Yesterday: 292.5 (new low!)
Ok, first off - congrats to Kevin for getting your average solidly under 300. VERY happy for you on that.
That being said, Kev hitting the 299's has set me back into gear. I've been going strong just because I've set these working out habits into motion, but my mental motivation seems to go up and down. I cheat a little bit on the diet - nothing that would break me - and I tend to be a little lax - but I need to really gear up, and knock these pounds off. What I'm not keeping in mind is that I've set these high goals for myself, and if I want to see 250 in the right time frame, I need to really push myself the way I did through the 'hard' stages.
To use a NASCAR comparison (I'm not much of a fan), I see Kevin as part of my team. If you don't watch NASCAR, each team will have different racers. If you're on the team with another racer, and he wins the race, that's good for you. Your team succeeds, and your teammate experiences victory. Everyone's happy.
But, if your teammate is winning, that means you're not.
It's a friendly competition where the best possible results is for you BOTH to be winning every single time. Just like in NASCAR though, that's not always possible.
I hit 299 before Kevin, and I felt like that was one of my small 'victories'. But, then Kevin was struggling with it, and I really felt his pain. I knew that feeling, and it sucks. There was nothing I wanted more than to see my teammate through all of this break through that barrier.
So - Kevin - CONGRATS! Hitting 299 is awesome, and you just recently hit 297. That's completely awesome.
But, that means that you're coming up on my rear view mirror in a hurry - and we need to keep racing to the end - because you pushing me, and me pushing you - that's been our secret all along.
Time for us both to put the pedal to the floor and hit the straight away. See you at the checkered flag, Kev.
Nothing like a little friendly competition to make things interesting ;)
Between you and me, I was secretly kind of hoping you'd hang out at your 296 plateau for a few days so I could pass you again.
But no, you had to go and hit a 292 just to one-up me, didn't you??
I WILL see you at the finish. I'll be the tall, slim, tone, tough-looking dude with the shaved head.
But so will you, I guess, huh?
Competition is a good thing. Stick with it and you both will cross the finish line as winners together, Im sure of it!
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