Tuesday, May 22, 2007

There's Only ONE Way To Win the War

Weigh In: 293.5

First off, I have no idea what that picture means, but I thought it was funny. And, it has the words "Hard Work" in it, which is the theme to this post, so it works.. Ok, onto the blog:

Sometimes I forget how much work I put into my workouts and such, and I think I take my efforts for granted. I guess that's a good thing, but there's a reason I say this.

My workout routine is habit now. I get up at 5:15-5:30, and I'm in the gym at 6am. I get out around 7:15, showered by 7:30, and I'm off and running on my day. It's just what I do. I don't really even think about it anymore. As much as work, school and lunchtime, it's a part of my day.

I've come pretty damn far in that mentality. As little as six months ago, I thought that my workout was the highlight of my day. It was a major accomplishment to show up at the gym and get any type of workout out. It wasn't part of my day, and it wasn't ranked as high as school, work, or lunchtime.

I've got a long way to go on so many aspects, but I feel pretty confident that I'm going to hit any goal that I set for myself when it comes to my weight loss. I work hard, and I reap the rewards. I'm able to call myself out when I'm down, and I know that when it's time to pat myself on the back, I feel like I'm able to. This blog as done wonders for my level of personal accountability, and I can honestly say that without it, I definitely wouldn't be where I am today.

People ask what I'm doing to lose weight. I tell them that there are two kinds of food: good stuff, and bad stuff. I eat the good, go easy on the bad. And when it comes to working out, I just do it. No excuses, no putting it off. It's as important to me as waking up in the morning, and going to bed.

The bottom line is this: If you want to reach your goals, you put the work in.

If you don't, you won't. It's really that simple.

That being said, it's an early night tonight. 6:05am Powerflex class tomorrow morning.


Rebecca said...

I love people like you, who really get it done and don't make excuses. It takes time, definitely, and you're right, lots of hard work, but it's SO worth it.

Marcol said...

Just wanted you to know you inspired me the other day. Thanks!

Christopher Evans said...

You and the other FAT members inspire me daily and I would like to join your cause. I have been struggling with my weight for years and I think the FAT Coalition is just the support group I have been looking for.

You got room for one more big man?

Rob Tucker said...

We've got plenty of room for another big fella. Hell, we're all shrinking, we've got more space than what we started with. Welcome aboard.