Sunday, May 13, 2007

Working for the Weekend

No Weigh In

LONG weekend, probably the most working out I've done in a long, long time - yet I never once saw the gym.

Saturday was a LONG one. I woke up around 6:30am - not really sure why I was up that early - and by around 7:30am, I decided to go for a run. I haven't done that in a while - since December, I believe. I went out and ran 2 miles. Now, the last time I ran, it was a matter of running a block or two, and then walking, and then alternating. For the first time since High School, I actually did a FULL MILE without stopping. I did it in right around 9:45, which is the first sub-10 I can ever remember.

The second mile was about 12 1/2 minutes, as I was walking, sucking wind, for a lot of it. Either way, that's 21 minutes. Last time I attempted it, it was like 28, 29 minutes for 2 miles. So, major improvements. I'll be doing a 5k in June, so I'm going to try to run some more prior, sort of a training.

But that's just where the day started. Being done around 9am-ish, I started working on the lawn. I mowed the front and back, trimmed some bushes, and then the big job. We've got this (approximate) 20 by 10 foot area in the backyard that used to be a kid's play structure with the prior homeowners - full of wood chips.

I shoveled them all out, I raked it all out, I hand-tilled (that little spike that you push into the ground and twist, covers about 6 inches each time) the ENTIRE THING (took over an hour), then I turned all the soil, then carried 12 fifty or sixty-pound bags of topsoil from the front of the house to the back, spread that all out, and then brought the fertilizer/seed combination back, and then spread that out. All in all, I started around 9am, and I finished around 6pm - no breaks. QUITE the workout.

Then Sunday wasn't so bad either. I didn't get huge amounts of workout in - I was still recouperating from Saturday. Mother's Day was a lot of fun - for my mother-in-law, we planted a tree, which was a bit of digging, but not much. Then, we went and spent the rest of the day with my mom, which was great too.

My cousin's in middle school, and while at my family's house, he challenged me to a race, as he is starting to run track. Now, keep in mind that I'm a 300 pound guy, and he's about 130 pounds and much younger. So, we go sprinting down this trail (I'm whooping him by the way, pretty impressed with myself), and bam - there goes the quadracep. Just popped... totally felt it go.

So, I hobble back, I've been stretching it out and heating/icing it down for a few hours.

I'm really hoping that it feels fine, because I'm going to the gym regardless tomorrow. The amount of activity will directly be related to what I can physically do - but I've got a feeling I've got a date for a LOT of stretching in the morning.

So, tomorrow will be the truth on the scale. Haven't weighed in since Friday's 2nd 301.. so I'm looking (HOPING) for a lower number. Until then!


billy said...

Wow, I'm impressed with your 2 miles! Sounds like you had quite a day...

Hope your leg feels better!

Anonymous said...

Awesome job on the run, Rob! How's your leg feeling today?

Anonymous said...

You're not as young and macho as you used to be buddy... trying to beat the kid in the race and pulled a muscle ! Hope you're OK for our three softball games this week!


Gary said...

Now you know why I sat on the deck and drank diet cokes. Takes too long to heal anymore. Testosterone does funny things doesn't it? :)