250, *I* have controlled food, and I resented that it's controlled me.

So I showed it who's boss.

Tomorrow's another fun day for me. I have a workout with Josh the Destroyer at 8am, and then I took the day off of work to go to the Tiger's game. I plan on eating RIGHT, and doing what I need to do.

My motivation is strong. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, and my head is back on straight.

Oh, and Jimbo.. I know you're reading this. You better get some good running shoes, because you're going to be on this train with me sooner than you realize.


Anonymous said...

have i mentioned i'm proud of you?


Anonymous said...

Way to go Erin...we're proud of you too. You are Rob's rock and motivation.

Rob's Dad

Anonymous said...

Great blog today Rob - have fun at the game - hope you don't freeze !!


P.S. I think you can actually find some healthy food at Comerica if you go to all those booths they have by the Carosuel